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CS/ECE Advanced Network Security Dr. Attila Altay Yavuz

CS/ECE Advanced Network Security Dr. Attila Altay Yavuz. Topic 4 Basic Number Theory Credit: Prof. Dr. Peng Ning. Fall 2014. Outline. GCD Totient (Euler-Phi), relative primes Euclid and Extended Euclid Algorithm Little Fermat, Generalized Fermat Theorem

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CS/ECE Advanced Network Security Dr. Attila Altay Yavuz

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  1. CS/ECE Advanced Network SecurityDr. Attila Altay Yavuz Topic 4 Basic Number Theory Credit: Prof. Dr. Peng Ning Dr. Attila Altay Yavuz Fall 2014

  2. Outline • GCD • Totient (Euler-Phi), relative primes • Euclid and Extended Euclid Algorithm • Little Fermat, Generalized Fermat Theorem • Order of element/group, Lagrange Theorem • Modular Exponentiation • Discrete Logarithms

  3. Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) • gcd(a,b) = max{k | k|a and k|b} • Observations • gcd(a,b) = gcd(|a|, |b|) • gcd(a,b)  min(|a|, |b|) • if 0  n, then gcd(an, bn) = n*gcd(a,b) • For all positive integers d, a, and b……if d | ab…and gcd(a,d) = 1…then d|b Example: gcd(60,24) = 12, gcd(a,0) = a

  4. GCD (Cont’d) • Computing GCD by hand:if a = p1a1p2a2 … prar and b = p1b1p2b2 … prbr , …where p1< p2< … < pr are prime, …and ai and bi are nonnegative, …then gcd(a, b) = p1 min(a1, b1) p2 min(a2, b2) … pr min(ar, br) • Slow way to find the GCD • requires factoring a and b first (which, as we will see, can be slow)

  5. Relatively Prime • Integers a and b are relatively prime iff gcd(a,b) = 1 • example: 8 and 15 are relatively prime • Integers n1,n2,…nk are pairwise relatively prime if gcd(ni,nj) = 1 for all i  j

  6. The Totient Function (Euler-Phi Function) • (n) = |Zn*| = the number of integers less than n and relatively prime to n • if n is prime, then (n) = n-1 • if n = p, where p is prime and  > 0, then (n) = (p-1)*p-1 • if n=pq, and p, q are relatively prime, then (n) = (p)*(q) Example: (7) = 6 Example: (25) = (52) = 4*51 = 20 Example: (15) = (5*3) = (5) * (3) = 4 * 2 = 8

  7. Multiplicative Group Zn* • Let Zn* be the set of numbers between 1 and n-1 that are relatively prime to n • Zn* is closed under multiplication mod n • Ex.: Z8* = {1,3,5,7}

  8. Euclid’s Algorithm for GCD • Insight:gcd(x, y) = gcd(y, x mod y) • Procedure euclid(x, y): r[0] = x, r[1] = y, n = 1; while (r[n] != 0) { n = n+1; r[n] = r[n-2] % r[n-1]; } return r[n-1];

  9. gcd(595,408) = 17 Example

  10. Running Time • Running time is logarithmic in size of x and y • Worst case occurs when ??? Enter x and y: 102334155 63245986 Step 1: r[i] = 39088169 Step 2: r[i] = 24157817 Step 3: r[i] = 14930352 Step 4: r[i] = 9227465 … Step 35: r[i] = 3 Step 36: r[i] = 2 Step 37: r[i] = 1 Step 38: r[i] = 0 gcd of 102334155 and 63245986 is 1

  11. Extended Euclid’s Algorithm • Let LC(x,y) = {ux+vy : x,y Z} be the set of linear combinations of x and y • Theorem: if x and y are any integers > 0, then gcd(x,y) is the smallest positive element of LC(x,y) • Euclid’s algorithm can be extended to compute u and v, as well as gcd(x,y) • Procedure exteuclid(x, y): (next page…)

  12. floor function Extended Euclid’s Algorithm r[0] = x, r[1] = y, n = 1; u[0] = 1, u[1] = 0; v[0] = 0, v[1] = 1; while (r[n] != 0) { n = n+1; r[n] = r[n-2] % r[n-1]; q[n] = (int) (r[n-2] / r[n-1]); u[n] = u[n-2] – q[n]*u[n-1]; v[n] = v[n-2] – q[n]*v[n-1]; } return r[n-1], u[n-1], v[n-1]; Exercise: Show r[n]=u[n]x+v[n]y Dr. Peng Ning

