
creating a faster and easier way to find and post creative oppor

  • 12 members
  • 5 posts
  • $4.48/month

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Artists & Creatives Worldwide 🌐
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Small Cultural Organization
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Create a profile for your organization to publish and disseminate all the opportunities you offer.

We are suggesting organizations contribute on a sliding scale. Support Rivet at this level if your annual operating is less than $50,000 per year.
Large Cultural Organization
 / month
Create a profile for your organization to publish and disseminate all the opportunities you offer. Support Rivet at this level if your annual operating is more than $50,000 per year.
For Networks
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Help us spread the word about your network, alliance, umbrella organization, conference, and advocacy work! 
Arts Councils, Schools & Institutions
 / month
Help us give your students and constituents a better research tool! Gain access to a vast and efficient source of information and disseminate a tailored newsletter for creative people in your area, or around a theme or discipline. Support Rivet at this level if your annual operating is more than $100,000 per year.

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