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Epidemics and Pandemics - the Historical Perspective: Introduction
Epidemien und Pandemien - die historische Perspektive: Einleitung
[journal article]
Abstract Every historical period has its characteristic epidemic. In the Middle Ages, up to one-third of the European population died of the plague epidemic called the Black Death (1346 to 1353). Later, cholera, Spanish flu, and AIDS terrified the population. Every epidemic triggered social changes and funct... view more
Every historical period has its characteristic epidemic. In the Middle Ages, up to one-third of the European population died of the plague epidemic called the Black Death (1346 to 1353). Later, cholera, Spanish flu, and AIDS terrified the population. Every epidemic triggered social changes and functioned as a catalyst for developments, which were already taking place. In addition to the often-devastating impact on life and health, epidemics and pandemics hold potential for innovations. The Black Death certainly led to a rising standard of living and is even said to have accelerated the development of printing. In the 19th century, cholera was considered to be a motor of sanitary reforms, such as central water supply and sewerage. The current SarsCoV-2 pandemic clearly shows that epidemics are still part of human history
and not just, as has long been believed, limited to the Global South.... view less
epidemic; contagious disease; political impact; economic impact; social effects; cultural history; medicine; historical development
Social History, Historical Social Research
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p. 7-33
Historical Social Research, Supplement (2021) 33
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Epidemics and Pandemics - the Historical Perspective
Published Version; peer reviewed