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        Dr. Raghuveer Choudhary
        Associate Prof of Physiology
        Dr S.N.M.C, Jodhpur
 Hemo: Referring to blood cells
 Poiesis: “The development or production
 The word Hemopoiesis refers to the
  production & development of all the
  blood cells:
   Erythrocytes: Erythropoiesis
   Leucocytes: Leucopoiesis
   Thrombocytes: Thrombopoiesis.
 Begins in the 20th week of life in the
  fetal liver & spleen, continues in the
  bone marrow till young adulthood &
 It is the process of development, differentiation
  and maturation of RBCs from primitive stem

 Monophyletic and polyphyletic theory

 Things to learn:-
  Site, Stages, Duration, Regulating
  factors, Clinical abnormalities
Sites of erythropoiesis

• Mesoblastic stage-
in the yolk sac
Starts at 2 weeks of intrauterine life
• Hepatic stage-
2-7 months
Both liver and spleen
• Myeloid stage
Myeloid stage
• Occurs in bone marrow

• Starts at 5 months of fetal life and takes over
  completely at birth

• Red bone marrow of all bones

• Late adult life, red marrow of flat bones

 Active Hemopoietic       Appendicular
  marrow is found, in      skeleton:
                             Bones of the Upper &
 children throughout          Lower limbs
                         In Adults active
   Axial skeleton:
                          hemopoietic marrow
       Cranium
       Ribs.
                         is found only in:
       Sternum            The axial skeleton
       Vertebrae          The proximal ends
       Pelvis             of the appendicular
In the adult, red blood cells, many white
blood cells, and platelets are formed in
the bone marrow. In the fetus, blood cells
are also formed in the liver and
spleen, and in adults such
extramedullary hematopoiesis may
occur in diseases in which the bone
marrow becomes destroyed or fibrosed
In children, blood cells are actively
produced in the marrow cavities of all the

 By age 20, the marrow in the cavities of
the long bones, except for the upper
humerus and femur, has become inactive .

Active cellular marrow is called red
marrow; inactive marrow that is infiltrated
with fat is called yellow marrow.
The bone marrow is actually one of the largest organs
in the body, approaching the size and weight of the
liver. It is also one of the most active.
 Normally, 75% of the cells in the marrow belong to the
white blood cell-producing myeloid series and only
25% are maturing red cells, even though there are over
500 times as many red cells in the circulation as there
are white cells.
This difference in the marrow reflects the fact that the
average life span of white cells is short, whereas that of
red cells is long.

 These cells have extensive proliferative
  capacity and also the:
   Ability to give rise to new stem cells (Self
   Ability to differentiate into any blood cells
    lines (Pluripotency)
 They grow and develop in the bone
 The bone marrow & spleen form a
  supporting system, called the
 “hemopoietic microenvironment”
                          PLURIPOTENT STEM CELL


STEM CELL                                     STEM CELL
              STEM CELL

                                     CFU: COLONY
                                     FORMING UNIT
Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are bone marrow cells
that are capable of producing all types of blood cells.

They differentiate into one or another type of
committed stem cells (progenitor cells). These in turn
form the various differentiated types of blood cells.

 There are separate pools of progenitor cells for
megakaryocytes, lymphocytes, erythrocytes, eosinoph
ils, and basophils; neutrophils and monocytes arise
from a common precursor.
Stem cells

• Totipotential stem cells- convert into any
  tissue type

• Pluripotent stem cell- Pluripotent
  hematopoeitic stem cell

• Committed stem cells- CFU E, CFU G, CFU
  M, etc

 Committed stem cells lose their capacity
  for self-renewal.
 They become irreversibly committed.
 These cells are termed as “Progenitor
 They are regulated by certain hormones
  or substances so that they can:
   Proliferate
   Undergo Maturation.

   BFU-E: Burst Forming Unit – Erythrocyte:
     Give rise each to thousands of nucleated
      erythroid precursor cells, in vitro.
     Undergo some changes to become the Colony
      Forming Units-Erythrocyte (CFU-E)
     Regulator: Burst Promoting Activity (BPA)
Stages of erythropoiesis

          Early normoblast

       Intermediate normoblast

          Late normoblast


Stages of RBC Maturation

                           Figure 19.6

15-20µm- basophilic cytoplasm, nucleus
   with nucleoli.

14-17µm-mitosis, basophilic cytoplasm,
   nucleoli disappears.

Hb appears, nucleus condenses.

7-10µm- PYKNOTIC Nucleus.
Extrusion, Hb is maximum.

7.3µm- Reticulum of basophilic material
   in the cytoplasm.

