All information about the file PCLXL.DLL. Answers for the questions: "What is PCLXL.DLL?", "How to fix PCLXL.DLL?", "Where is PCLXL.DLL located?", "How to remove PCLXL.DLL?", "What is PCLXL.DLL used for?", "How to fix PCLXL.DLL?", "How to stop PCLXL.DLL?", "How to remove PCLXL.DLL?", "How to get rid of PCLXL.DLL?", "What is PCLXL.DLL in task manager?", "Is the PCLXL.DLL a malware?", "Is the PCLXL.DLL a virus?", "Is the PCLXL.DLL a trojan?"
2. The PCLXL.DLL is a PCL-XL Printer Driver.
This file is part of MicrosoftВ® WindowsВ® Operating
System. PCLXL.DLL is developed by Microsoft Corporation.
It's a system and hidden file. PCLXL.DLL is usually located in
the %WINDOWS% sub-folder and its usual size is 207,872
3. Author: Microsoft Corporation
Process: PCL-XL Printer Driver
Part Of: MicrosoftВ® WindowsВ® Operating System
Common path(s): subfolder %WINDOWS%
subfolder %SYSTEM%
Keyword(s): system
File size(s): 207,872 bytes, 208,896 bytes
4. If the PCLXL.DLL is in subfolder %WINDOWS% or
subfolder %SYSTEM% it is safe. In other cases it can be a
virus, a trojan, or some other malware.
To protect your PC from being attacked by viruses or some
other malware download and use an efficient antivirus.
Is PCLXL.DLL safe?
Click to download an efficient antivirus for your PC
5. How to remove PCLXL.DLL?
The PCLXL.DLL is system process, so it mustn’t be deleted. It
is needed for proper work of your PC.
If you need to free up space on your PC, we recommend
that you scan your system and remove unused files instead.
Click to free up space on your disk
6. How to stop PCLXL.DLL?
This process is important for proper system operation and it is
best to keep it running. To reduce system load, use the Microsoft
System Configuration Utility. There you can manually do
Or you can download BoostSpeed, which will optimize system
and speed up your PC in a few clicks.
Click to speed up your computer