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    (MRP II)
• Manufacturing resource planning (MRP II) is
  defined as a method for the effective planning
  of all resources of a manufacturing company.
  Ideally, it addresses operational planning in
  units, financial planning, and has a simulation
  capability to answer "what-if" questions and
  extension of closed-loop MRP.
Key functions and features:

> MRP II is not a proprietary software system and can thus take
many forms. It is almost impossible to visualize an MRP II system
that does not use a computer, but an MRP II system can be based on
either purchased–licensed or in-house software.
Almost every MRP II system is modular in construction.

Characteristic basic modules in an MRP II system are:
- Master Production Schedule (MPS)
- Item master data (technical data)
- Bill of Materials (BOM) (technical data)
- Production resources data (manufacturing technical data)
- Inventories and orders (inventory control)
Together with auxiliary systems such as:

- Business planning                 - Lot traceability
- Contract management               - Tool management
- Engineering change control        - Shop floor data collection
- Sales analysis and forecasting   - Configuration management
- Finite capacity scheduling (FCS)

and related systems such as:
 -Accounts Payable (purchase ledger) - General Ledger
 - Accounts receivable (sales ledger) - Estimating
 - Sales order management             - Project management
 - Distribution requirements planning (DRP)
 - Automated warehouse management - Technical records
 - Computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing

MRP II systems can provide:
- Better control of inventories
- Improved scheduling
- Productive relationships with

For design / engineering:
- Improved design control
- Better quality and quality control
- For financial and costing:
- Reduced working capital for inventory
- Improved cash flow through quicker deliveries
- Accurate inventory records
Industry specifics:

•manufacturing industries. implemented in most
  MRP II systems have been

•pharmaceuticals or food
•required by otherscan afford to disregard facilities
  Other industries

•many industries is the key to success in this as in
  Capacity planning

•MRP II is less appropriate
MRP and MRP II: History and Evolution

•Material requirements planning (MRP)
•manufacturing resource planning (MRPII)
•enterprise resource planning (ERP)
•Both MRP and MRPII are still widely used.
•original vision of integrated information systems
The vision for MRP and MRP II :

•integrate business information
•increase the efficiency of the production line overall.
In the 1980s:

•manufacturers developed systems that they would need to use computer
•and softwaremanagers recognized

• Sales and Operations Planning (SO&P)
• Sales Forecasting
• Master Production Schedule (MPS)
• Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
• Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP)

• It is a scheduling system that tells you what
  to produce, when to produce it, and how
  much to produce.
• Computerized system      • Manual system
• More concerned in        • Involve in very small lot
  projecting requirement     sizes, short lead times,
• Planning and leveling      high-quality output
  capacity via computer    • Simple
• Complex
MRP and MRPII: General concepts

• > Material requirements planning (MRP)
  and manufacturing resource planning
  (MRPII) are both incremental information
  integration business process strategies that
  are implemented using hardware and
  modular software applications linked to a
  central database that stores and delivers
  business data and information.
• > MRP is concerned primarily with manufacturing materials while
  MRPII is concerned with the coordination of the entire manufacturing
  production, including materials, finance, and human relations. The
  goal of MRPII is to provide consistent data to all players in the
  manufacturing process as the product moves through the production

• > Paper-based information systems and non-integrated computer
  systems that provide paper or disk outputs result in many information
  errors, including missing data, redundant data, numerical errors that
  result from being incorrectly keyed into the system, incorrect
  calculations based on numerical errors, and bad decisions based on
  incorrect or old data. In addition, some data is unreliable in non-
  integrated systems because the same data is categorized differently in
  the individual databases used by different functional areas.
• > MRPII systems begin with MRP, material requirements planning.
  MRP allows for the input of sales forecasts from sales and marketing.
  These forecasts determine the raw materials demand. MRP and
  MRPII systems draw on a master production schedule, the breakdown
  of specific plans for each product on a line. While MRP allows for the
  coordination of raw materials purchasing, MRPII facilitates the
  development of a detailed production schedule that accounts for
  machine and labor capacity, scheduling the production runs according
  to the arrival of materials.

