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Epsom Salt Uses

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Survival is impossible without several essential things in 2023: survival food, water supplies, a sustainable shelter to keep you warm, means of building fire. Of course, having well-developed survival skills and the ability to figure out particular issues in different situations will be necessary, but when you are backed with reliable survival gear, your chances increase manifold. In this article, we will tell you about Epsom salt.

Epsom salt takes its name from where people first found it – Epsom (in Surrey, England). There is a wide variety of Epsom salt uses such as Epsom salt bath or Epsom salt soaks as a part of foot care. These uses are well-known. However, there are many more uses of Epsom salts that go far beyond treating toenail fungus.

You may not want to soak your feet or may not have a problem with an ingrown toenail or Athlete’s foot. Still, you will find Epsom salts extremely useful in everyday life.

Before we start:

Epsom Salt’s Effects

Epsom Salt’s EffectsEpsom Salt’s Effects

Epsoak Epsom Salt - 5 Lbs. Magnesium Sulfate UspEpsoak Epsom Salt - 5 Lbs. Magnesium Sulfate Usp Magnesium is the main component of Epsom salt. It can be absorbed through the skin. Magnesium supplements are highly recommended for people with magnesium deficiency that can lead to serious health problems. Therefore, Epsom salt uses are essential for our health and well-being.

Ordinary table salt consists of sodium chloride, and Epsom salt consists of magnesium sulfate. Therefore, you can not replace Epsom salt with table salt. They do not have the same chemical structure.

Epsom salt helps flush toxins and positively affects muscle and nerve function and the nervous system.



What is Magnesium Sulfate?

What Is Magnesium Sulfate?What Is Magnesium Sulfate? The main components of Epsom salt are magnesium and sulfate. As the main chemical compound, magnesium plays a significant role in the effect of Epsom salt on the body. Magnesium helps improve health, solve magnesium deficiency, prevent heart problems, relieve tension and stress, heal wounds and bruises faster.

Various Uses for Epsom Salts

Various Uses For Epsom SaltsVarious Uses For Epsom Salts We promise you will be surprised by the huge number of uses for Epsom salt. So keep reading to avoid missing useful and amazing life hacks of using magnesium and sulfate for your health, beauty, home, and pets.

For the Pets’ Health

For The Pets’ HealthFor The Pets’ Health The first application that we will tell you about is using Epsom salt for your pets. It’s no secret that Epsom salt is ideal for the bath. However, you probably have not thought that such a bath has healing properties and benefits for people and animals.

Who will benefit from a bath with Epsom salt?


  • Epsom salt has healing properties both for sore, irritated skin and for the muscles of the animal. Moreover, all skin damage will heal much faster when using Epsom salt and soaking the skin in it. One cup of Epsom salt placed in a gallon of water will be enough.
  • Do not forget that magnesium sulfate is absorbed through the skin. Therefore, the skin can sting after salt, so be sure to rinse the entire skin with water after a bath.


  • Your favorite aquarium fish may also be susceptible to diseases. The most common health problems are associated with intestinal and bladder disorders and a lack of magnesium in the body. An excess of magnesium sulfate in Epsom salt will positively affect the well-being of fish.
  • Prepare the solution by mixing one tablespoon of salt in a gallon of water.
  • Pour the solution into a container where the fish will be comfortable to spend about half an hour.
  • Then put them back to the fish tank.

Epsom Salt Bath and Other Ways to Use Epsom Salt for Your Beauty Routine

Epsom Salt Bath And Other Ways To Use Epsom Salt For Your Beauty RoutineEpsom Salt Bath And Other Ways To Use Epsom Salt For Your Beauty Routine Epsom salt can be used for completely different purposes related to your beauty and health. Although we often think of Epsom salts as something we use directly for its intended purpose as a bath salt. However, Epsom salts can be used for dozens more useful procedures. Check out the list of the most important and popular health benefits of Epsom salt below.

1 – Relaxing foot bath

The first use of Epsom salt that most people know about is a moisturizing warm bath, also known as an Epsom salt soak that helps deal with problems connected to Athlete’s foot.

To make an Epsom salt bath, you do not need to perform a lot of preparatory actions. Everything is extremely simple!

