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BCH Code

BCH Code. • a larger class of powerful random error-correcting cyclic codes • a remarkable generalization of the Hamming codes for multiple-error correction. Def : Let q and m be given and let α be any element of GF(q m ) of order n.

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BCH Code

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  1. BCH Code • a larger class of powerful random error-correcting cyclic codes • a remarkable generalization of the Hamming codes for multiple-error correction Def : Let q and m be given and let α be any element of GF(qm) of order n. Then for any positive integer t and any integer j0, the corresponding BCH code is the cyclic code of block length n with the generator polynomial g(x) = LCM[fj0(x), fj0+1(x), … , fj0+2t-1(x)] where fj(x) is the minimal polynomial at αj ※ Let 1. n = qm – 1 | n | qm - 1 2. j0 = 1 | α: non-primitive element (αn = 1)  | α: primitive element (αn = 1) | α, α2, α3, … , α2t | primitive (or narrow-sense) BCH code| Yuh-Ming Huang, CSIE, NCNU

  2. ※ Let q = 2, j0 = 1 ﹡取相鄰 power of Block length : n = 2m – 1 or n | 2m – 1 α保證 d* ≥ 2t + 1 Number of parity-check digits : n – k ≤ mt  Minimum distance : d* ≥ 2t + 1 (BCH bound)   t-error-correcting BCH code designed distance g(x) = LCM [f1(x), f2(x), … , f2t(x)] 2 = 1•2 4 = 1•22 6 = 3•2 8 = 1•23 10 = 5•21 ∵ i (even) = I’•2l where i’ is an odd number and l ≥ 1 ∴ αi = (αi’)2l is a conjugate of αi’ ∴ αi & αi’ have the same minimal polynomial i.e. fi(x) = fi’(x) ∴ g(x) = LCM [ f1(x), f3(x), … , f2t-1(x) ] ∵ deg[ fi(x) ] ≤ m  n – k ≤ mt Eg: t = 2 g(x) = LCM [f1(x), f2(x), f3(x), f4(x)] q = 2 = LCM [x4+x+1, x4+x+1, x4+x3+x2+x+1, x4+x+1] m = 4 = (x4+x+1)(x4+x3+x2+x+1) n = qm – 1 = 15 = x8+x7+x6+x4+1 n – k = 8  BCH(15, 7, 5) 2t + 1 ≤ d* ≤ w(g(x)) (n, t)  k ! k is unknown until after g(x) is found Yuh-Ming Huang, CSIE, NCNU

  3. Eg: t = 2 g(x) = LCM [f1(x), f2(x), f3(x), f4(x)] q = 4 = (x2+x+2)(x2+x+3)(x2+3x+1) m = 2 = x6+3x5+x4+2x2+2x+1 n = qm – 1 = 15 BCH(15, 9) t = 6 g(x) = x14+x13+…+x2+x+1 Q: BCH(15, 1) – it can actually correct 7 errors simple repetition code ※ The single-error-correcting BCH code of length 2m – 1 is a Hamming Code Yuh-Ming Huang, CSIE, NCNU

  4. Yuh-Ming Huang, CSIE, NCNU

  5. Table 7.2 GF(42)  GF(4)[x]/z2+z+2 p(z) = z2+z+2 α α2 α4 α8 α16 α α3 α6 α12α24 α48 α3  α9 α = z α15 = 1 Yuh-Ming Huang, CSIE, NCNU

  6. n = 2m - 1 For t small n – k = mt Yuh-Ming Huang, CSIE, NCNU

  7. Yuh-Ming Huang, CSIE, NCNU

  8. Yuh-Ming Huang, CSIE, NCNU

  9. Yuh-Ming Huang, CSIE, NCNU

  10. Yuh-Ming Huang, CSIE, NCNU

  11. Yuh-Ming Huang, CSIE, NCNU

  12. Def t-error-correcting BCH code of length n = 2m – 1: A binary n-tuple v = (v0, v1, … , vn-1) is a code word iff the polynomial v(x) = v0 + v1x + … + vn-1xn-1 has α, α2, α3, … , α2t as roots. v(αi) = v0 + v1αi + v2α2i + … + vn-1α(n-1)i = 0 1 ≤ i ≤ 2t Yuh-Ming Huang, CSIE, NCNU

  13. if x – αi | v(x) αi αj互為 conjuqate then x – αj | v(x) By conjugate property Ref: Block Codes – extended 4 Proof: d* ≥ 2t + 1 (BCH bound) suppose code vector v = (v0, v1, … , vn-1) with weight  ≤ 2t Let vj1, vj2, … , vj be the nonzero components of v Yuh-Ming Huang, CSIE, NCNU

  14. = (1, 1, … ,1) implies Yuh-Ming Huang, CSIE, NCNU

  15. Syndrome S = (S1, S2, … , S2t) = r•HT r = (r0, r1, … , rn-1) Si = r(αi) r(x) = r0 + r1x + … + rn-1xn-1 r(x) = αi(x)fi(x) + bi(x) fi(x): minimal polynomial of αi ∵ fi(αi) = 0 Si = r(αi) = bi(αi) Q: 與 s(x) = r(x)/g(x) 之關係 Yuh-Ming Huang, CSIE, NCNU

