Twin Pregnancy Tips

You're pregnant with twins and you want to know what twin pregnancy tips will help get you there? Get the scoop on everything from how to sleep better, managing your weight gain, avoiding stretch marks and more. If it's information about being a mom of two then we've got that too!
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Advice for Women Pregnant with Twins
📣UPDATED BLOG POST📣 Looking for twin pregnancy advice as a first-time twin parent? We've got some great tips below from our Twiniversity Community to help you navigate this crazy new adventure in your life. #twinpregnancy #newborntwins #expectingtwins #twinsandmultiples #twins #twiniversity
What You Need Two of and What You Do Not
When I was pregnant with my twin boys, I scoured over lists of ‘twin must haves’ and ‘twin registry do’s/don’ts’ until I was sick of reading about bottles, swaddle blankets, and activity gyms. It wasn’t until I actually had my boys (and frankly, until they turned one) that I could look back and really figure out what my must-have product list would look like. #twins #doubletrouble #twiniversity #expectingtwins #pregnantwithtwins
Want to Get Pregnant with Twins?
A lot of twin parents ask themselves “How the heck did this happen?” while you might be thinking “How can I MAKE this happen?” Twins are awesome, but some might say, “be careful what you wish for because you just might get it.” #twinpregnancy #newborntwins #expectingtwins #twindad #twinsandmultiples
Placent Previa
Learn all about this potentially serious condition and how it can be managed with medical care. #twinpregnancy #newborntwins #expectingtwins #twinstagram #twindad #twinsandmultiples
Twin Parent Resources
From discounts and giveaways to twin gear lists and twin parent resources, we’ve got you covered! #twinpregnancy #newborntwins #expectingtwins#twindad #twinsandmultiples #twinmomlife #twinslife #twinsmom #twinparents #twinbabies
What to Eat When Pregnant with Twins
You’re pregnant with twins! How wonderful! Now you can eat for 3! While your doctor has probably told you that it’s not that easy, you might have some questions about what you should eat to have the healthiest twin pregnancy. #twiniversity #twins #expectingtwins #eatingforthree #pregnantwithtwins
What to Do When You're Having Two
Years and years of research went into writing this book. It was a true labor of love for Natalie to write it. #twinpregnancy #newborntwins #expectingtwins #twindad #twinsandmultiples #twinmomlife #twinparents #twinbabies #twinparenting #twiniversity #pregnantwithtwins #twinmom #momoftwins #multiplemumsupport #twinsisters #twinlife #twingirls
What to do When you are having Two
Need a gift for an expectant friend, spouse, daughter, daughter-in-law or co-worker? Is she having TWINS??? Look no further, she needs "What to do When You're Having Two"! Written by bestselling author and Twiniversity's own, Natalie Diaz! Give the gift of peace of mind this year! #twiniversity #twiniversityclass #pregnantgift #pregnancygift #expectingtwins #pregnantwithtwins #twinpregnancy #newborntwins #infanttwins #pregnancy #babyessentials #twins #WHATTODOWHENYOUAREHAVINGTWO #gifts
Twin Pregnancy Books to Read when You're Having Two
Searching for twin pregnancy books to prepare you for your upcoming twin delivery? We've done the research and found the best twin pregnancy books just for you. Plus, they make great gifts for the expecting twin parents in your life. As twin parents ourselves, we've vetted these books just for you. #twinpregnancy #newborntwins #expectingtwins #twindad #twinsandmultiples #twinmomlife #twinmum #twinparents #twinbabies
Twins' Heartbeats: When and How Will You Hear Them? | Twiniversity
Aside from that first cry, there is no sweeter sound than when you hear your twins' heartbeats for the first time. Whether you found out it was twins right away, or an ultrasound showed you later in your pregnancy, you'll be eager to hear those two heartbeats thump-thumping together. #twinpregnancy #pregnantwithtwins #twinmom #momtobe #expectingtwins #expecting #pregnant #pregnancy
Delivery Day Bootcamp
Join us for two evenings, at 7 pm Eastern. We'll cover some of the most important Twins Delivery Day tips. Hosted by Natalie Diaz, founder of Twiniversity and bestselling author of What To Do When You're Having Two!⁠#multiples #twinsandmultiples #doubletrouble #twinparents #parentingadvice #parentinghacks #parentingtips #twinparenting
Pregnancy Stretches
Pregnant and looking for some physical relief? We’ve got you, girl. Keep reading to learn the benefits of daily pregnancy stretches and our top videos to learn some safe stretches most pregnant women can start doing today to prevent just a little bit of pain during pregnancy. #twins #twinpregnancy #expectingtwins #twinmom
The Tree of Life
Placenta Tree of Life! Many animals have rituals when it comes to ‘disposing’ of their placenta. These days we honor that connection by burying the placenta and the umbilical cord underneath a tree. A symbol of the children’s own journeys to come within the world. They will need water and nourishment to thrive and grow, just as their birth tree will too. #twinpregnancy #multiplemumsupport #twinmomlife #pregnantwithtwins #newborntwins #twinsmom #twinslife #expectingtwins
4 Weird Pregnancy Symptoms
People love to tell pregnant women horror stories. While some things people should just keep to themselves, others are helpful for women who like to emotionally prepare for when something weird happens to their bodies. And let’s be honest; it’s pregnancy, so weird things happen all the time. I was prepared for some pregnancy symptoms but wasn’t mentally or emotionally prepared for others.
4 Questions to Ask Your Doctor During Twin Pregnancy
Finding out you are expecting twins can bring about dozens of questions. Here are the top 4 questions to ask your doctor early on in your twin pregnancy! #twinpregnancy #expectingtwins #twins