  • Dilute half cup of salt in warm water;
  • Immerse your feet in a bathtub filled with salty water and leave them for a few minutes until the water finally cools down;
  • Rinse your feet to avoid irritation;
  • Dry your feet with a towel.

What effect does this warm bath have? Epsom salts soften rough skin of the feet, relieve you of calluses and corns, fight foot fungus. Moreover, you may have a hard day, walk a lot, or have uncomfortable shoes. In any of these cases, you need to remove the tension from the feet. Epsom salt baths are ideal for this.

While the magnesium ions are released, your skin uses up lactic acid. As a result, Epsom salt bath is a great remedy for muscle cramps and sore muscles. Moreover, it helps reduce inflammation.

2 – Deep cleansing of the skin

Epsom salt baths are not the only way to use the salt for health concerns. Deep cleansing of the skin is a mandatory element of care for both women and men. Fortunately, it is not always necessary to buy expensive creams and masks to achieve a good result. Sometimes it is worth listening to the advice of previous generations and using simple and natural remedies such as Epsom salt.

All you need to do is take one-half teaspoon of salt and add it to a regular cleansing cream. Mix the mixture well and apply it to the skin with rubbing movements. Then rinse the cream off your face. It is better to wash off with cold water to close the pores after their deep cleansing.

3 – A useful face mask

If you have a problem skin, which is characterized by frequent acne and increased fat content, then cleansing will not be enough. To reduce problems and achieve perfect skin, we also recommend using a face mask regularly. Anyone with a minimal set of components will be able to make this face mask.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Beat the egg white (one egg will be enough);
  2. Add half a teaspoon of Vitamin B5 powder (also known as pantothenic acid);
  3. You will need equal parts Epsom salt and aloe vera gel;
  4. Cut the tomato (it is better to choose the ripest);
  5. Finally, add the oil (we recommend choosing thyme oil, you only need two drops);
  6. Mix everything;
  7. Apply to the face, wait fifteen minutes and rinse with water. Use clean cold water to close the pores after the procedure.

4 – Forget about blackheads

J.crow'S Lugol'S Iodine SolutionJ.crow'S Lugol'S Iodine Solution



Do you also suffer from blackheads? Try this recipe: Add three drops of Lugol’s liquid iodine solution and a teaspoon of Epsom salt to boiling water. Spread the resulting mixture on the black dots. Then remove the blackheads.






5 – Hair Mask

This mask will ensure the health and beauty of the hair. Combine equal parts conditioner and Epsom salt. This mixture should be applied to the hair while warm, so warm it up in the microwave or stove. After twenty minutes, rinse with water.

6 – Relaxing bath

Epsom Salt 2Lb (907G)Epsom Salt 2Lb (907G) Take a bath with Epsom salt to relax after a hard day and relieve stress. A mineral compound called magnesium, which is absorbed into your skin, leads to the production of serotonin in the body. If you want the water to get a pleasant smell, you will need to add your favorite oil. If you are going through a difficult period, use this bath with natural salt about three times a week to reduce the stress level in your life.

Moreover, you can prepare a special bath to detoxify the body or add special herbs to warm water.





7 – A remedy for splinters

Thanks to Epsom salt, you can get rid of a splinter. To do this, soak your feet in a saline solution.

8 – Skin damage

Also, Epsom salt helps with bites, poison ivy, and sunburn. Dissolve two tablespoons in water and blot the affected area of the skin with this liquid. In addition, you will be able to cure conjunctivitis faster in the same way.

9 – Use it for gout

Three teaspoons of Epsom salt and soaking for half an hour will help with inflammation in gout.

10 – A remedy for oily hair

Get rid of excess oil in your hair with Epsom salt. You will need one-half cup of shampoo and nine tablespoons of Epsom salt. For one application, one tablespoon of the product will be enough. Wait for the hair to dry and rinse it with water. After that, we also recommend using lemon juice and letting it soak into the hair for no more than ten minutes. Rinse your hair again.

