This document discusses several capital budgeting techniques:
1) The payback period measures the number of years to recover the initial investment of a project. However, it ignores cash flows beyond the payback period.
2) The book rate of return measures average income divided by average book value of assets. It does not consider the time value of money.
3) The internal rate of return (IRR) is the discount rate that sets the net present value (NPV) of a project to zero. It is commonly used but can be problematic for multi-period projects or when projects have different scales.
4) The profitability index is the NPV divided by initial investment. It generally agrees with NPV
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1. Topics Covered
Competitors to NPV
The Payback Period
The Book Rate of Return
Internal Rate of Return
ALSO Consider
Capital Rationing
2. Payback
The payback period of a project is the number
of years it takes before the cumulative
forecasted cash flow equals the initial outlay.
The payback rule says only accept projects
that “payback” in the desired time frame.
This method is very flawed, primarily because
it ignores later year cash flows and the the
present value of future cash flows.
3. Payback
Examine the three projects and note the mistake we
would make if we insisted on only taking projects
with a payback period of 2 years or less.
Project C0 C1 C2 C3 NPV@ 10%
A - 2000 500 500 5000
B - 2000 500 1800 0
C - 2000 1800 500 0
4. Payback
Examine the three projects and note the mistake we
would make if we insisted on only taking projects
with a payback period of 2 years or less.
Project C0 C1 C2 C3 NPV@ 10%
A - 2000 500 500 5000 3 + 2,624
B - 2000 500 1800 0 2 - 58
C - 2000 1800 500 0 2 + 50
5. Book Rate of Return
Book Rate of Return - Average income divided by
average book value over project life. Also called
accounting rate of return.
book income
Book rate of return =
book assets
6. The book rate of return
It does recognise that capital is required to
earn income.
However it has shortcomings as an
investment appraisal method
It does not have a hurdle rate
It does not recognise the time value of money
Ambiguity regarding its definition.
7. The Internal Rate of Return
Like the NPV this is a discounted cash flow
criterion. In the single period case where we
are merely interested in accepting or rejecting
a project it is exactly equivalent to the NPV
rule. However in all other situations
congruence of the IRR and NPV rules cannot
be guaranteed. When a conflict does occur
the NPV gives the correct answers.
8. Definition of IRR
The IRR is the discount rate that when used to
discount a projects cash flow gives an NPV of
10. Proof
NPV = - C 0 +
1+ i
IF NPV = 0
C0 =
1+ ρ
C 0 (1 + ρ) = C 1
C1 - C0
IRR = ρ=
11. Example
Cost of project 1000 at time 0
Payoff in time 1 is 1400
IRR = (1400/1000) – 1 = 40%
− 1000 = 0
1 + IRR
12. IRR Decision Rule
Accept all projects with a rate of return that is
greater than the cost of capital.
13. IRR versus NPV
For accept/reject decisions in a single period
case the NPV and IRR decision rules give
exactly the same answer.
For ranking decisions conflicts may occur
14. Structure of Analysis
Single Period Case
Accept / Reject Decisions
Ranking Decisions
Multi-period Case
Accept / Reject Decisions
Ranking Decisions
16. Internal Rate of Return
IRR ignores the magnitude of the project.
The following two projects illustrate that problem.
Project C0 Ct IRR NPV @ 10%
E −10,000 + 20,000 100 + 8,182
F − 20,000 + 35,000 75 +11,818
17. IRR in Multi-period Case
The IRR generally gives the same answer in
accept/reject decisions.
However, there may be some technical
difficulties with the IRR.
First we will examine how to compute the
IRR in the multiperiod case.
18. Internal Rate of Return
You can purchase a turbo powered machine tool
gadget for $4,000. The investment will generate
$2,000 and $4,000 in cash flows for two years,
respectively. What is the IRR on this investment?
19. Internal Rate of Return
You can purchase a turbo powered machine tool gadget for $4,000. The
investment will generate $2,000 and $4,000 in cash flows for two years,
respectively. What is the IRR on this investment?
2,000 4,000
NPV = −4,000 + + =0
(1 + IRR ) (1 + IRR )
1 2
20. Internal Rate of Return
You can purchase a turbo powered machine tool gadget for $4,000. The
investment will generate $2,000 and $4,000 in cash flows for two years,
respectively. What is the IRR on this investment?
2,000 4,000
NPV = −4,000 + + =0
(1 + IRR ) (1 + IRR )
1 2
IRR = 28.08%
23. Multi-period Computation of IRR
without a computer
1. Calculate the NPV at a high discount rate so that it is < 0.
2. Calculate the NPV at a low discount rate so that it is > 0.
(e.g. use 0%)
3. Divide the difference between the positive NPV and the
negative NPV by the change in the discount rate to get the
approximate change in NPV for a one- percent change in the
discount rate.
