PTA Thank you

9 Pins
Inexpensive, yet meaningful, teacher gift… - Beneath My Heart
Teacher Gift? - Thanks for your commit-"mint" to help me learn. Thanks for your encourage-"mint" to always do my best. Thanks for your involve-"mint" in my life. Thanks for your invest-"mint" of time and energy to make school such a great place to be. Thanks for making each day an enjoy-"mint". Thanks for helping to create a nice environ-"mint" for me to learn and grow. Everything you have done this year has really “mint” a lot to me!!!
Tales of the 4th Grade Teacher
Thank You gift for parent volunteers!
Thanks a "Bundt"ch
Thanks a "Bundt"ch - teacher gift - free printable tag - thank you gift idea
great day, project, & Smore
s'more parent gift
Instructions: Save your jars all year long. Rinse and clean well. Spray paint the lids the color of your choice. Use a sticker to put the first letter of the recipient's last name on the jar. Fill with goodies. Add some ribbon and a tag. These are also great for birthday gifts for adults and kids alike (fill it with your friends favorite candy) and make great thank you gifts as well.