Inspiration & Faith

Our heartbeat is to help women understand what it truly means to be a Christian. It is so very little about what we do, and so very much about Whose we are. Contributors, please keep your pins | Positive | Hope Filled | Family Friendly | Encouraging | For Women | Christian Conservative. Sarah Koontz, the owner of this board, invites you to join her in exploring the beauty of God’s design on her blog at
16,721 Pins
A Broken Hallelujah: Practicing Gratitude in Seasons of Grief
During times of suffering, our first thought is seldom thanksgiving. Offering gratitude from a broken heart is a sacrifice. By definition, sacrifice implies an offering to God that cost us something. Yet, offering the sacrifice of thanksgiving gives us an eternal perspective on the hard places of life.
Strong Reasons We Need the Holy Spirit for LIFE
Strong Reasons We Need the Holy Spirit for LIFE - Counting My Blessings
12 Simple Ways to Worship God Every Day
You and I can worship God every day by taking our ordinary walking around lives and offering them to Him - here are 12 simple ways to do just that. #Faith #Worship #Jesus
5 Verses to Pray When You Need to be Strong - CMB
When the challenge your facing feels overwhelming and it's hard to be strong, it's time to pray. These 5 Bible verses and prayers will help when it's hard for you to find the words. #Prayer #Faith #BeStrong #Hope
Powerful Truth to Know About Jesus from Moses
Powerful Truth to Know About Jesus from Moses - Counting My Blessings
How to Manage Your Money With Godly Wisdom
My dad likes to tell the story of how he almost tried to talk me out of taking my first teaching position because the salary was so small. I'd love to tell you how we made it work.
An Important Truth Jesus Taught People About Worship
An Important Truth Jesus Taught People About Worship - Counting My Blessings
How to Describe God's Glory to a Hurting World - Counting My Blessings
The Bible says God is glorious but how can you and I describe God's glory in ways that people who need Him can understand? #WWGGG #DescribeGod'sGlory #Faith #Blessings
You Need to have a New Perspective about God's Discipline
No one wants to be on the receiving end of God's discipline. But what if there's a wonderful higher purpose in His discipline that demonstrates His love?
How to Give God Glory Every Day - Counting My Blessings
If you and I are going to ask what would give God glory, we need to know how to give God glory! The Bible gives the following 5 ways to glorify God consistently. #WWGGG #GiveGodGlory #HopeinGod #CountingmyBlessings
Love Unconditionally
Unconditional love isn’t easy—it’s a choice we must make repeatedly, even when hope feels distant, reassurance is absent, and there’s no reciprocation or recognition. Join us this week. #unconditionallove #mareedee #IntentionalChristmasLove
How to Use Our Smartphones for Spiritual Growth | 4 Easy Ways
We can use our smartphones for spiritual growth in countless ways, for the glory of God and the good of others. In this post, Kyleigh Dunn offers four practical and creative ways to use our smartphones as a tool. With intention, our glowing screens can aid us in spiritual disciplines, facilitate connection and fellowship, provide encouragement, and plants seeds for sanctification.
Good Advice to Prepare for the Gift of Jesus
Good Advice to Prepare for the Gift of Jesus - Counting My Blessings
How to Have Hope Even When Your Heart Hurts
How to Have Hope Even When Your Heart Hurts - Counting My Blessings