7.2µm- Mature red cell with Hb.
                •15-20 microns
                •Mitosis present
                •Nucleus with multiple
                •Basophilic cytoplasm
                with polyribosomes
                •No hemoglobin
Basophilic normoblast
               Large nucleus
               Basophilic cytoplasm
               Active mitosis
               Slight reduction in size
            Chromatin lumps
            Hb starts appearing
            Reduced mitoses
Orthochromatic normoblast
             Small and pyknotic
             Eosinophilic cytoplasm
             Mitoses absent
            Reticular nuclear
            Nucleus extruded
            Slightly larger than RBCs
Basophilic                                 Dividing
Proerythroblast                           Polychromatophilic
                        erythroblast                           Polychromatophilic
      or                                   (or intermediate)
                             or                                  Erythroblast or
pronormoblast                               Erythroblast or
                           Early                                   Normoblast

                                             Orthochromatic        (Acidophilic)
     Reticulocyte                             erythroblast         erythroblast
    (brilliant cresyl      Reticulocyte         Extruding               Or
      blue dye) 1                                Nucleus               Late

   Young erythrocytes
   Contain a short network of clumped
   ribosomes and RER.
   Enter the blood stream
   Fully mature with in 2 days as their contents
   are degraded by intracellular enzymes.
   Count = 1-2% of red cells
   Provide an index of rate of RBC
Erythrocytes Production (Erythropoiesis)
                 •Cell size large 20-25 mircon
    Myeloid      •Nucelus large
   Stem cells    •Less cytoplasm
                 •Mitosis present

                •Cell size decrease 15-17 mircon

                Basophilic   1   Erythroblast:
                •Cell size 12-15 mircon
                •Nucelus Condensed
                •Mitosis present
                •Nucleoli Rudimentary
                •Produces huge number of Ribosomes
                •Hb synthesis starts

                Polychromatophil         2   Erythroblast:
                •Cell size 10-12 mircon
                •Nucelus Condensed
                •Mitosis Absent

                 Orhochromatic       3   Erythroblast:
                 •Cell size 8-10 mircon
                 •Nucelus More Condensed

                •Young Erythrocytes
                •Cell size 7-8 mircon

Erythrocytes Production (Erythropoiesis)

2. Myeloid stem cells

3. Proerythroblast

4. Basophilic Erythoroblasts (Early erythroblasts) (early Normoblast)

5. Polychromatophil Erythroblasts (Intermediate erythroblast or

6. Orhochromatic Erythroblasts (Late Erythroblast or Normoblasts)

7. Reticulocytes
       Young erythrocytes

8. Erythrocytes


Differentiation phase: from pronormoblast to
  reticulocyte phase- 5 days

Maturation phase: from reticulocyte to RBC-
 2 days
Factor needed of
 1. Erythropoietin ( Released in response to
 2. Vitamin B 6 (Pyridoxine)
 3. Vitamin B 9 (Folic Acid)
 4. Vitamin B 12 (Cobolamin)
      Essential for DNA synthesis and RBC
 5. Vitamin C  Helps in iron absorption (Fe+++ 
 6. Proteins  Amino Acids for globin synthesis
 7. Iron & copper  Heme synthesis
 8. Intrinsic factor  Absorption of Vit B 12
 9. Hormones
Factors affecting erythropoiesis:-
C) Hormonal factors:
i-Androgens: increase erythropoiesis by stimulating the
    production of erythropoietin from kidney.
ii-Thyroid hormones:
 Stimulate the metabolism of all body cells including the
    bone marrow cells, thus, increasing erythropoiesis.
 Hypothyroidism is associated with anemia while
    hyperthyroidism is associated with polycythaemia.
Factors affecting erythropoiesis:-
C) Hormonal factors:
 Stimulate the general metabolism and also stimulate the bone
  marrow to produce more RBCs.
 In Addison’s disease (hypofunction of adrenal cortex) anemia
  present, while in Cushing’s disease (hyperfunction of adrenal
  cortex) polycythaemia present.

