Grades 9-12 TpT Resources

Here you will find educational resources for grades 9 - 12. If you would like to be added as a collaborator, send me a message and you will be added. Please pin only 2 pins per day and remove any duplicate pins. Thanks!
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"SNOW" Much to Learn About Snow
I live in Kansas, and we’ve recently had all kinds of the white, powdery stuff, but snow is much more than white, wet and cold. There are many unusual facts about snow that make it unique and one of the more complex types of precipitation. Gather some interesting facts about snow and snowflakes in my latest blog post and download and try a crossword puzzle where all the answers begin with the word “snow.”
Worksheet Place
Worksheet Place | Teachers Pay Teachers
Are Calculators a Math Tool or a Hindrance to Learning?
Calculators seem to cause much controversy in the math classroom. I know at the community college where I work, some classes allow calculators while others do not. My latest blog post is about that very topic and is entitled “Are Calculators a Math Tool or a Hindrance to Learning?” After reading it, leave me a comment on whether you agree or disagree.
Worksheet Place
Worksheet Place | Teachers Pay Teachers