11 – Constipation relief

Dr Teal'S Epsom Salt BathDr Teal'S Epsom Salt Bath


Detoxify the body and treat constipation with Epsom salts. Dissolve two teaspoons of salt in a glass of warm water. Drink the solution. This way, you will solve the problems of constipation and saturate the body with magnesium. However, you should not detox too often. It can be dangerous for the body.




12 – As a scrub

Another important tool for body care is a scrub. You can also replace it with Epsom salts. To refresh the rough skin and exfoliate the dead skin, type a small amount of salt into the palm of your hand and massage the wet skin. It also helps to reduce stress.

13 – Epsom salt will help to get rid of bruises faster

To make your bruises go away faster, add two cups of salt to warm water. However, remember that immediately after receiving a bruise, this bath is contraindicated. Wait a couple of days after the injury.

Clean Your House Using Epsom Salt

Clean Your House Using Epsom SaltClean Your House Using Epsom Salt Let us tell you even more about the benefits of Epsom salt, which will make your home routine related to washing or cleaning easier and more enjoyable. Do not miss the life hacks that we have collected for you. Make sure that adding Epsom salt can be much more useful than most people think.

1 – Tile cleaner

If you have ever faced the problem of cleaning tiles in the bathroom or the kitchen from grease like one from frying bacon, dirt, and plaque, you know how difficult it is to solve this problem. You may not have expected this, but cleaning the tiles will become easier if you use the salt. To prepare the perfect cleaning agent, take Epsom salt and liquid dish detergent in the same volume. You won’t believe your eyes! Dirt will go away quickly and easily.

2 – Dish cleaner

It is often challenging to wash burnt food and fat from pans and pans. Do not despair and throw away your favorite dishes! It will be worth trying another way, even if all the previous life hacks do not work. Use half a teaspoon of Epsom salt. Add salt directly to a saucepan or frying pan and fill it with hot water. Boiled water from a kettle or warm water from the tap will be okay.

3 – Help with your car

Another amazing property of Epsom salt is the ability to restore the battery in your car without wiring. First, you need to prepare a solution. To do this, add an ounce of salt to warm, almost hot water. Wait until it dissolves. From this solution, you will get a paste, which you need to lubricate the battery. This will prolong and improve the battery life in your car without hotwiring.

4 – As a decoration

We all want to add a little magic to Christmas and create a special atmosphere at home. Epsom salt can also help you with this. The solution, which can be prepared with salt, is excellent for creating the effect of the frozen window.

Here are a few steps that will ensure the desired effect: Boil water and add about one glass of boiled water to a bowl; add the same amount of Epsom salt; take one tablespoon of dishwashing detergent; mix all the ingredients in a bowl; you will need a sponge to apply to the glass. You will see the final result in a few minutes.

5 – As a crafting tool

In combination with decoupage glue called Mod Podge, you can try some great ideas for crafts. If you or your child is fond of crafts, you may want to consider this option!

6 – A laundry softener

Epsoak Epsom Salt 19 LbEpsoak Epsom Salt 19 LbEpsom salt also has the property of softening the laundry that you wash in the washing machine. Therefore, we recommend that you buy Epsom salt with the addition of flavorings so that your laundry after washing is not only soft but also pleasantly smelling.

If you can’t find such salt in a local store, it will be an excellent option to buy a training Epsom salt and a bottle of essential oil. Add about 30 or 40 drops of essential oil. Do not forget to store the salt in a hermetically sealed glass jar. Enjoy the softness and pleasant smell of laundry!



Make Gardening Easier With Epsom Salt

Make Gardening Easier With Epsom SaltMake Gardening Easier With Epsom Salt We also want to tell you that Epsom salt perfectly stimulates the growth of plants. We have selected the top five useful ideas for using Epsom salt. They will be useful to you to help the plants in your garden grow healthy and large.

1 – A magic mixture for your plants

Do not forget about the possibility of using Epsom salts as a fertilizer for your fruit plants. Epsom salts work especially well for pepper plants, chia sprouts, and tomatoes that you grow yourself. Also, adding Epsom salt to warm water will affect the growth of flowers and increase their number.

To make a warm mixture, add a teaspoon of salt to one gallon of water. This mixture should be distributed among the plants at least once every two weeks to achieve the result.

