This document discusses Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). It begins by defining a spectrometer and describing how FTIR obtains infrared spectra using an interferometer and Fourier transform. It then explains the basic components and working of an FTIR, including advantages like higher sensitivity, accuracy and resolution compared to dispersion spectrometers. Specific advantages like Fellgett's multiplex advantage and improved signal-to-noise are covered. Finally, common applications of FTIR are listed.
2. A spectrometer is an optical instrument used to
measure properties of light over a specific portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum, 5 microns to 20 microns.
FTIR (Fourier Transform Infra Red) spectrometer
obtains an infrared spectra by first collecting an
interferogram of a sample signal using an
interferometer, then performs a Fourier Transform on
the interferogram to obtain the spectrum.
3. An interferometer is an instrument that
uses the technique of superimposing
(interfering) two or more waves, to detect
differences between them.
The FTIR spectrometer uses
4. To separate IR light, a grating is used.
Light source
To select the specified IR light,
A slit is used.
In order to measure
an IR spectrum, the dispersion
Spectrometer takes several
Also the detector
receives only a few % of the
energy of original light source.
Fixed CCM
Moving CCM
IR Light source
An interferogram is first made by
the interferometer using IR light.
The interferogram is calculated and
transformed into a spectrum using a Fourier
Transform (FT).
In order to
measure an IR spectrum,
FTIR takes only a few
Moreover, the
detector receives up to 50%
of the energy of original light
source (larger than D.S)
Comparison B/W Dispersion Spectrometer & FTIR
7. Better sensitivity and brightness
High wavenumber accuracy
Enhanced frequency Resolution
Wavenumber range flexibility
less time consuming
Datas can be stored & reanalysed
More expensive
Require precision for mirror movement
Detection of compound is influenced by
watervapour, pathlength & chemical
8. Fellgett's (multiplex) Advantage
FT-IR collects all resolution elements with a complete scan
of the interferometer. Successive scans of the FT-IR
instrument are coded and averaged to enhance the signal-to-
noise of the spectrum.
Theoretically, an infinitely long scan would average out all
the noise in the baseline.
The dispersive instrument collects data one wavelength at a
time and collects only a single spectrum. There is no good
method for increasing the signal-to-noise of the dispersive
9. Jacquinot Advantage
FT-IR uses a combination of circular apertures and
interferometer travel to define resolution. To improve
signal-to-noise, one simply collects more scans.
More energy is available for the normal infrared scan and
various accessories can be used to solve various sample
handling problems.
The dispersive instrument uses a rectangular slit to control
resolution and cannot increase the signal-to-noise for high
resolution scans. Accessory use is limited for a dispersive
10. Connes Advantage
An FT-IR uses a He-Ne laser as an internal
wavelength standard. The infrared wavelengths are
calculated using the laser wavelength, itself a very
precise and repeatable 'standard'.
Wavelength assignment for the FT-IR spectrum is
very repeatable and reproducible and data can be
compared to digital libraries for identification
11. Opaque or cloudy samples
High resolution experiments (as high as 0.001 cm-1 resolution)
Trace analysis of raw materials or finished products
Depth profiling and microscopic mapping of samples
Kinetics reactions on the microsecond time-scale
Analysis of chromatographic and thermogravimetric sample