Diy Green

My skin has always been very sensitive, it seems like everything makes me break out and itchy. My hair, thick and course, seems to be impossible to find a product that does the trick... My moods have always been a bit of a roller coaster, I am tired, sluggish, and a bit compulsive. I also struggle with Adhd. My digestive tract practically doesn't exist, not to mention a lot of food makes me sick. Blood circulation is poor, and my feet are always cold..I could probably keep going on with my ailments, but you get the picture... I have issues, and I am learning how to deal with them in a natural way. Sure, I can keep going to the Dr and get pills thrown at me only to endure all the side effects, and get more pills thrown at me to help with those. It's a viscous cycle, and I am tired. Tired of using garbage products that are harmful to me, my family, and the environment.
421 Pins
DIY Homemade Mouthwash to Whiten + Remineralize | The Nourished Life
Homemade Mouthwash Recipe - Whitens and Remineralizes Teeth - The Nourished Life
Coconut Milk Soap Recipe
Recipe for easy-to-make coconut milk soap. This recipe will produce a soothing, healing and moisturising soap ideal for sensitive skins. Can be used to wash hair also. Vegetarian and vegan friendly.
20 Essential Oils to Relieve Pain and Inflammation Backed by Studies
The Top 15 Essential Oils to Relieve Pain and How to Use Them
DIY Upcycled Tray - Finding Home Farms
DIY Upcycled Tray - Don't you love the cute shopping bags at stores for .99? This is the perfect upcycle for those bags!
Crafting a Natural Bug Repellent with Essential Oils
Essential Oils for Crafting a Natural Bug Repellent - Herbal Academy