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SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Authenticate users
Authorize access
Synchronize app state
Manage users and
identity providers
Securely access
cloud resources
Sync user prefs
across devices
Send push notifications
Store shared data
Store media
Store user-generated photos
Media and share them
Bring users back to your app by sending
messages reliably
Store and query fast NoSQL data
across users and devices
Collect real-time clickstream logs
and take actions quickly
Stream real-time data
Authenticate users
Authorize access
Synchronize app state Send push notifications
Amazon Cognito
(Identity Broker)
AWS Identity and
Access Management
Amazon Cognito
(Sync) Amazon SNS
Mobile Push
Store and share media
Amazon S3
Transfer Manager
Store shared data
Amazon DynamoDB
(Object Mapper)
Stream real-time data
Amazon Kinesis
User identity and sync with Amazon Cognito
Amazon Cognito Overview
Manage authenticated
and guest users across
identity providers
Identity Management
Synchronize user’s data
across devices and
platforms via the cloud
Data Synchronization
Securely access AWS
services from mobile
devices and platforms
Secure AWS Access
Amazon Cognito: Use cases
Identity across the web and mobile
State transition
State transition
State transition
Game state
Amazon Cognito: Identity
Amazon Cognito
IdentitiesJoe Anna Bob
Any Device
Any Platform
Helps implement security best practices
Securely access any AWS Service from mobile
device. It simplifies the interaction with AWS
Identity and Access Management
Support Multiple Login Providers
Easily integrate with major login providers for
Unique Users vs. Devices
Manage unique identities. Automatically recognize
unique user across devices and platforms.
S3 DynamoDB Kinesis
Amazon Cognito unauthenticated
Unique Identifier for Your “Things”
“Headless” connected devices can also securely
access cloud services.
Save Data to the Cloud
Save app and device data to the cloud and merge
them after login
Guest User Access
Securely access AWS resources and leverage app
features without the need to create an account or
logging in
EC2 S3 DynamoDB Kinesis
Amazon Cognito Authenticated Flow
Developer Authenticated Identities – Support Any Login
Amazon Cognito: Security best practices
Amazon Cognito Security
Set granular access permissions on AWS resources
Get fine-grained access control to cloud resources.
Safeguard AWS Credentials
No need to embed credentials in the app anymore.
Get least-privileged temporary credentials.
Helps implement security best practices
Securely access any AWS Service. It simplifies the
interaction with Security Token Service and removes
the need of Token Vending Machine
EC2 S3 DynamoDB Kinesis
Amazon Cognito: Cloud sync
What have customers told us about “Synchronized
People have multiple devices and want to transition between devices.
Implementing a user profile that syncs across devices, OS, apps is hard.
It not only has to work when offline, but easy to integrate with existing apps.
Amazon Cognito Sync Features
• Store App Data, Preferences and State
Save app and user data to the cloud
• Work Offline
Data persisted to local storage first. Local data is
available regardless of connectivity
• No Backend
Simple client SDK eliminates need for server side
Identity Pool
Sync Data Model
• Identity Pool: Pool of app users. Can be
shared across apps.
• Identity: An individual user. Consistent
across identity providers. Can be a guest
• Dataset: Per user grouping of data. The
most granular level of sync. Up to 1MB.
• Record: Key/Value pair user data
AWS Account
Let’s build our app
2. Identity with Amazon Cognito
Amazon Cognito Security Architecture
End Users
App with
AWS Mobile
to AWS
Login OAUTH/OpenID
Access Token
Cognito ID,
Pool ID
Role ARNs
Cognito ID
Cognito Identity
Mobile Analytics
Cognito Sync
Amazon Cognito
Amazon Cognito
Amazon Cognito
Amazon Cognito
Create an unauthenticated identity
AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider *credentialsProvider =
[AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider credentialsWithRegionType:AWSRegionUSEast1
AWSServiceConfiguration *configuration = [AWSServiceConfiguration
[AWSServiceManager defaultServiceManager].defaultServiceConfiguration = configuration;
Link a social profile, authenticated identities
NSString *token = FBSession.activeSession.accessTokenData.accessToken;
credentialsProvider.logins = @{ @(AWSCognitoLoginProviderKeyFacebook): token };
• Logins is a Map
• Can contain tokens from all supported providers
• Amazon
• Facebook
• Google
• Your own identity system
Identity state changes
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
-(void)identityDidChange:(NSNotification*)notification {
NSDictionary *userInfo = notification.userInfo;
NSLog(@"identity changed from %@ to %@",
[userInfo objectForKey: AWSCognitoNotificationPreviousId],
[userInfo objectForKey: AWSCognitoNotificationNewId]);
Let’s build our app
3. Synchronize app state
Save and sync preferences and state
// Create sync client and open dataset
AWSCognito *syncClient = [AWSCognito defaultCognito];
AWSCognitoDataset *dataset = [syncClient openOrCreateDataset:@”mediashare"];
// Save the current state of the application
[dataset setString:self.currentPhotoName forKey:@”latest_photo"];
[dataset synchronize];

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Amazon Cognito

  • 1. Authenticate users Authorize access Synchronize app state Manage users and identity providers Securely access cloud resources Sync user prefs across devices Media sharing mobile app Send push notifications Store shared data Store media Store user-generated photos Media and share them Bring users back to your app by sending messages reliably Store and query fast NoSQL data across users and devices Collect real-time clickstream logs and take actions quickly Stream real-time data
