Final Dissertation LLM Final
Final Dissertation LLM Final
Final Dissertation LLM Final
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This is to Certify that the dissertation entitled Delegated
Legislation & Its Judicial Control : An Analytical
Study has been prepared by Shubham Modi under my
guidance and supervision.
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As one lamp lights another, so does knowledge kindles form
one person to another Prof. V.K. Bagoria, an Assistant Professor
of Faculty of Law. Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur has
tremendous potentials and his reservoir of knowledge is ever
ready to light the lamps of knowledge of his student.
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2. Abbreviation 13
3. CHAPTER -1 14 - 29
Meaning, Nature, Scope And Development Of Delegated
I. Introduction 14
II. Definitions 17
III. Scope of delegated legislation 19
IV. Types of delegation of legislative power in india 21
V. Essential characteristics of delegated legislation 23
VI. The need for delegated legislation 24
VII. Advantages of delegated legislation 25
VIII. Delegated legislation as distinguished from administrative
power 25
IX. Sub-delegation 26
X. Merits of delegated legislation 27
XI. Demerits of delegated legislation 28
4. CHAPTER - 2 30 - 33
Causes of Growth of Delegated Legislation
I. Pressure upon Parliamentary time 30
II. Technicality 30
III. Flexibility 31
IV. Experimentation 31
V. Emergency 31
VI. Confidential matters 32
VII. Complexity of modern administration 32
VIII. Confidential matters 32
IX. Complexity of modern administration 32
5. CHAPTER - 3 34 41
I.Rule 34
II.Regulation 34
III.Bye-Law 36
IV. Order 36
V.Notification 37
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VI.Scheme 37
VII.Proclamation 37
VIII.Resolution 38
6. CHAPTER 4 42 49
I. Privy Council and conditional legislation 42
II. Federal Court and Conditional Legislation 43
I I I . Supreme Court and Conditional Legislation 43
IV. Liberalisation of the concept of conditional legislation. 44
V. American Supreme Court and Contingent Legislation. 45
VI. Conditional Legislation and Delegated Legislation 45
VII. Subordinate Legislation 46
VIII. General observations 47
7. CHAPTER 5 50 59
I.Object 50
II.Express Power 51
III.Implied Power 52
IV.Concurrent Jurisdiction 52
V.Three Sub-Heads 53
VI.Control Of Sub-Delegated 57
VII.Criticism 58
8. CHAPTER - 6 59 83
Restraints On Delegation of Legislative Power
I.Excessive Delegation : Permissible Limits 59
II.Classification of Delegated Legislation 66
III.Impermissible Delegation 67
a) Amplification of policy 67
b) Modification 71
c) Removal of difficulties 73
d) Inclusion and Exclusion 77
e) Taxation 79
9. CHAPTER 7 84-101
II.U.S.A. 86
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10. 1 CHAPTER 8 102-143
Judicial Control over Delegated Legislation
I.Doctrine of ultra vires 104
II.Circumstances 105
I. Delegated legislation in conflict with the parent act 105
Delegated legislation in excess of the power conferred by the parent act 107
Where delegated legislation is ultra vires the parent act 109
Where delegated legislation is ultra vires the constitution 111
V. Where parent act is ultra vires the constitution 115
Delegated Legislation in conflict with the procedure of the parent act 117
VII. Malafide : bad faith 118
VIII. Unreasonableness 119
IX. Pragmatism 124
III.Judicial review 126
IV.Procedural irregularities 131
V.Saving clauses 141
VI.Statutory rules, if binding 143
11. CHAPTER -9 144 - 147
13. Website
1 Research 149
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AC -Appeal Case
ACJ American Communication Journal
AIR - All India Reporter
ALL ER- All England Law Reports
Art- Article
Ch- Chapter
HL-House of Lords
M.P.-Madhya Pradesh
Maha- Maharashtra
p. - PAGE
Para- paragraph
QB Queens Bench
SC-Supreme Court
SCC-Supreme Court Cases
SCR- Supreme Court
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The issue of delegated legislation has been one of the most debated
issues in the domain of legal theory because of its various implications.
Scholars have consistently presented differing and even contradicting
views about delegation of power to legislate and have thus taken different
stands on the issue. While Delegated Legislation has been a widespread
practice in modern times and is almost an accepted norm, there have
been contrary views. For instance Cooley has expressed a staunchly
critical view of the power to delegate. He has stated that "One of the
settled maxims in constitutional law is that the power conferred upon the
legislature to make laws cannot be delegated by that department to any
other body or authority.
