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   Sample Book Report                                                                             The writer’s title
                                                                                                  includes the
                                                                                                  name of the
                   The Bad Beginning: A Terrible Tale                                             book he or she
                                                                                                  is reviewing.
The writer
engages the        Do you enjoy happy endings? If so, The Bad Beginning by                        The writer
reader with        Lemony Snicket is a book you’ll want to avoid. This is a                       includes the
a question.        story with a bad beginning, a bad middle and a bad                             title and author
                                                                                                  of the book in
                   ending. Why would anyone want to read such a thoroughly                        the introduction.
                   bad book? It’s all in good fun!

The writer         The Bad Beginning is a story about the suffering of three
provides           orphaned siblings at the hands of their uncle, Count Olaf.
a brief            Although Violet, Klaus and Sunny are the inheritors of an
of the plot.       enormous fortune, they cannot claim the money until they
                   are older. For now, they must live with Olaf and cook and                      The writer
                   clean for him and his terrible theater friends. Why would                      includes details
                                                                                                  about a problem
                   such a cruel character take in three orphans? He wants to                      the characters
                   steal their fortune, of course.                                                face.

The writer         I can’t tell you how the story ends, but I can tell you what
states his         I enjoyed most about the book. Snicket makes his readers
or her             laugh and want to continue reading, even in the most
about the          terrible situations. For example, he constantly warns
                                                                                                  The writer
book.              his reader to put down the book because nothing good                           provides
                   could possibly come of the orphans’ unfortunate situation.                     examples from
                   He writes: “It is my sad duty to write down these                              the book to
                   unpleasant tales, but there is nothing stopping you from                       support his or
                                                                                                  her opinion.
                   putting this book down at once…” Of course, Snicket’s
                   warnings only made me even more curious to find out what
                   would become of the siblings in the end.
The writer
reasons to         Will Olaf’s evil plot win out? Or will these three crafty kids
explain why        outwit him? If you’re not afraid of a little misery and a
he or she                                                                                         The writer
recommends         whole lot of mischief, then I recommend you read The Bad
the book.          Beginning and find out for yourself.                                           the book.

               ©2004 TIME For Kids. This page may be photocopied for use with students and teachers.

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Book Report Sample

  • 1. Name Date Sample Book Report The writer’s title includes the name of the The Bad Beginning: A Terrible Tale book he or she is reviewing. The writer engages the Do you enjoy happy endings? If so, The Bad Beginning by The writer reader with Lemony Snicket is a book you’ll want to avoid. This is a includes the a question. story with a bad beginning, a bad middle and a bad title and author of the book in ending. Why would anyone want to read such a thoroughly the introduction. bad book? It’s all in good fun! The writer The Bad Beginning is a story about the suffering of three provides orphaned siblings at the hands of their uncle, Count Olaf. a brief Although Violet, Klaus and Sunny are the inheritors of an summary of the plot. enormous fortune, they cannot claim the money until they are older. For now, they must live with Olaf and cook and The writer clean for him and his terrible theater friends. Why would includes details about a problem such a cruel character take in three orphans? He wants to the characters steal their fortune, of course. face. The writer I can’t tell you how the story ends, but I can tell you what states his I enjoyed most about the book. Snicket makes his readers or her laugh and want to continue reading, even in the most opinion about the terrible situations. For example, he constantly warns The writer book. his reader to put down the book because nothing good provides could possibly come of the orphans’ unfortunate situation. examples from He writes: “It is my sad duty to write down these the book to unpleasant tales, but there is nothing stopping you from support his or her opinion. putting this book down at once…” Of course, Snicket’s warnings only made me even more curious to find out what would become of the siblings in the end. The writer gives reasons to Will Olaf’s evil plot win out? Or will these three crafty kids explain why outwit him? If you’re not afraid of a little misery and a he or she The writer recommends whole lot of mischief, then I recommend you read The Bad recommends the book. Beginning and find out for yourself. the book. ©2004 TIME For Kids. This page may be photocopied for use with students and teachers.