
136 Pins
Easy Latin stories for beginners : with vocabulary and notes : Bennett, George Lovett, 1846-1916 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Easy Latin stories for beginners : with vocabulary and notes : Bennett, George Lovett, 1846-1916 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Learn German Today!
This giant master post guide will help you master German today! 🇩🇪 No matter if you just started learning German, have been learning German for a while (and just need an extra push over that language learning plataeu), have a tutor, are studying languages on your own, etc. - this guide will help you! With tons of German language apps, German websites for language learnings, German learning games, blog posts for language learners, and so much more 🙌
100 verbos en alemán para dominar el idioma
100 verbos en alemán para dominar el idioma
Los mejores trucos para dominar los artículos en alemán
Cuando dominas los artículos sabes automáticamente cómo declinar y por consiguiente te vuelves capaz de construir oraciones correctas. Lee el artículo en mi blog.
German Sentence Structure: The Simple Guide to German Word Order | FluentU German Blog
Sentence Structure & Word Order - German for English Speakers
Sentence Structure & Word Order - German for English SpeakersGerman for English Speakers
Werden Conjugation: Making Sense of the German Verb Werden
Werden Conjugation: Making Sense of the German Verb Werden