The document provides information about symphonies, including their meaning, characteristics, and history. It discusses the four movement structure of classical symphonies and some of the great masters of the genre like Mozart, Haydn, and Beethoven. It also describes the standard instruments of the symphony orchestra and how they are arranged on stage.
4. Meaning of ‘Symphony’
Symphony :
‘The word ‘symphony’ first appeared in
the late 16th. At this time, however, it
denoted nothing more specific than
‘music for ensemble’ --from the Greek,
syn (‘together’) and phone (‘sounding’)’
(The Oxford Companion to Music edited by Alison Latham)
6. Characteristics
• All instruments Sound together in harmony
• Contrast of Mood
• Flexibility of rhythm
• Several Movements
7. Contrast of Mood
• Contrasting themes within a movement
• striking contrasts within a single theme.
• The changes of mood, gradually or suddenly.
8. Flexibility of rhythm
• Unexpected pauses
• Syncopations
• Frequent changes from long notes
to shorter notes.
• Various patterns of note lengths
9. 4 movements (Classic Style)
• Also called ‘Sonata Form’
• Fast – Slow – Fast – Fast
• 1st : A vigorous dramatic fast movement
• Fast. Stress an exciting development of short motives.
• Can be Anticipation sometimes: Slow> fast
• 2nd: A lyric slow movement
• Different key, pointing up the expressive contrast
• 3rd: A dancelike movement (minuet or scherzo)
• Moderate or fairly quick tempo
• 4th : A brilliant or heroic fast movement
• Lighter mood, or sometimes the climax.
La matin
10. Symphony vs Concerto vs Sonata
• Sonata : (1) A form of music structure
(2) A kind of song written to play by only 1-2 instruments.
• Symphony : Sonata for Orchestra
• Concerto: modified 3-movement Sonata form, Excluding
13. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
• Mozart was an important influential composer of the classical era.
• He composed over 600 works. ( 40 of symphony )
• He is among the most enduring popular of classical composers and his
influence on subsequent Western art music is profound ; Beethoven
composed his own early works in the shadow of Mozart and Joseph Haydn
wrote that “posterity will not see such a talent again in 100 years”
• His style of music : the classical style are all present in his music.
• Clarity, Balance and Transparency are the hallmark of his work.
• For example : Symphony No. 40 in G minor
15. Joseph Haydn
• The father of symphony
• The father of the sting quartet
• He was also a friend of Mozart and a teacher of Beethoven.
• He composed over 104 works of symphony and many masterpieces in
variety of music styles.
• His style of music : His style is different in some ways from that of Mozart
and Beethoven. His signature style is the musical humor. The most famous
example is the sudden loud chord in the slow movement of his Surprise
Symphony. There are many other musical humor in his works include
numerous false ending.
• Example : Symphony No. 103
17. Ludwig van Beethoven
• He was a German composer and pianist.
• His crucial figure in the transition between the classical and romantic eras.
• He composed in several musical genres for a variety of instrument
combination but only composed 9 of symphonies which each has its own
unique style.
• Beethoven compositional career is usually divided into 3 periods.
- Early Period : strongly influenced by his predecessors Haydn and
Mozart ( Symphony No. 1 and 2 )
- Middle Period : After his personal crisis ( enroaching deafness ). His
works on this period are mostly express heroism and struggle.
( Symphony No.3 -8)
Symphony No.5
- Late Period : Highly personal expression ( Symphony No. 9 )