  16. Peterson-Gorenstein-Zierler Decoder (1) e(X) = e0 + e1X + … + en-1Xn-1 where at most t coefficients are nonzero (2) Suppose v errors actually occur, 0 ≤ v ≤ t, in unknown locations i1, i2, … ,iv ∴ e(X) = ei1Xi1 + ei2Xi2 + … + eivXiv (3) S1 = v(α) = c(α) + e(α) = e(α) = ei1αi1 + ei2αi2 + … + eivαiv Let Yl = eil : error magnitude 1 ≤ l ≤ v Xl = αil : error-location number Note : all Xl are different (∵αn = 1) S1 = Y1X1 + Y2X2 + … + YvXv ij, eij, v are unknown ! Q Yuh-Ming Huang, CSIE, NCNU

  17. (4) For α α2 α3 … α2t S1 = Y1X1 + Y2X2 + … + YvXv Yl GF(q) S2 = Y1X12 + Y2X22 + … + YvXv2 Xl GF(qm) S2 = Y1X13 + Y2X23 + … + YvXv3 . . , S2t = Y1X12t + Y2X22t + … + YvXv2t 1.(*)至少有一解 ∵Syndrome Si is defined in such way 2.證明此解unique (*) nonlinear equations Yuh-Ming Huang, CSIE, NCNU

  18. Consider the polynomial Λ(x) ≡ (1-X1x)(1-X2x)…(1-Xvx) = 1 + Λ1x + Λ2x2 + … + Λvxv – (1) error-locator polynomial If we knew the coefficients Λl of Λ(x) we could find the zeros of Λ(x) to obtain the error locations Xl Si Λl 1≤i≤2t 1≤l≤v Multiply both sides of (1) by YlXlj+v and set x = Xl-1 Yuh-Ming Huang, CSIE, NCNU

  19. ∵v ≤ t ∴S1 ~ S2v all known Yuh-Ming Huang, CSIE, NCNU

  20. Thm : The Vandermonde matrix has a nonzero determinant iff all of Xi 1 ≤ i ≤ u are distinct Thm : The matrix of syndromes M is nonsingular if u is equal to v, the number of errors that actually occurred. The matrix is singular if u > v. If v > t i.e. u < v時 det(M) = ? Yuh-Ming Huang, CSIE, NCNU

  21. Yuh-Ming Huang, CSIE, NCNU

  22. Enter υ(x) Compute syndromes Sj = υ(αj+j0-1) j = 1 … 2t v = t Find error location Xl (l = 1…..v) by finding zeros of Λ(x) det(M) = 0 Yes vv-1 No Halt special case j0 = 1 α α2 … α2t Figure 7.1 The Peterson-Gorenstein-Zierler decoder. Yuh-Ming Huang, CSIE, NCNU

  23. Eg: BCH(15,5) triple-error-correcting code. g(X) = X10 + X8 + X5 + X4 + X2 + X + 1 received code polynomial  V(X) = X7 + X2 In GF(24) S1 = α7 + α2 = α12 S2 = α14 + α4 = α9 S3 = α21 + α6 = 0 S4 = α28 + α8 = α3 S5 = α35 + α10 = α0 S6 = α42 + α12 = 0 Yuh-Ming Huang, CSIE, NCNU

  24. Yuh-Ming Huang, CSIE, NCNU

  25. Reed-Solomon Code (maximum-distance code) • The symbol field GF(q) and the error-locator field GF(qm) are the same (Yl) (Xl)(i.e. m = 1) • Take α as primitive n = qm – 1 = q – 1 • The minimal polynomial over GF(q) of an element β in the same GF(q) is fβ(X) = X – β • Take j0 = 1 g(X) = (X – α)(X – α2)… (X – α2t) ∴ n – k = 2t • eg1. (15,11) t = 2 GF(16) j0 = 1 g(X) = (X – α)(X – α2) (X – α3)(X – α4) = X4 + (Z3 + Z2 + 1)X3 + (Z3 + Z2)X2 + Z3X + (Z2 + Z + 1) = X4 + α13X3 + α6X2 + α3X + α10 n – k = 4  k = 11 (11 16-ary symbols  44 bits) Yuh-Ming Huang, CSIE, NCNU

  26. eg2. (7,3) t = 2 GF(8) j0 = 4g(X) = (X – α4)(X – α5) (X – α6)(X – α0) = X4 + (Z2 + 1)X3 + (Z2 + 1)X2 + (Z + 1)X + Z n – k = 4  k = 3 (3 8-ary symbols  9 bits) If i(X) = (Z2 + Z)X2 + X + (Z + 1) c(X) = i(X)g(X) = (α4X2 + X + α3)(X4 + α6X3 + α6X2 + α3X + α) = α4X6 + αX5 + α6X4 + 0X3 + 0X2 + α5X + α5 ※ 1. n – k + 1 = 2t + 1 ≤ d* ≤ 1 + n – k ∴ d* = 1 + n – k 2. R-S codes always have relatively short block-length as compared to other cyclic codes over the same alphabet ! Yuh-Ming Huang, CSIE, NCNU

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