  • 2. Authenticate users Authorize access Synchronize app state Send push notifications Amazon Cognito (Identity Broker) AWS Identity and Access Management Amazon Cognito (Sync) Amazon SNS Mobile Push Store and share media Amazon S3 Transfer Manager Store shared data Amazon DynamoDB (Object Mapper) Stream real-time data Amazon Kinesis (Recorder) Media sharing mobile app
  • 3. User identity and sync with Amazon Cognito
  • 4. Amazon Cognito Overview Manage authenticated and guest users across identity providers Identity Management Synchronize user’s data across devices and platforms via the cloud Data Synchronization Securely access AWS services from mobile devices and platforms Secure AWS Access Guest
  • 6. Identity across the web and mobile
  • 12. Amazon Cognito Identity Providers Unique IdentitiesJoe Anna Bob Any Device Any Platform Any AWS Service Helps implement security best practices Securely access any AWS Service from mobile device. It simplifies the interaction with AWS Identity and Access Management Support Multiple Login Providers Easily integrate with major login providers for authentication. Unique Users vs. Devices Manage unique identities. Automatically recognize unique user across devices and platforms. Mobile Analytics S3 DynamoDB Kinesis
  • 13. Amazon Cognito unauthenticated Unique Identifier for Your “Things” “Headless” connected devices can also securely access cloud services. Save Data to the Cloud Save app and device data to the cloud and merge them after login Guest User Access Securely access AWS resources and leverage app features without the need to create an account or logging in Visitor Preferences Cognito Store Guest EC2 S3 DynamoDB Kinesis
  • 15. Developer Authenticated Identities – Support Any Login
  • 16. Amazon Cognito: Security best practices
  • 17. Amazon Cognito Security Set granular access permissions on AWS resources Get fine-grained access control to cloud resources. Safeguard AWS Credentials No need to embed credentials in the app anymore. Get least-privileged temporary credentials. Helps implement security best practices Securely access any AWS Service. It simplifies the interaction with Security Token Service and removes the need of Token Vending Machine EC2 S3 DynamoDB Kinesis
  • 19. What have customers told us about “Synchronized Profile” People have multiple devices and want to transition between devices. Implementing a user profile that syncs across devices, OS, apps is hard. It not only has to work when offline, but easy to integrate with existing apps.
  • 20. Amazon Cognito Sync Features • Store App Data, Preferences and State Save app and user data to the cloud • Work Offline Data persisted to local storage first. Local data is available regardless of connectivity • No Backend Simple client SDK eliminates need for server side code User Data Identity Pool
  • 21. Sync Data Model • Identity Pool: Pool of app users. Can be shared across apps. • Identity: An individual user. Consistent across identity providers. Can be a guest user. • Dataset: Per user grouping of data. The most granular level of sync. Up to 1MB. • Record: Key/Value pair user data AWS Account Dataset Identity IdentityIdentity Dataset Dataset Identity Pool 1:60 1:n 1:20 Dataset Dataset Record 1:1024
  • 22. Let’s build our app 2. Identity with Amazon Cognito
  • 23. Amazon Cognito Security Architecture End Users App with AWS Mobile SDK Access to AWS Services Login OAUTH/OpenID Access Token Cognito ID, Temp Credentials Access Token Pool ID Role ARNs Cognito ID (Temp Credentials) DynamoDB Developer Cognito Identity S3 Mobile Analytics Cognito Sync Store AWS Management Console
  • 28. Create an unauthenticated identity AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider *credentialsProvider = [AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider credentialsWithRegionType:AWSRegionUSEast1 accountId:@"AWS_ACCOUNT_ID" identityPoolId:@"COGNITO_IDENTITY_POOL" unauthRoleArn:@"arn:aws:iam::AWS_ACCOUNT_ID:role/UNAUTHENTICATED_ROLE" authRoleArn:@"arn:aws:iam::AWS_ACCOUNT_ID:role/AUTHENTICATED_ROLE"]; AWSServiceConfiguration *configuration = [AWSServiceConfiguration configurationWithRegion:AWSRegionUSEast1 credentialsProvider:credentialsProvider]; [AWSServiceManager defaultServiceManager].defaultServiceConfiguration = configuration;
  • 29. Link a social profile, authenticated identities NSString *token = FBSession.activeSession.accessTokenData.accessToken; credentialsProvider.logins = @{ @(AWSCognitoLoginProviderKeyFacebook): token }; • Logins is a Map • Can contain tokens from all supported providers • Amazon • Facebook • Google • Your own identity system
  • 30. Identity state changes [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(identityIdDidChange:) name:AWSCognitoIdentityIdChangedNotification object:nil]; -(void)identityDidChange:(NSNotification*)notification { NSDictionary *userInfo = notification.userInfo; NSLog(@"identity changed from %@ to %@", [userInfo objectForKey: AWSCognitoNotificationPreviousId], [userInfo objectForKey: AWSCognitoNotificationNewId]); }
  • 31. Let’s build our app 3. Synchronize app state
  • 32. Save and sync preferences and state // Create sync client and open dataset AWSCognito *syncClient = [AWSCognito defaultCognito]; AWSCognitoDataset *dataset = [syncClient openOrCreateDataset:@”mediashare"]; // Save the current state of the application [dataset setString:self.currentPhotoName forKey:@”latest_photo"]; [dataset synchronize];