4. Using the information in 3 compute the required increase
(decrease) in the rate to reduce (increase) the positive
(negative) NPV to zero.
5. Use the rate computed in 4 to discount the cash flows. If
the NPV is not equal to zero then alter your estimate of the
IRR accordingly.
24. Calculation of IRR in multi-period
TIME 0 1 2 3
CASH -350 110 121 200
The NPV @ 0% = 81
The NPV @ 20% = (59)
Thus there is a spread of 140(7) in the NPV for a spread of
20%(1%) in the discount rate.
25. IRR Calculation Continued
On the basis of this information we should
reduce the discount rate by (59/7)% = 8.43%
from 20%.
If we try a rate of 12% the NPV = (13).
Therefore we have to reduce by a further 2%
or so to get NPV = 0.
Discounting at 10% gives an NPV of 0.
Hence the IRR is 10%.
26. Internal Rate of Return
Accept / Reject Decisions: Technical Problem -
Multiple Rates of Return
Certain cash flows can generate NPV=0 at two different
discount rates.
The following cash flow generates NPV=0 at both (-50%)
and 15.2%.
C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
− 1,000 + 800 + 150 + 150 + 150 + 150 − 150
27. Internal Rate of Return
Pitfall 2 - Multiple Rates of Return
Certain cash flows can generate NPV=0 at two different discount rates.
The following cash flow generates NPV=0 at both (-50%) and 15.2%.
0 Discount
-500 IRR=-50%
28. Multiple IRRs
A project has as many IRRs as it has
changes in the sign of its cash flows.
Number 0 1 2 3
1 (100) 200 300 400
3 (100) 200 (100) 500
30. Internal Rate of Return
Reinvestment rate assumption
There is an implicit assumption that all intermediate cash
inflows are reinvested at the IRR
It makes far more sense to assume that the intermediate cash
flows are reinvested at the opportunity cost of capital.
We assume that discount rates are stable during the term of
the project.
31. Profitability Index
Profitability Index is PV/C0
The rule is to accept all projects which have a
PI > 1.
One gets the same answers as the NPV for
accept/reject decisions.
For ranking decisions conflicts arise in a
manner similar to the IRR case e.g.
differences in the scale of the project.
32. The Profitability Index and Capital
There is one case where the Profitability
Index is superior to the NPV. This is where
the firm faces a limit on the amount it can
invest in a single year and projects are
divisible and there is no postponement. In
this special case one should maximise the
NPV per £1 invested.
33. Profitability Index
When resources are limited, the profitability
index (PI) provides a tool for selecting among
various project combinations and alternatives
A set of limited resources and projects can
yield various combinations.
34. Project appraisal: capital rationing,
•Coping with investment appraisal in an environment of
capital rationing, taxation and inflation
•More specifically:
– Explain why capital rationing exists and be able to use
the profitability ratio in one-period rationing situations
35. Capital rationing
•Capital rationing occurs when funds are not
available to finance all wealth-enhancing projects
•Soft rationing
•Hard rationing
•One-period capital rationing
– 1 Divisible projects
– 2 Indivisible projects
37. Bigtasks plc (continued)
Ranking according to absolute NPV
Present value
Profitability index =
–––––––––––––––– Initial
Net present value
Benefit–cost ratio =
–––––––––––––– Initial
41. NPV – the pros
NPV is the theoretically correct criteria for
making investment decisions when
maximisation of shareholder wealth is the
It recognises the time value of money
It forces managers to consider their
projections carefully when estimating future
cash flows
42. NPV – the pros continued
It is generally easy to use
It has a clear decision rule
It can deal with multiple discount rates –
unlike IRR
It is not affected by differences in scale –
unlike IRR and Profitability Index
43. NPV – the cons
It does not help find value creating projects
It does not lend itself to ex-post evaluation of
managers in a straightforward manner. But
residual income can help here.
44. NPV vs. IRR
Single- Multi-Period
Period Case
Accept/Reject Always Can be
Consistent technical
Problems with
Non Independent Conflicts Conflicts
Projects (e.g.
45. IRR – the pros
It is theoretically correct for accept/reject
It recognises the time value of money
46. IRR – the cons
It cannot be relied upon to signal the correct decision
for non-independent projects – e.g. mutually
exclusive projects of differing scales.
Can have multiple IRRs
Some projects have no IRR
The re-investment assumptions of the rule do not
make economic sense
47. IRR – the cons continued
It cannot cope with multiple discount rates
In addition it has all the other the drawbacks
of the NPV criterion.