Easter Cartoons

The Christian Cartoons with the Joyful Message
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The Christian Cartoons with the Joyful Message – by Mike Waters
The resurrection of Jesus is not a myth or a fable, but an actual event that happened in history. In Romans 1:4, the Apostle Paul says that Jesus “was declared with power to be the Son of God by his resurrection from the dead.”
The Christian Cartoons with the Joyful Message – by Mike Waters
Jesus is our reliable basket. We can put all of our faith and love in Him. We can trust Him with our life, our cares, and our future.
Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead so that we could be forgiven for our sins, and enter into a loving relationship with the Father God. Religion can make us feel bad about our sins, but only Jesus can take sin away.
An egg hunt is an Easter tradition in many parts of the world. Brightly colored eggs are hidden where children can find them, and put them in their baskets. Similarly, Jesus is also hidden in this world. But if we look for him, we will find him, and he will come to live in our hearts.
When Jesus arose out of that tomb, it was as if we who have put our faith in Him were raised right along with Him.