  13. Extended Euclid’s Example gcd(595,408) = 17 = 11*595 + -16*408

  14. Finding the Multiplicative Inverse • Given m and n, how do you find m-1 mod n? • Extended Euclid’s Algorithm exteuclid(m,n):m-1 mod n = vn-1 • if gcd(m,n)  1 there is no multiplicative inverse m-1 mod n

  15. Example gcd(35,12) = 1 = -1*35 + 3*12 12-1 mod 35 = 3 (i.e., 12*3 mod 35 = 1)

  16. Euler’s Theorem • For every a and n that are relatively prime, aø(n) 1 mod n Example: For a = 3, n = 10, which relatively prime: (10) = 4 3 (10) = 34 = 81  1 mod 10 Example: For a = 2, n = 11, which are relatively prime: (11) = 10 2 (11) = 210 = 1024  1 mod 11

  17. More Euler… • Variant:for all n,a k(n)+1a mod n for all a in Zn*, and all non-negative k • Generalized Euler’s Theorem:for n = pq (p and q distinct primes),a k(n)+1a mod nfor all a in Zn,and all non-negative k Example: for n = 20, a = 7, (n) = 8, and k = 3: 7 3*8+1  7 mod 20 Example: for n = 15, a = 6, (n) = 8, and k = 3: 6 3*8+1  6 mod 15

  18. Fermat’s “Little” Theorem • If p is prime …and a is a positive integer not divisible by p, …thenap-1  1 (mod p) Example: 11 is prime, 3 not divisible by 11, so 311-1 = 59049  1 (mod 11) Example: 37 is prime, 51 not divisible by 37, so 5137-1  1 (mod 37) Useful?

  19. Modular Exponentiation • xy mod nxy mod (n) mod n • by this, if y 1 mod (n), then xy mod n x mod n Example: x = 5, y = 7, n = 6, (6) = 2 57 mod 6 = 57 mod 2 mod 6 = 5 mod 6 Example: x = 2, y = 101, n = 33, (33) = 20, 101 mod 20 = 1 2101 mod 33 = 2 mod 33

  20. The Powers of An Integer, Modulo n • Consider the expression am  1 mod n • If a and n are relatively prime, then there is at least one integer m that satisfies the above equation • Ex: for a = 3 and n = 7, what is m?

  21. The Power (Cont’d) • The least positive exponent m for which the above equation holds is referred to as… • the order of a (mod n),or • the length of the period generated bya

  22. Understanding Order of a (mod n) • Powers of some integers a modulo 19  order

  23. Observations on The Previous Table • The length of each period divides 18= (19) • i.e., the lengths are 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18 • Some of the sequences are of length 18 • e.g., the base 2 generates (via powers) all members of Zn* • The base is called the primitive root • The base is also called the generator when n is prime

  24. Example: (7) = 6 Example: (25) = (52) = 4*51 = 20 Example: (15) = (5*3) = (5) * (3) = 4 * 2 = 8 Reminder of Results Totient function: if n is prime, then (n) = n-1 if n = p, where p is prime and  > 0, then (n) = (p-1)*p-1 if n=pq, and p, q are relatively prime, then (n) = (p)*(q)

  25. Reminder (Cont’d) • Fermat: If p is prime and a is positive integer not divisible by p, thenap-1  1 (mod p) Example: 11 is prime, 3 not divisible by 11, so 311-1 = 59049  1 (mod 11) Euler: For every a and n that are relatively prime, then aø(n) 1 mod n Example: For a = 3, n = 10, which relatively prime: (10) = 4, 3 (10) = 34 = 81  1 mod 10 Variant: for all a in Zn*, and all non-negative k,a k(n)+1a mod n Example: for n = 20, a = 7, (n) = 8, and k = 3: 7 3*8+1  7 mod 20 Generalized Euler’s Theorem: for n = pq (p and q are distinct primes), all a in Zn,and all non-negative k, a k(n)+1a mod n Example: for n = 15, a = 6, (n) = 8, and k = 3: 6 3*8+1  6 mod 15 xy mod nxy mod (n) mod n Example: x = 5, y = 7, n = 6, (6) = 2, 57 mod 6 = 57 mod 2 mod 6 = 5 mod 6

