
10 Pins
The Binary Book Binder on Instagram: "In case you missed it, I’m doing a giveaway of this rebind! Check out my last post for how to enter 🥳 #bookbinding #bookbinder #rebind #bookrecommendations #bookstagram #thesongofachilles #madelinemiller"
93K views · 10K likes | The Binary Book Binder on Instagram: "When I started binding I rebound TOG, and I recently redid the entire series again since I think I’ve come a long way design wise and I wasn’t super happy with how they looked before. I also don’t want to talk about how long it took me to weed all this vinyl. I’m pretty sure each book took around an hour to do 😩. Also once again used my laser cutter to engrave a custom bookmark charm for each book! #bookbinding #bookbinder #throneofglass #rebind #tog #sarahjmaas #sjm #kingdomofash #queenofshadows #bookstagram #bookrecommendations #fantasy #romance #romantasy #arcreader #xtool #xtoolf1 @xtool.official"
How to Rebind Books
how to rebind books a DIY guide to rebinding paperback to hardcover at home. Cover ideas and tips to create timeless boooks. The supplies needed, pictures of each step, and a video tutorial