Retro Articles

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Was Elvis Presley Popular In The 60s?
Elvis Presley is a Rock and Roll legend who changed the course of music for years to come. With his distinct voice, smooth and catchy tunes, and dancing moves that blew the ladies’ minds off, Elvis’ success was nothing but guaranteed. He rose to fame in the mid-50s, a period when he dominated the music charts all over the world. Everyone was crazy for Elvis. . #elvis #elvispresley #elvislives #60smusic #50smusic #70smusic #70srock #1970smusic #rockandroll #elvispresleyfans
Is Masters Of The Universe: Revelation Worth Watching?
Kevin Smith has crafted a worthy successor to Filmation's original, honoring that which has come before while at the same time.... . #Netflix #SaturdayMorning #motur #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #heman #motu #filmation #mattel #mastersoftheuniverse #retro #classic #oldschool #vintage #nostalgia #retrokid #retrolovers #missthosedays #throwback #childhood #memories #goodolddays #wheniwasakid #childhoodmemories
What Became Of Kristin Kreuk After Smallville?
After Smallville Kristin Kreuk continued acting both on TV and in Movies... . #KristinKreuk #actress #canadianactress #smallville #lanalang #dccomics #dceu #vintagetv #classictv #retrotv #retrotvshows #tvland #tvshow #tv #tvshows #tvseries #oldtvshows
10 Best 90s Basketball Shoes To Get Your Retro NBA Sneaker Fix!
It doesn't matter how old you were in the 1990s. Child, teenager, or adult. NBA basketball shoes stole our sleep and an incredible amount of dollars. You may not even have been born then, but you have seen on the internet and social networks the great impact of these extraordinary models, awakening that desire to have them. Besides, their style istimeless thanks to the fact that designers back then weren’t too #90s #Basketball #Jordans #MichaelJordan #Nike #Shoes #Sports
The 5 Best Hockey Arcade Games Of The 90s
When it comes to sports games, few are as fun as hockey. It’s fast-paced, fun, and certain to have your pulse quickening with each crisp pass of the puck. Today’s next generation video games do an incredible job of harnessing the latest technology to really immerse players in the experience with EA Sports leading the way. However, as impressive asthese games are, there is still something truly charming about the #90s #hockey #hockeyfans #retzky #slapshot #90sgamer #arcade #retrogamer
21 Best Wrestlers Of The 1980s
We will be looking at the best wrestlers from the 1980s that left the biggest impact so professional wrestling would continue to be enjoyed for decades to come.... . #vintagewrestling #vintagewrestlingtoys #wwf #wwe #wcw #wrestlemania #90swrestling #wwfgoldenera #80swrestling
Which Atari Console Is The Best? (And Why)
If a console's quality is measured by the quality of its games (by the time of its release), then is safe to say that the Atari VCS, or 2600 as it came to be known later, is the best thing the American Video Game company made before the Jaguar flopped and they stopped focusing on home consoles altogether. As you may know, Atari first entered the home market with dedicated PONG consoles, had a handheld device (the #80s #80sVideoGames #Atari #Atari2600 #ConsoleGaming
List of Every 4 Player GameCube Game
The Nintendo 64 was nicknamed "The Fun Machine", it had 4 controller ports in the front which was rare at the time, but it was done on purpose to show that its main selling point was its awesome library of Multiplayer games. . #2000s #2000sVideoGames #GameCube #LocalMultiplayer #Nintendo #PartyGames
Every Super Mario Game for Nintendo DS Ranked
We are going to cover all of his major releases and rank them for you. So if you have a DS and are looking for a Mario fix, this is it!... . #Mario #Nintendo #SuperMario #itsame #nintendo #nds #ds #nintendods #3ds #retrogaming
The History Of Lunchables
Lunchables absolutely dominate the market for children’s “combination lunches”, and when I say dominate I mean it in every sense of the word... . #oscarmayer #lunchables #80s #eighties #1980s #retrofood #nostalgia #retrokid #retrolovers #goodolddays #wheniwasakid #childhoodmemories #80stothemax #80spopculture
Are Video Game Emulators Legal? What About ROMs?
This is the million-dollar question and one we've all asked ourselves at some point when playing classic games from previous generations from the convenience of a PC. You can get any classic game in ROM or ISO format for free, and playing it on an emulator is so easy that it seems hard to believe it's legal. And the fact is that playing a physicalversion of the game on the game consoles of yesteryear is a real #80s #80sVideoGames #90s #90sVideoGames #ConsoleGaming #Emulation #Emulators
What Is A Hot Wheels Treasure Hunt? (And How To Identify A TH Car)
Hot Wheels Treasure Hunts, or T-Hunts, are a specialty series of cars first introduced by Mattel in 1995. Treasure Hunt Hot Wheels are highly sought after due to their limited production run... . #hotwheels #hwtreasurehunt #retrotoys #retrotoysrock #toy #toys #retrotoy #vintagetoys #toycollection #toycommunity #toycollectors #toycommunity #toycollectors #toyhunter #toyhunter #toystagram #oldtoys #retrocollector #80stoysrule #realmofcollectors #toyrevoloution
The 15 Worst SNES Games You Should Avoid!
The Super Nintendo had some of the best games of the ‘90s. Legendary titles are still fondly remembered to this day by thousands (if not millions) of gamers... . #SuperFamicom #SFC #Nintendo #SuperNintendo #SNES #90skid #90s #retrogaming #retrogames #retro #retrogamer
What Is Retro Day During Spirit Week?
Do you remember receiving a school flyer with the outline for the week, which stated a specific theme for different days, and thought to yourself, “What is this?” And in your quick glance through the outline, you came across “Retro Day”? What Is “Retro Day? . #retro #classic #oldschool #retroday #vintage #nostalgia #retrokid #70s #groovy #1970s #hippielife #80s #eighties #1980s #retrolovers #missthosedays #throwback #childhood #memories #goodolddays #wheniwasakid #childhoodmemories
What is Anemoia? Nostalgia For A Past You Have Never Lived
Anemoia means to experience nostalgia for a time you have NEVER known. In other words, to experience true Anemoia, you must experience genuine nostalgia when...... . #retro #classic #oldschool #vintage #nostalgia #retrokid #retrolovers #missthosedays #throwback #childhood #memories #goodolddays #wheniwasakid #childhoodmemories