Thomas Allen

Scissors and paper rock.
84 Pins
Nexstar Digital - We Deliver What Matters Most
Thomas Allen Turns Tired Pulp Fiction Book Covers Into Pop-Up Sculptures
Thomas Allen - Magical book art photography.
Thomas Allen
Gorgeous Book Cut Confections by Thomas Allen
Gorgeous Book Cut Confections by Thomas Allen. Love the "Watch Dog"
From a Wall Street Journal article by Thomas Allen (using figures cut and folded from old books)
Opiniones de un corrector de estilo (2): Un corrector de estilo no es un negro literario
Book Art Photography by Thomas Allen - amazing! Don't know the title, but makes me think of the Hardy Boys
"Touché" by Thomas Allen. The 3 Musketeers book installation.
Amazing work by Thomas Allen
Conheça a arte feita de colagens de revistas e fotografias - Blog da Imaginarium
Thomas Allen