Basic electronic circuits

29 Pins
Robô de 4 Rodas
- Ideal para projetos e cursos de robótica - Estrutura em MDF cortado a laser - 4 Motores DC para tração + Ponte-H - Suspensão nas 4 rodas - Compartimento para Arduino Uno - Slot para sensor de distância HC-SR04 - Slot para suporte de 6 pilhas AA - Slot para sensores de linha - Garra frontal Opcional (servos não inclusos) - Sensor de infravermelho na cabeça - Compatível com ARDUINO e ESP32
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9 Different Desoldering Techniques
In this instructable, I'll show you 9 different methods for taking electronic components off of circuit boards. Whether you're repairing boards or salvaging parts, it's a necessary skill. This video quickly shows 4 methods.
How to Get FREE Electronic Parts!
The cost of buying electronic parts for our projects from Radio Shack or Maplin are quite expensive now days... And most of us have a limited budget in buying stuff.But...If you know the secrets of how to get electronic parts for free, you could be saving your self hundreds of bucks! Heres how...
Wireless Infra Red Perimeter Detection Device
How to get access to over 25,000 free electronic components - Electronic Products