Factors affecting erythropoiesis:-
C) Hormonal factors:
iv-Pituitary gland: Affects erythropoiesis both
   directly and indirectly through the action of
   several hormones.
v- Haematopoietic growth factors: Are secreted by
   lymphocytes, monocytes & macrophages to
   regulate the proliferation and differentiation of
   proginator stem cells to produce blood cells.
Factors affecting erythropoiesis:-
D)-State of liver & bone marrow:
i-Liver: Healthy liver is essential for normal
   erythropoiesis because the liver is the main site
   for storage of vitamin B12 , folic acid, iron &
   copper. In chronic liver disease anemia occurs.
ii-Bone marrow: When bone marrow is destroyed
   by ionizing irradiation or drugs, aplastic anemia
 Erythropoietin   (Formation & role)1
    Glycoprotein, Mol wt= 34,000.
    Erythropoietin, a hormone, produced
     mainly by the kidneys(90%) and also
     by liver(10%), stimulates
     erythropoiesis by acting on
     committed stem cells to induce
     proliferation and differentiation of
     erythrocytes in bone marrow.
    Site of Action: BONE Marrow
Regulation of erythropoiesis

1. Tissue Oxygenation

 Glycoprotein with 165 amino acids,          4
  oligosaccharide chains and molecular weight
  of 34,000
 Production- 85% by peritubular capillary bed
  interstitial cells(Kidney) and 15% by
  perivenous hepatocytes( Liver)
 Also seen in brain, salivary
  glands, uterus, oviducts
Factors increasing erythropoietin secretion:
(i) Hypoxia
(ii) Androgens
(iii) Growth Hormone
(iv) Catecholamines
(v) Prostaglandins
Factors inhibiting erythropoietin secretion:
(i) Estrogen
(ii) Theophylline
Action of Erythropoietin:
1. Formation of Pronormoblast from stem cell
2. Speeds up the differentiation through various
   stages of erythropoiesis

Mechanism of Action:
• Formation of ALA synthetase
• Activation of Adenylyl Cyclase
• Synthesis of transferrin receptors
Maturation factors

Vitamin B12 and Folic acid:
 Essential for DNA synthesis (Thymidine
 Abnormal and diminished DNA
 Failure of division and maturation
 Macrocytic / Megaloblastic anemia
Pernicious Anemia

Intrinsic factor of Castle- secreted by parital
  cells of gastric mucosa
Essential for absorption of Vitamin B12 by
  enteric route
Other Factors

 Cobalt
 Copper
 Proteins
 Vitamin C
Clinical Aspects

Anemias: Reduced RBC count / reduced Hb

Polycythemia: Increased RBC count
 Polycythemia vera
 Secondary polycythemia- due to hypoxia

