Increasing cassava productivity through optimized planting dates,
crop age at harvest and fertilizer application
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ACAI poster by_rebecca enesi
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Increasing cassava productivity through optimized planting dates,
crop age at harvest and fertilizer application
Rebecca Enesi 1,2, Stefan Hauser 2, Pieter Pypers 3, Johan Six 1
1ETH Zurich,
2International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Nigeria, 3International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Kenya
• Cassava production in Nigeria is not tailored towards commercialization
• Technical solutions are required to meet industrial and household demands
• Cassava supply can be consistent through expansion of planting and harvest
• This study investigates the effects of expanding the planting and harvesting
periods and fertilizer application on root and starch yield of two different
Field trials in South west, Nigeria
Increasing crop age across all planting dates increased yield, proving to be a
strategy that can be profitable for farmers/processors.
The varieties tested respond differently to planting and harvesting windows,
TMS 0581 can be an option for late harvest windows.
Root yield was not significantly increased by fertilizer use, investment in
fertilizer may be strongly site specific and not in all sites necessary.
These results were used to develop the DST to provide recommendation on
the best time to plant and harvest cassava.
• Longer growing phases (9 to 13 MAP) increased root dry matter yield
• Planting outside the conventional window has the potential to improve supply
and prevent glut without compromising root and starch yield.
• TMS 0581 is suitable for prolonged growing period i.e. up to 13 MAP
• TME 419 has higher starch yield than TMS 0581 at 9 and 11 MAP harvest
• Starch yield increased as dry matter content increased
Planting Phases
Crop age
11 MAP
13 MAP
TME 419
TMS 0581
Fig 1: Treatment factors in field trials and trial locations
1. Introduction 2. Methods
3. Results
• Dry matter and starch yield show variations across the year
• Month of harvest influenced yields, with lower yields at onset of rains
4. Conclusions
Dry matter yield [tonnes/ha]