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Increasing cassava productivity through optimized planting dates,
crop age at harvest and fertilizer application
Rebecca Enesi 1,2, Stefan Hauser 2, Pieter Pypers 3, Johan Six 1
1ETH Zurich,
2International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Nigeria, 3International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Kenya
• Cassava production in Nigeria is not tailored towards commercialization
• Technical solutions are required to meet industrial and household demands
• Cassava supply can be consistent through expansion of planting and harvest
• This study investigates the effects of expanding the planting and harvesting
periods and fertilizer application on root and starch yield of two different
Field trials in South west, Nigeria
 Increasing crop age across all planting dates increased yield, proving to be a
strategy that can be profitable for farmers/processors.
 The varieties tested respond differently to planting and harvesting windows,
TMS 0581 can be an option for late harvest windows.
 Root yield was not significantly increased by fertilizer use, investment in
fertilizer may be strongly site specific and not in all sites necessary.
 These results were used to develop the DST to provide recommendation on
the best time to plant and harvest cassava.
• Longer growing phases (9 to 13 MAP) increased root dry matter yield
• Planting outside the conventional window has the potential to improve supply
and prevent glut without compromising root and starch yield.
• TMS 0581 is suitable for prolonged growing period i.e. up to 13 MAP
• TME 419 has higher starch yield than TMS 0581 at 9 and 11 MAP harvest
• Starch yield increased as dry matter content increased
Planting Phases
Crop age
11 MAP
13 MAP
TME 419
TMS 0581
Fig 1: Treatment factors in field trials and trial locations
1. Introduction 2. Methods
3. Results
• Dry matter and starch yield show variations across the year
• Month of harvest influenced yields, with lower yields at onset of rains
4. Conclusions
Dry matter yield [tonnes/ha]

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  • 1. I Increasing cassava productivity through optimized planting dates, crop age at harvest and fertilizer application Rebecca Enesi 1,2, Stefan Hauser 2, Pieter Pypers 3, Johan Six 1 1ETH Zurich, 2International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Nigeria, 3International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Kenya • Cassava production in Nigeria is not tailored towards commercialization • Technical solutions are required to meet industrial and household demands • Cassava supply can be consistent through expansion of planting and harvest phases • This study investigates the effects of expanding the planting and harvesting periods and fertilizer application on root and starch yield of two different varieties. Field trials in South west, Nigeria  Increasing crop age across all planting dates increased yield, proving to be a strategy that can be profitable for farmers/processors.  The varieties tested respond differently to planting and harvesting windows, TMS 0581 can be an option for late harvest windows.  Root yield was not significantly increased by fertilizer use, investment in fertilizer may be strongly site specific and not in all sites necessary.  These results were used to develop the DST to provide recommendation on the best time to plant and harvest cassava. • Longer growing phases (9 to 13 MAP) increased root dry matter yield • Planting outside the conventional window has the potential to improve supply and prevent glut without compromising root and starch yield. • TMS 0581 is suitable for prolonged growing period i.e. up to 13 MAP • TME 419 has higher starch yield than TMS 0581 at 9 and 11 MAP harvest • Starch yield increased as dry matter content increased Planting Phases Early Mid Late Crop age 9 MAP 11 MAP 13 MAP Fertilizer Control 75N:20P:90K 75N:20P:135K 75N:20P:180K Variety TME 419 TMS 0581 Fig 1: Treatment factors in field trials and trial locations 1. Introduction 2. Methods 3. Results • Dry matter and starch yield show variations across the year • Month of harvest influenced yields, with lower yields at onset of rains 4. Conclusions Starchyield[tonnes/ha]Drymatteryield[tonnes/ha] Dry matter yield [tonnes/ha]