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  • 1. ERYTHROPOIESIS Dr. Raghuveer Choudhary Associate Prof of Physiology Dr S.N.M.C, Jodhpur
  • 2. HEMOPOIESIS: INTRO  Hemo: Referring to blood cells  Poiesis: “The development or production of”  The word Hemopoiesis refers to the production & development of all the blood cells:  Erythrocytes: Erythropoiesis  Leucocytes: Leucopoiesis  Thrombocytes: Thrombopoiesis.  Begins in the 20th week of life in the fetal liver & spleen, continues in the bone marrow till young adulthood & beyond!
  • 3.  It is the process of development, differentiation and maturation of RBCs from primitive stem cells  Monophyletic and polyphyletic theory  Things to learn:- Site, Stages, Duration, Regulating factors, Clinical abnormalities
  • 4. Sites of erythropoiesis • Mesoblastic stage- in the yolk sac Starts at 2 weeks of intrauterine life intravascular • Hepatic stage- 2-7 months Both liver and spleen • Myeloid stage
  • 5. Myeloid stage • Occurs in bone marrow • Starts at 5 months of fetal life and takes over completely at birth • Red bone marrow of all bones • Late adult life, red marrow of flat bones
  • 8. SITES OF HEMOPOIESIS  Active Hemopoietic  Appendicular marrow is found, in skeleton:  Bones of the Upper & children throughout Lower limbs the:  In Adults active  Axial skeleton: hemopoietic marrow  Cranium  Ribs. is found only in:  Sternum  The axial skeleton  Vertebrae  The proximal ends  Pelvis of the appendicular skeleton.
  • 9. In the adult, red blood cells, many white blood cells, and platelets are formed in the bone marrow. In the fetus, blood cells are also formed in the liver and spleen, and in adults such extramedullary hematopoiesis may occur in diseases in which the bone marrow becomes destroyed or fibrosed
  • 10. In children, blood cells are actively produced in the marrow cavities of all the bones. By age 20, the marrow in the cavities of the long bones, except for the upper humerus and femur, has become inactive . Active cellular marrow is called red marrow; inactive marrow that is infiltrated with fat is called yellow marrow.
  • 11. The bone marrow is actually one of the largest organs in the body, approaching the size and weight of the liver. It is also one of the most active. Normally, 75% of the cells in the marrow belong to the white blood cell-producing myeloid series and only 25% are maturing red cells, even though there are over 500 times as many red cells in the circulation as there are white cells. This difference in the marrow reflects the fact that the average life span of white cells is short, whereas that of red cells is long.
  • 12. STEM CELLS  These cells have extensive proliferative capacity and also the:  Ability to give rise to new stem cells (Self Renewal)  Ability to differentiate into any blood cells lines (Pluripotency)  They grow and develop in the bone marrow.  The bone marrow & spleen form a supporting system, called the  “hemopoietic microenvironment”
  • 14. Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are bone marrow cells that are capable of producing all types of blood cells. They differentiate into one or another type of committed stem cells (progenitor cells). These in turn form the various differentiated types of blood cells. There are separate pools of progenitor cells for megakaryocytes, lymphocytes, erythrocytes, eosinoph ils, and basophils; neutrophils and monocytes arise from a common precursor.
  • 15. Stem cells • Totipotential stem cells- convert into any tissue type • Pluripotent stem cell- Pluripotent hematopoeitic stem cell • Committed stem cells- CFU E, CFU G, CFU M, etc
  • 17. PROGENITOR CELLS  Committed stem cells lose their capacity for self-renewal.  They become irreversibly committed.  These cells are termed as “Progenitor cells”  They are regulated by certain hormones or substances so that they can:  Proliferate  Undergo Maturation.
  • 18. ERYTHROID PROGENITOR CELLS  BFU-E: Burst Forming Unit – Erythrocyte:  Give rise each to thousands of nucleated erythroid precursor cells, in vitro.  Undergo some changes to become the Colony Forming Units-Erythrocyte (CFU-E)  Regulator: Burst Promoting Activity (BPA)
  • 23. Stages of erythropoiesis Pronormoblast Early normoblast Intermediate normoblast Late normoblast Reticulocyte Erythrocyte
  • 25. Stages of RBC Maturation Figure 19.6
  • 26. ERYTHROPOIESIS 15-20µm- basophilic cytoplasm, nucleus with nucleoli. 14-17µm-mitosis, basophilic cytoplasm, nucleoli disappears. 10-15µm-’POLYCHROMASIA’ Hb appears, nucleus condenses. 7-10µm- PYKNOTIC Nucleus. Extrusion, Hb is maximum. 7.3µm- Reticulum of basophilic material in the cytoplasm. 7.2µm- Mature red cell with Hb.
  • 27. Pronormoblast •15-20 microns •Mitosis present •Nucleus with multiple nucleoli •Basophilic cytoplasm with polyribosomes •No hemoglobin
  • 28. Basophilic normoblast  Large nucleus  Basophilic cytoplasm  Active mitosis  Slight reduction in size
  • 29. Polychromatophilic normoblast  Chromatin lumps  Hb starts appearing  Reduced mitoses
  • 30. Orthochromatic normoblast  Small and pyknotic nucleus  Eosinophilic cytoplasm  Mitoses absent
  • 31. Reticulocyte  Reticular nuclear fragments  Nucleus extruded  Slightly larger than RBCs