  26. Computing Modular Powers Efficiently • The repeated squaring algorithmforcomputing ab (mod n) • Let birepresent the ith bit of b (total of k bits)

  27. at each iteration, not just at end Computing (Cont’d) Algorithm modexp(a,b,n) d = 1; for i = k downto 1 do d = (d * d) % n; /* square */ if (bi == 1) d = (d * a) % n; /* step 2 */ endif enddo return d; Requires time  k = logarithmic in b

  28. Example • Compute ab (mod n) = 7560 mod 561 = 1 mod 561 • 56010 = 10001100002 step 2 Q: Can some other result be used to compute this particular example more easily? (Note: 561 = 3*11*17.)

  29. Discrete Logarithms

  30. Square Roots • x is a non-trivial square root of 1 mod n if it satisfies the equation x2 1 mod n, but x is neither 1 nor -1 mod n • Theorem: if there exists a non-trivial square root of 1 mod n, then n is not a prime • i.e., prime numbers will not have non-trivial square roots Ex: 6 is a square root of 1 mod 35 since 62  1 mod 35

  31. Roots (Cont’d) • If n = 20p11p22 … pkk , where p1…pk are distinct primes > 2, then the number of square roots (including trivial square roots) are: • 2k if 0 1 • 2k+1 if 0 = 2 • 2k+2 if 0 > 2 Example: for n = 70 = 21 * 51 * 71 , 0= 1, k = 2, and the number of square roots = 22 = 4 (1,29,41,69) Example: for n = 60 = 22 * 31 * 51, k = 2, the number of square roots = 23 = 8 (1,11,19,29,31,41,49,59) Example: for n = 24 = 23 * 31, k = 1, the number of square roots = 23 = 8 (1,5,7,11,13,17,19,23)

  32. Primitive Roots • Reminder: the highest possible order of a (mod n) is (n) • If the order of a (mod n) is (n), then a is referred to as a primitive root of n • for a prime number p, if a is a primitive root of p, then a, a2, …, ap-1 are all distinct numbers mod p • No simple general formula to compute primitive roots modulo n • there are methods to locate a primitive root faster than trying out all candidates

  33. Discrete Logarithms • For a primitive root a of a number p, where ai≡b mod p, for some 0 ip-1 • the exponent i is referred to as the index of b for the base a (mod p), denoted as inda,p(b) • iis also referred to as the discrete logarithm of b to the base a, mod p

  34. Logarithms (Cont’d) • Example: 2 is a primitive root of 19. The powers of 2 mod 19 = Given a, i, and p, computing b = ai mod p is straightforward

  35. Computing Discrete Logarithms • However, given a, b, and p, computing i = inda,p(b)is difficult • Used as the basis of some public key cryptosystems

  36. Computing (Cont’d) • Some properties of discrete logarithms • inda,p(1) = 0 because a0 mod p = 1 • inda,p(a) = 1 because a1 mod p = a • inda,p(yz) = (inda,p(y) + inda,p(z)) mod (p) • inda,p(yr) = (r inda,p(y)) mod(p) warning: (p), not p! Example: ind2,19(5*3) = (ind2,19(5) + ind2,19(3)) = 11 mod 18 Example: ind2,19(33) = (3*ind2,19(3))= 3 mod 18

  37. More on Discrete Logarithms • Consider:x ainda,p(x) mod p,y ainda,p(y) mod p, andxy ainda,p(xy) mod p • ainda,p(xy) mod p  (ainda,p(x) mod p)(ainda,p(y) mod p) • ainda,p(xy) mod p  (ainda,p(x)+inda,p(y) ) mod p • by Euler’s theorem: azaq mod p iffz q mod (p) Ex: 3 = 213 mod 19 Ex: 5 = 216 mod 19 Ex: 3*5 = 211 mod 19 Ex: 15 = 3 * 5 Ex: 15 = 213+16 mod 19 Ex: 15 = 211 mod 19 = 229 mod 19  11  29 mod 18

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