Birds have different features that help them survive. Their feathers come in different shapes, colors and sizes. Flight feathers help birds fly while down feathers keep them warm. Birds also have different beaks, feet and claws suited to their diets and habitats. They build various types of nests using materials like twigs, grass or mud depending on the species. Penguins build nests from stones and sometimes dig burrows to protect their eggs in icy climates lacking plants.
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Birds, claws and Feathers
1. Guess me??
I have two Eyes, two feet and my body is covered
with feathers? Who am I?
- Yes I am a Bird. How do you know it’s a bird?
- Birds are the only animals that has feathers.
Are the feathers of each bird the same?
- No, the feathers of each bird is different in shape,
color, texture and size.
2. Shaft
All feathers have stick in the centre called SHAFT.
They have hair like Structure attached to the shaft.
Feathers of a bird is of the same color, but different
shape and size
3. • Are the Feathers of the bird same thru out their body?
• - No, Why?
• - They have 3 different kinds of feathers to help them do
different things.
Flight Feathers
Body Feathers
Down Feathers
4. Flight Feathers
• What are Flight Feathers? How do they Help the bird? Where
are they found?
– Help the bird to Fly.
– Are strong and stiff feathers that help the birds to push
against the air.
– They are found in the WINGS and TAIL.
Flight Feathers
5. Body Feathers
They are the colored feathers that cover the body of the bird
Other then the Leg, beak and feet
Down Feathers
They are Soft and Fluffy and keep the bird
They are found close to the body.
6. Name three birds that cannot fly and why?
Penguin, Kiwi, Ostrich.
Ostrich have heavy body and small
wings that makes it difficult for them to fly.
Penguin wings are more like flippers that will
help them to swim under water
Kiwi does have tiny wings and cannot
support them for flying.
7. Match the Right One
Flight Feathers
Body Feathers
Stick in the feather is
Soft and Fluffy
Has flippers
Strong and stiff
Down feathers
8. What do we call mouth of birds?
Mouth of birds are called Beaks
Are the beaks of all the birds the same. Do you know why?
The beaks of the birds are different from one another.
Birds have different beak because they eat different kind of food.
Beaks help birds to catch and eat food.
Some birds have round beak, pointed beak, long beak and some have short
9. Parrot
Sharp , strong
curved beak
Helps to crack open
nuts and seeds and
tear fruits.
Helps them to grip
on branches and
barks of trees while
Macaw, lovebirds,
Bird Shape of beak Use Other birds with
similar beak
Strong Sharp,
Hooked beak
Help the bird to
catch food while
Helps to tear the
flesh of other
hawks, falcons,
owls, vultures.
They are also
called as Bird of
10. Sparrow
Short and thick
pointed beak. They
look like cone
They help to pick up
small grains and
open seeds.
Finch , cardinals,
Birds Shape of Beak Uses Other similar birds
Broad Flat beak. Helps them to catch
fishes and worms.
They have holes
and the edge of the
beak to drain the
water when they
catch fish
Swans . Spoon bill.
11. Woodpecker
Have strong and
sturdy chisel-like
Helps to drill holes
in wood and eat
Birds Beaks of Bird Uses Similar beak bords
Humming Bird
Long, straw-like,
slender (thin) beak.
It helps them to
suck nectar from
Long bill curlew,
12. Crow
Have beak that can
adapt to the type of
food they eat
Help to eat different
kind of food like
fruits, seeds, insects,
fish, and other small
Pied Currawong, red
eyed hopper
Birds Beaks of Birds Uses Similar beak birds
Long, Sharp ,knife-
like Pointed beak.
Help to prick and
catch frogs, worms,
fishes and other
small birds.
Wood Stock,
13. Strong Sharp hooked beak
Long flat Beak
Thin Straw like beak
Chisel like Beak
Long Pointed Beak
Name a bird with the following beak
14. Like Feathers and Beaks, the Feet and claws are different for different birds. All
birds have two feet and four toes that help to hop ,walk, pick, catch and hold
food and live in their surroundings.
We will learn How and why are they feet and claws are different .
TYPES OF FEET Uses of feet Birds with such feet
Perching Feet
They have three feet in
front and one behind.
This helps them to hold on
to branches tightly.
Parrots, crows, sparrows,
and many birds have such
15. Climbing Birds
The have two toes in front
and two behind. It has long
curved claws which helps
them to climb and hold on
to trees
Woodpecker, cuckoo,
Types of feet Uses of feet Birds with such feet
Gripping Feet
Have four sharp, hooked
claws that helps them to
catch other animals.
Eagles, vultures, Hawk
16. Wading feet
They have long legs and four
toes that are spread.
Help them to walk on river
banks and muddy areas
Crane . Stock etc.
Types of Feet Uses of Feet Birds with such feet
Webbed Feet
They have three toes that
are webbed together.
They have a small toe
This shape helps the to
push against the water while
Duck, Goose
17. What kind of feet do birds that walk on branches have?
- Birds with two toes in front and two toes behind
How does hooked claws help the bird?
- Helps the bird catch its prey(other animals) while flying.
What kinds of feet do ducks have?
- Ducks have webbed feet They have a small toe behind.
Crane has 4 spread toes. How does it help them?
- It helps them to walk on the sides of the river and pond.
18. What do we call a home of a Bird?
Home of Birds are called NEST.
Where do we find Nests?
We find nests on tree, on the ground, on roofs, and between rocks.
Why do birds build nests?
Birds build nests to lay eggs and to protect their babies.
Are all Birds nest the same?
No, Birds build their nest with twigs, straw, grass, leaves, mud, and
sometimes with dead animal skin. Most nest are CUP Shaped.
How do birds build their Nest?
Birds Build their nest with
the help of their beak.
19. Nest Bird Materials Used
Weaver Bird. Weaver birds use grass,
leaves, twigs and roots to
build their nest.
It takes two days to build
its nest
Tailor Bird Tailor birds uses its beak to
stitch the leaves together
to make a nest.
It uses silk from cobwebs,
cotton from seeds and
fiber from tree bark to
stitch the leaves
Different Nests of Birds
20. Nest Birds Material Used
Sparrow They use feathers, grass
inflorescences, stalks and
roots of plants, barks,
threads, strings, and pieces
of paper and wool to build
their nest.
Swallow bird They use mud to build their
nest. They mix the mud with
grass and feathers
21. Nest Birds Material Used
Peahen / Peacock They scrap hole in the
ground and fills the hole
with feathers, leaves or
Ducks They build nest near shores
of pond or rivers where
there are long grasses and
Some birds like duck and peacock, birds build their nest on the ground because they cannot
Fly high
22. Nest Birds Material Used
Penguin They Use stones to keep
their eggs warm
Sometimes they dig
burrows to keep the eggs
safe and warm.
Penguins live in a place covered with snow, where there are no plants? How do they
build nests?
23. How do penguins keep their eggs warm?
- They Use stones to keep their eggs warm
Which builds nest with talk grasses near river bed and ponds?
Swallows build their nest with?
Which build stitches leaves to build its nest?
Tailor Bird.
Which bird hangs its nest upside down?
Weaver Bird