  • 32. Basophilic Dividing Proerythroblast Polychromatophilic erythroblast Polychromatophilic or (or intermediate) or Erythroblast or pronormoblast Erythroblast or Early Normoblast Normoblast Normoblast Orthochromatic Orthochromatic (Acidophilic) Reticulocyte erythroblast erythroblast (brilliant cresyl Reticulocyte Extruding Or blue dye) 1 Nucleus Late Erythroblast 32
  • 33. 1.Reticulocytes Young erythrocytes Contain a short network of clumped ribosomes and RER. Enter the blood stream Fully mature with in 2 days as their contents are degraded by intracellular enzymes. Count = 1-2% of red cells Provide an index of rate of RBC formation
  • 34. Erythrocytes Production (Erythropoiesis) PHSC Hemocytoblasts: •Cell size large 20-25 mircon Myeloid •Nucelus large Stem cells •Less cytoplasm •Mitosis present Proerythroblast: •Cell size decrease 15-17 mircon Basophilic 1 Erythroblast: •Cell size 12-15 mircon •Nucelus Condensed •Mitosis present •Nucleoli Rudimentary •Produces huge number of Ribosomes •Hb synthesis starts Polychromatophil 2 Erythroblast: •Cell size 10-12 mircon •Nucelus Condensed •Mitosis Absent Orhochromatic 3 Erythroblast: •Cell size 8-10 mircon •Nucelus More Condensed Reticulocyte: •Young Erythrocytes •Cell size 7-8 mircon 34
  • 35. Erythrocytes Production (Erythropoiesis) 1. PHSC 2. Myeloid stem cells 3. Proerythroblast 4. Basophilic Erythoroblasts (Early erythroblasts) (early Normoblast) 5. Polychromatophil Erythroblasts (Intermediate erythroblast or Normoblast) 6. Orhochromatic Erythroblasts (Late Erythroblast or Normoblasts) 7. Reticulocytes  Young erythrocytes 8. Erythrocytes 35
  • 36. Duration Differentiation phase: from pronormoblast to reticulocyte phase- 5 days Maturation phase: from reticulocyte to RBC- 2 days
  • 37. Factor needed of Erythropoiesis 1. Erythropoietin ( Released in response to Hypoxia) 2. Vitamin B 6 (Pyridoxine) 3. Vitamin B 9 (Folic Acid) 4. Vitamin B 12 (Cobolamin) Essential for DNA synthesis and RBC maturation 5. Vitamin C  Helps in iron absorption (Fe+++  Fe++) 6. Proteins  Amino Acids for globin synthesis 7. Iron & copper  Heme synthesis 8. Intrinsic factor  Absorption of Vit B 12 9. Hormones 37
  • 39. Hematopoiesis Factors affecting erythropoiesis:- C) Hormonal factors: i-Androgens: increase erythropoiesis by stimulating the production of erythropoietin from kidney. ii-Thyroid hormones:  Stimulate the metabolism of all body cells including the bone marrow cells, thus, increasing erythropoiesis.  Hypothyroidism is associated with anemia while hyperthyroidism is associated with polycythaemia.
  • 40. Hematopoiesis Factors affecting erythropoiesis:- C) Hormonal factors: iii-Glucocorticoids:  Stimulate the general metabolism and also stimulate the bone marrow to produce more RBCs.  In Addison’s disease (hypofunction of adrenal cortex) anemia present, while in Cushing’s disease (hyperfunction of adrenal cortex) polycythaemia present.
  • 41. Hematopoiesis Factors affecting erythropoiesis:- C) Hormonal factors: iv-Pituitary gland: Affects erythropoiesis both directly and indirectly through the action of several hormones. v- Haematopoietic growth factors: Are secreted by lymphocytes, monocytes & macrophages to regulate the proliferation and differentiation of proginator stem cells to produce blood cells.
  • 42. Hematopoiesis Factors affecting erythropoiesis:- D)-State of liver & bone marrow: i-Liver: Healthy liver is essential for normal erythropoiesis because the liver is the main site for storage of vitamin B12 , folic acid, iron & copper. In chronic liver disease anemia occurs. ii-Bone marrow: When bone marrow is destroyed by ionizing irradiation or drugs, aplastic anemia occurs.
  • 43.  Erythropoietin (Formation & role)1 Glycoprotein, Mol wt= 34,000. Erythropoietin, a hormone, produced mainly by the kidneys(90%) and also by liver(10%), stimulates erythropoiesis by acting on committed stem cells to induce proliferation and differentiation of erythrocytes in bone marrow. Site of Action: BONE Marrow
  • 44. Regulation of erythropoiesis 1. Tissue Oxygenation
  • 45. Erythropoietin  Glycoprotein with 165 amino acids, 4 oligosaccharide chains and molecular weight of 34,000  Production- 85% by peritubular capillary bed interstitial cells(Kidney) and 15% by perivenous hepatocytes( Liver)  Also seen in brain, salivary glands, uterus, oviducts
  • 46. Factors increasing erythropoietin secretion: (i) Hypoxia (ii) Androgens (iii) Growth Hormone (iv) Catecholamines (v) Prostaglandins Factors inhibiting erythropoietin secretion: (i) Estrogen (ii) Theophylline
  • 47. Action of Erythropoietin: 1. Formation of Pronormoblast from stem cell 2. Speeds up the differentiation through various stages of erythropoiesis Mechanism of Action: • Formation of ALA synthetase • Activation of Adenylyl Cyclase • Synthesis of transferrin receptors
  • 48. Maturation factors Vitamin B12 and Folic acid:  Essential for DNA synthesis (Thymidine triphosphate)  Abnormal and diminished DNA  Failure of division and maturation  Macrocytic / Megaloblastic anemia
  • 50. Pernicious Anemia Intrinsic factor of Castle- secreted by parital cells of gastric mucosa Essential for absorption of Vitamin B12 by enteric route
  • 51. Other Factors  Cobalt  Copper  Proteins  Vitamin C
  • 52. Clinical Aspects Anemias: Reduced RBC count / reduced Hb concentration Polycythemia: Increased RBC count  Polycythemia vera  Secondary polycythemia- due to hypoxia