2 – Magnesium sulfate as a color enhancer

We have already mentioned that Epsom salt consists of magnesium sulfate. It is it and iron that will help make the green color of your lawn in the garden more vivid and at the same time natural.

It is necessary to spray the mixture all over the lawn so that the color is uniform. Do this with a certain frequency and do not miss a week. The mixture is made by stirring two tablespoons of Epsom salt in a gallon of water.

3 – A necessary addition to fertilizer

However, it is not enough to simply spray plants and shrubs to ensure a good harvest throughout the season. If you are engaged in gardening, you will probably know that the soil is of great importance. Add one cup of Epsom salt directly to your favorite fertilizer mixture and distribute them together over the area where you will be planting.

Want to find out even more details? Follow this link.

4 – Scare away wild animals with the addition of Epsom salt

An additional tip will be useful for those who store garbage in their yard in a large garbage can or store it in a barrel for incineration before burning the waste. Surely you have noticed that the smell of waste attracts wild animals and intrusive insects.. They can come to your site and even dig in the trash can, scattering garbage all over your site. Of course, this is unpleasant and adds extra worries to you. Usually, foxes and raccoons are engaged in digging in the garbage.

How can this problem be solved? Epsom salt will help you again:

  • First, take a package of salt and scatter it over the waste. Then, pour it into the tanks that have accumulated in the trash can – this way, the smell of salt will spread around the garbage can or barrel, and wild animals will not feel the smell of waste that is attractive to them.

The same goes for garden slugs:

  • If you notice too many slugs in your garden, we will recommend using Epsom salt. Sprinkle Epsom salt on the paths around your garden, and you will immediately notice that the slugs no longer visit your garden! Just like foxes and raccoons, garden slugs cannot tolerate the smell of salt.

What Can Go Wrong While Using Epsom Salts?

What Can Go Wrong While Using Epsom Salts?What Can Go Wrong While Using Epsom Salts? Above, we wrote about the many useful uses of Epsom salt in agriculture, gardening, personal hygiene, and even in the care of pets. However, it is critical to remember that Epsom salt is extremely rich in magnesium. In addition to its positive properties, magnesium can cause several side effects.

This will not be a problem if you are not allergic to magnesium or use salt in the right amounts and do not abuse it.

Nevertheless, we consider it necessary to warn you about some of the dangers associated with the use of Epsom salt:

  • Allergies can occur even if you do not know about them. Therefore, first, monitor your condition when using Epsom salt so as not to suffer in the future;
  • With an overabundance of magnesium, you may not feel very well, which will lead to nausea, dizziness, headache. If you constantly take more magnesium than you should, serious heart problems will occur;
  • If you have problems with digestion (some of them can be fixed with activated charcoal)and stool and decide to start taking Epsom salt, you will need to be careful and follow all the instructions so that your problems do not become even more serious.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What can Epsom salt be used for?

There are dozens of health benefits of Epsom salt. Epsom salt is a universal remedy. The most popular uses for Epsom salts are gardening, personal hygiene, home care, and pet care. Epsom salt baths are extremely well-known. Read more about this above. At the same time, remember that the high magnesium content makes Epsom salt a rather dangerous remedy if used incorrectly or excessively.

When should you not use Epsom salt?

Epsom salt has numerous health benefits, but it can also cause harm if misused. Therefore, use trustworthy health information, follow the recommendations, and remember that more does not always mean better. If you are not sure whether to use salt or not, we will recommend asking local doctors to provide medical advice to you. Be especially careful if you are going to take Epsom salt as a laxative. Do not take the risk and self-medicate with acute abdominal pain and nausea.

What are the benefits of soaking in Epsom salt?

First, Epsom salt soaks help to get rid of pains, wounds, calluses, and splinters. They help with gout. Secondly, Epsom salt baths help to cope with stress more easily. Get acknowledged with the details and recommendations on the use of Epsom salt in our article.


A former USA Army sergeant and a highly educated survivalist and prepper with a degree and interest in Engineering and Electronics, Mike Millerson applies his extensive expertise in survivalism, homesteading, backpacking, hiking and hunting, spreading his deep knowledge about handling emergencies and prepping for them reasonably and effectively.




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