• > An MRPII output is a final labor and machine schedule. Data about
  the cost of production, including machine time, labor time and
  materials used, as well as final production numbers, is provided from
  the MRPII system to accounting and finance (Monk and Wagner).
Finance        MARKET DEMAND

              PRODUCTION PLAN

            Rough Out Capacity Planning


                    Master Production


                    Capacity requirement


             Requirements Schedules

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Mrp ii

  • 2. • Manufacturing resource planning (MRP II) is defined as a method for the effective planning of all resources of a manufacturing company. Ideally, it addresses operational planning in units, financial planning, and has a simulation capability to answer "what-if" questions and extension of closed-loop MRP.
  • 3. Key functions and features: > MRP II is not a proprietary software system and can thus take many forms. It is almost impossible to visualize an MRP II system that does not use a computer, but an MRP II system can be based on either purchased–licensed or in-house software. Almost every MRP II system is modular in construction. Characteristic basic modules in an MRP II system are: - Master Production Schedule (MPS) - Item master data (technical data) - Bill of Materials (BOM) (technical data) - Production resources data (manufacturing technical data) - Inventories and orders (inventory control)
  • 4. Together with auxiliary systems such as: - Business planning - Lot traceability - Contract management - Tool management - Engineering change control - Shop floor data collection - Sales analysis and forecasting - Configuration management - Finite capacity scheduling (FCS) and related systems such as: -Accounts Payable (purchase ledger) - General Ledger - Accounts receivable (sales ledger) - Estimating - Sales order management - Project management - Distribution requirements planning (DRP) - Automated warehouse management - Technical records - Computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM)
  • 5. Benefits: MRP II systems can provide: - Better control of inventories - Improved scheduling - Productive relationships with For design / engineering: - Improved design control - Better quality and quality control - For financial and costing: - Reduced working capital for inventory - Improved cash flow through quicker deliveries - Accurate inventory records
  • 6. Industry specifics: •manufacturing industries. implemented in most MRP II systems have been •pharmaceuticals or food •required by otherscan afford to disregard facilities Other industries •many industries is the key to success in this as in Capacity planning •MRP II is less appropriate
  • 7. MRP and MRP II: History and Evolution •Material requirements planning (MRP) •manufacturing resource planning (MRPII) •enterprise resource planning (ERP) •Both MRP and MRPII are still widely used. •original vision of integrated information systems
  • 8. The vision for MRP and MRP II : •Centralize •integrate business information •increase the efficiency of the production line overall. In the 1980s: •manufacturers developed systems that they would need to use computer •and softwaremanagers recognized production technology
  • 9. KEY ELEMENTS • Sales and Operations Planning (SO&P) • Sales Forecasting • Master Production Schedule (MPS) • Material Requirements Planning (MRP) • Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP)
  • 10. KANBAN • It is a scheduling system that tells you what to produce, when to produce it, and how much to produce.
  • 11. MRP II vs KANBAN • Computerized system • Manual system • More concerned in • Involve in very small lot projecting requirement sizes, short lead times, • Planning and leveling high-quality output capacity via computer • Simple • Complex
  • 12. MRP and MRPII: General concepts • > Material requirements planning (MRP) and manufacturing resource planning (MRPII) are both incremental information integration business process strategies that are implemented using hardware and modular software applications linked to a central database that stores and delivers business data and information.
  • 13. • > MRP is concerned primarily with manufacturing materials while MRPII is concerned with the coordination of the entire manufacturing production, including materials, finance, and human relations. The goal of MRPII is to provide consistent data to all players in the manufacturing process as the product moves through the production line. • > Paper-based information systems and non-integrated computer systems that provide paper or disk outputs result in many information errors, including missing data, redundant data, numerical errors that result from being incorrectly keyed into the system, incorrect calculations based on numerical errors, and bad decisions based on incorrect or old data. In addition, some data is unreliable in non- integrated systems because the same data is categorized differently in the individual databases used by different functional areas.
  • 14. • > MRPII systems begin with MRP, material requirements planning. MRP allows for the input of sales forecasts from sales and marketing. These forecasts determine the raw materials demand. MRP and MRPII systems draw on a master production schedule, the breakdown of specific plans for each product on a line. While MRP allows for the coordination of raw materials purchasing, MRPII facilitates the development of a detailed production schedule that accounts for machine and labor capacity, scheduling the production runs according to the arrival of materials. • > An MRPII output is a final labor and machine schedule. Data about the cost of production, including machine time, labor time and materials used, as well as final production numbers, is provided from the MRPII system to accounting and finance (Monk and Wagner).
  • 15. Finance MARKET DEMAND Manufacturing Marketing PRODUCTION PLAN Rough Out Capacity Planning Problems? Master Production Schedule MRP Capacity requirement planning Problems? Requirements Schedules