English idioms

the spanish poster shows how to play tic - tac toe and hopscotch
Juegos de niños
¡Salimos a jugar al recreo! ¿Conoces el nombre de más juegos de niños en inglés? #cambridgeuniversitypress #learningenglish #learningenglishisfun #kidsgames #aprenderingles
a man sitting at a desk with a computer on it and the words doze off written
Phrasal verbs: sleep (info)
a woman sitting in a chair with the caption drop off
Phrasal verbs: sleep (info)
an image of different types of phrasal nouns in spanish and english
Clase de José Angel
a cartoon character with the words be after somebody's blood in spanish and english
To be after somebody's blood
Los idioms son expresiones que no deben ser tomadas literalmente y que los nativos emplean con mucha frecuencia. Si aprendes a usarlos tu inglés parecerá más natural. "You'd better stay out of her way - she's after your blood // Deberías apartarte de su camino, te la tiene jurada". #cambridgeuniversitypress #cambridge #learningenglishisfun #learningenglish #idioms #idiom #aprenderingles
a man with a beard is looking at a woman's face and the words for the life of you
For the life of you
a panda bear with speech bubbles above it's head and the caption that says 5 expressions para causa las cosavan bien
two people standing next to each other in front of a couch with the caption motor racing doesn't really float my boat
Clase de José Angel
English Help
Summer: weather (info)