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Hosting a Poshmark Party!

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     In September 2017 I became a Poshmark Ambassador! One of the first things I did after I found out was to apply for hosting a Poshmark party! You need only to apply once and they review applicants on a first come first serve. I read that if you continually try to reapply then your name will be moved to the end of the list. My advice is to apply once and be patient. I applied in September 2017 and did not hear anything until November 2018! Over a year wait!!! 

I was so excited when I received the email. Here is a screenshot of what it said:

     I emailed back right away to confirm that the date and time would work for me! One week before the party I received an email with the theme of the party. The first thing I did was create a listing advertising the fact that I would soon be hosting. I made this clip-art photo for the listing from the website canva.com. This is a free website that allows you to create flyers and posters. 

     As you can see, I had a lot of likes and comments on my listing. I did my best to filter through the people who left comments by looking in their closets for items that I would like to have as my host picks. To keep track of the items I wanted to share as host-picks I would "like" the item. I made sure the listing and especially the poshers closet were compliant to the user guidelines. I wanted to choose a mixture of items, new, used, and boutique. I also wanted to choose items that had great product photos and product descriptions. I had a lot of fun going through and finding items! 

Are you interested in hosting?

Here is the link for applying to host!

This is the Hosting Guide I received in my email from Poshmark:

It was exciting to see my picture on the Party Invite!

Check out those notifications! It felt chaotic during the party. 

     I had chosen 45 items before the party started. My goal was to choose another 20-30 items during the party by looking at items in the feed. I wanted to surprise people who were actively sharing to the party. It was more work then what I was expecting. Mainly because I was double checking for compliance before sharing as host picks. On all the items I picked and shared, I made sure to leave a comment! I said " I love this item and I love the effort you put into your product images! I decided to choose this as one of my Host Picks for Best In Shoes Party! Congratulations and Happy Holidays!". This helped to bring a lot of people to my closet. I had so many new followers and shares that at one point during the party my news icon said 999+. The notification alert I found out doesn't go over 3 digits! That was cool to see. Over 1,000 shares, comments, followings, and likes in only 2 hours! During the party, I did not make any sales, but in the days following I did. I had a lot of fun!

     About two weeks after I hosted I received another email about hosting again. I emailed back saying I was confused because I had just hosted. They explained that in my application I indicated that I was interested in hosting all three: Category, Department, and Style Parties. This meant that The Best in Shoes Party was for Category and the next party for me to host was for Department. I replied that I was happy to host and that the date and time they selected would work for me. The department theme was Everything Petite Party. 

     This time I did NOT create a listing promoting the party, mainly because I was feeling a little lazy haha. After the fact I wish I had. The listing helped direct people where they should leave comments for requesting host picks. Because I didn't have that promotion listing, I ended up with random party related comments all over the place. Random comments on items I have for sale that are unrelated to the party theme and comments in my "about" listing. I would have much rather had them all in one place. That party was a lot of fun too and I had great success! I ended up with two sales during the party which was exciting! I am now anticipating another email at some point to host the third and final option, Style Party. I have heard it's the most popular party because it's in the evening when the app is the most active. 

     Once I have finished hosting all three parties I will not be allowed to send in a hosting application until one month has passed. At that point, it will be another long wait! Even though it is a lot of work (if you host in the way they request), I loved it and will do it again in a heartbeat! 

 Check out my closet!

     Have you applied to host? Or have you already hosted? What did you think about it? I would love to know your thoughts!

                                   With Love Always,


My husband and I have a YouTube channel sharing our travel experiences! I would love for you to check it out and subscribe if you enjoy! Our channel name is Abbie and Wiebe!

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