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D – Borang Tajuk PSM
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*SEMESTER I, SESI 2014/2015
Kod Subjek:
Subject Code BDA49002
Title Surface Integrity of Inconel 718 when EDM Machining with Powder
Suspended Dielectric.
Superalloy such as Inconel 718 are widely used in turbomachinery
industry due to their outstanding mechanical properties. The difficulty
and challenge to machine Inconel 718 is due to its characteristic such as
the tendency to weld, high shear strength, form build-up edge, high
chemical affinity and low thermal conductivity. Inconel alloys are very
difficult to machine using conventional mechanical process. Electrical
discharge machining (EDM) is an alternative competitive process to
manufacture complex Inconel part geometries. Examples of these are
component for liquid fueled rockets, rings, casing, and various formed
sheet metal parts for aircraft and land-based gas turbine engines, and
cryogenic tankage. It is also used for fastener and instrumentation parts.
The increasing demand of Inconel 718 have made the surface integrity
of this material are considered to be study. This is due to reduce
manufacturing cost and to improve quality of the material as well as for
the safety factor.
D – Borang Tajuk PSM
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Workpiece to be used is Inconel 718. The investigation of surface
integrity for Inconel 718 will be challenging material to be studied due
to its outstanding high temperature strength and toughness. Two types
of tool electrode EDM machining will be used for machining process
which is copper electrode and copper tungsten. For this study, the major
instruments used was EDM machine. The measuring instrument was
Optical microscope to show the microstructure of Inconel 718 after
EDM machining. Other than that, Vickers Tester was used to record the
surface hardness value for Inconel 718 and Surface Roughness Tester to
record the surface roughness value for Inconel 718. High peak current
and high pulse duration was used for machine setup and parameter
setting. The peak current to be used is 20A, 30A, 40A, and pulse
duration to be use is 200µs, 300µs, and 400µs. The sample preparation
of workpiece must go through sectioning, mounting, grinding,
polishing, and etching.
Extend the study of surface integrity in EDM machining of Inconel 718
with powder suspended dielectric is to be explored.
The objective of this research is to study the surface integrity (SI) in
electrical discharge machining (EDM) of Inconel 718 in terms of
microstructure or microcrack, white layer or recast layer, and surface
morphology of workpiece.
Skop Kajian:
Scope of Study
 Workpiece material was Inconel 718.
 The machine setup was kerosene dielectric powder which
suspended and with nano, Al powder which has a concentration
(2, 4g/l).
 Major instrument was EDM machine.
 Measuring instrument was Optical microscope and Scanning
Electron Microscopy (SEM).
 Two types of electrodes used in this study were copper (Cu) and
copper tungsten. (CuW).
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Nama Pelajar :
Name of Student
No. Matrik :
Matrix No.
Nama Penyelia:
Name of Supervisor :
Tandatangan/Cop :
Pengesahan Ketua Panel Bidang:
Approval by Head of Panel:
Tandatangan/Cop :
Komen (jika ada):
Comment (if any):

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  • 1. D – Borang Tajuk PSM *Sila potong yang tidak berkenaan 1 / 3 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIKAL DAN PEMBUATAN UNIVERSITI TUN HUSSEIN ONN MALAYSIA BORANG TAJUK PSM PSM TITLE FORM *SEMESTER I, SESI 2014/2015 *JABATAN YANG MENILAI: JKPI EVALUATING DEPARTMENT Kod Subjek: Subject Code BDA49002 Tajuk: Title Surface Integrity of Inconel 718 when EDM Machining with Powder Suspended Dielectric. Sinopsis: Synopsis PROBLEM STATEMENT Superalloy such as Inconel 718 are widely used in turbomachinery industry due to their outstanding mechanical properties. The difficulty and challenge to machine Inconel 718 is due to its characteristic such as the tendency to weld, high shear strength, form build-up edge, high chemical affinity and low thermal conductivity. Inconel alloys are very difficult to machine using conventional mechanical process. Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is an alternative competitive process to manufacture complex Inconel part geometries. Examples of these are component for liquid fueled rockets, rings, casing, and various formed sheet metal parts for aircraft and land-based gas turbine engines, and cryogenic tankage. It is also used for fastener and instrumentation parts. The increasing demand of Inconel 718 have made the surface integrity of this material are considered to be study. This is due to reduce manufacturing cost and to improve quality of the material as well as for the safety factor.
  • 2. D – Borang Tajuk PSM *Sila potong yang tidak berkenaan 2 / 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Workpiece to be used is Inconel 718. The investigation of surface integrity for Inconel 718 will be challenging material to be studied due to its outstanding high temperature strength and toughness. Two types of tool electrode EDM machining will be used for machining process which is copper electrode and copper tungsten. For this study, the major instruments used was EDM machine. The measuring instrument was Optical microscope to show the microstructure of Inconel 718 after EDM machining. Other than that, Vickers Tester was used to record the surface hardness value for Inconel 718 and Surface Roughness Tester to record the surface roughness value for Inconel 718. High peak current and high pulse duration was used for machine setup and parameter setting. The peak current to be used is 20A, 30A, 40A, and pulse duration to be use is 200µs, 300µs, and 400µs. The sample preparation of workpiece must go through sectioning, mounting, grinding, polishing, and etching. EXPECTED RESULT Extend the study of surface integrity in EDM machining of Inconel 718 with powder suspended dielectric is to be explored. Objektif: Objective The objective of this research is to study the surface integrity (SI) in electrical discharge machining (EDM) of Inconel 718 in terms of microstructure or microcrack, white layer or recast layer, and surface morphology of workpiece. Skop Kajian: Scope of Study  Workpiece material was Inconel 718.  The machine setup was kerosene dielectric powder which suspended and with nano, Al powder which has a concentration (2, 4g/l).  Major instrument was EDM machine.  Measuring instrument was Optical microscope and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM).  Two types of electrodes used in this study were copper (Cu) and copper tungsten. (CuW).
  • 3. D – Borang Tajuk PSM *Sila potong yang tidak berkenaan 3 / 3 Nama Pelajar : Name of Student ASRIZA BIN CHE ASHARI. No. Matrik : Matrix No. AD110125. Nama Penyelia: Name of Supervisor : PROF. MADYA DR MOHD AMRI BIN LAJIS. Tandatangan/Cop : Signature/Stamp Pengesahan Ketua Panel Bidang: Approval by Head of Panel: Tandatangan/Cop : Signature/Stamp Komen (jika ada): Comment (if any): Tarikh: Date