Before taking a break from doing runs I wanted to discover a way of bypassing the ball bit scales on my skip "Zephyr Leap". Surprisingly, I stumbled upon something better and faster than my mask skip and the tv skip. I don't have a name for this one unlike the other so I'm going to refer to it as "Lamp" :D. Enjoy my run on showcasing on to use it, have fun everyone!
Mod Note: Run starts on frame 1503 and ends on frame 4456 at 60 FPS.
Real Time: 00:49.217
In-Game Time: 00:49.217
Hi Everyone, Louie here!
As some of you are aware Ruin is finally out and and is an amazing Linear Experience!
Myself and the rest of the mods will be hard at work to get this board up and running. We have a couple of ideas as to what we can bring to the boards, and with the new Chapter Select mod