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"V E R S I C O L O U R “不夕胃波以雨案 陰鬱媛方
The finely detailed delicate silk like flowers are persistent throughout the year From spring and throughout summer, adoring this low spreader, which stifles weeds whilst hybridising busily with other geraniums producing fascinating offspring • Originating from Italy and the Balkans (but naturalised in a few fortunate places in southern England) • The cultivated in Britain by 1629, G. versicolor has been known in the wild since 1820. It is now better recorded and more widespread than when mappe
Coreopsis verticillata 'Zesty Zinger' (Threadleaf Coreopsis)
Coreopsis verticillata 'Zesty Zinger' (Threadleaf Coreopsis)
Clematis 'Piilu' - Clematis 'Piilu'
Clematis 'Piilu' gef�llte Bl�te und einfache Nachbl�ten, sehr reich bl�hend
Clematis 'Piilu'
Clematis 'Piilu' is an early-flowering clematis, bearing large, mauve-pink wavy-edged flowers from May onwards. The first flush of flowers in spring are usually double or semi-double, and measure up to 12cm in diameter. Later in the season a second flush of single, paler flowers may appear on new growth.
Allium stipitatum 'White Giant'
Buy Allium stipitatum 'White Giant' from Sarah Raven: As seen at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show, the 'White Giant' is a fantastic new variety of white globe allium.
Geranium pratense 'Striatum' (SPLISH SPLASH) (Meadow cranesbill 'Splish Splash')
Geranium pratense 'Striatum' (SPLISH SPLASH) (Meadow cranesbill 'Splish Splash')