Where the sovereign power of the State has located the authority,
there it must remain; and by the constitutional agency alone the laws
must be made until the constitution itself is changed. The power to
whose judgment, wisdom, and patriotism this high prerogative has been
entrusted cannot relieve itself of the responsibility by choosing other
agencies upon which the power shall be devolved, nor can it substitute
the judgment, wisdom, and patriotism of any other body for those to
which alone the people have seen fit to confide this sovereign trust."
Further he has also observed that "No legislative body can delegate to
another department of the government, or to any other authority, the
power, either generally or specially, to enact laws. The reason is found in
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the very existence of its own powers. This high prerogative has been
entrusted to its own wisdom, judgment, and patriotism, and not to those
of other persons, and it will act ultra vires if it undertakes to delegate the
trust, instead of executing it." While such positions do raise the
questions about the propriety of delegating the power to legislate by
higher legislative bodies to the lower ones, the fact remains that this has
been a general practice followed in all modern democratic countries.
Hence it is important to understand what is firstly meant by delegated
legislation and then analyse its various aspects.
Subordinate Legislation
"Delegated legislation" is also called "Subordinate Legislation". Distinguishing
between "Supreme Legislation" and "Subordinate Legislation",
Salmond1 explains :
Subordinate legislation is the legislation made by the authority other than the
supreme authority in the State, in the exercise of the power delegated to it, by
the supreme authority.
That, which proceeds from any authority other than sovereign power and is
therefore, dependent for its continued existence and validity on some superior
or supreme authority.
Jain and Jain explained the expression in the following two senses8 :
2. The rules, regulations, by-laws, etc., made by the executive in the exercise of
the law making power delegated to it by Parliament.
Stating in the above way, Jain & Jain say that as administrative lawyers, "we
are more interested in the 'technique', rather than the actual rules made,
and so the expression 'delegated legislation' is used here primarily in the first
sense", i.e., the exercise of legislative power by a subordinate agency.12
Further, Articles 13(3)(a) of the Constitution of India lays down that law
includes any ordinances, order bylaw, rule regulation, notification, etc.
Which if found in violation of fundamental rights would be void. Besides,
there are number of judicial pronouncements by the courts where they have
justified delegated legislation.
For e.g. In re Delhi Laws Act case13, Vasantlal Magan Bhaiv vs State of
Bombay14 and S. Avtar Singh v. State of Jammu and Kashmir15.
In the case of this normal type of delegated legislation, the limits of the
delegated power are clearly defined in the enabling statute and they do not
include such exceptional powers as the power to legislate on matters of
principle or to impose taxation or to amend an act of legislature. The
exceptional type covers cases where
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ii) the power given is so vast that its limits are almost impossible of definition,
iii) while limits are imposed, the control of the courts is ousted.
Generally under local laws and regulations the term bye-law is used such as
The bodies are empowered under the Act to frame bye-laws and regulations
for carrying on their administration. There are five main grounds on which
any bye-law may be struck down as ultra vires. They are :
a) That is not made and published in the manner specified by the Act, which
authorises the making thereof;
b) That is repugnant of the laws of the land;
c) That is repugnant to the Act under which it is framed;
3. The administrative authority should not travel beyond the powers given in
Parent Act.
6. General rules should not be framed with retrospective operation, unless and
8. Wide and sufficient publicity shall be given so that general public can know
and efficiency.
10. The Sub-ordinate authorities should not use rigid, crux and technical
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14. Public interest must be kept in view while delegating the powers, etc.
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Quick response to new developments, e.g. Foot and Mouth outbreaks. The
Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act allows the quick addition
of new prohibited groups.
Enables minor changes to statutes, e.g. Variations in sentences, approval of
motor vehicle changes.
Judicial review may be sought, by parties with Locus Standi (i.e. Persons
sufficiently affected by the legislation), so time is not wasted by Parliament
considering them all.
(i) Publication
If an order is legislative in character, it has to be published in a certain
manner, but publication is not necessary if it is of an administrative nature.
An administrative order refers to a particular individual and in this respect it
is required to be served only on the individual concerned.
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(iv) Duty to give reasons
The requirement of duty to give reasons applies to administrative orders
but not to legislative orders.
(v) Sub-delegation
Differences between legislative and administrative actions also may
become significant when questions of sub-delegation of powers arise. Only in
most exceptional circumstances can legislative powers be sub-delegated, but
administrative powers can be sub-delegated.
Subject to what has been stated above, according to one test, the extent
of applicability of the act should be determined. A power to make rules of
general applicability is legislative, while a power to make orders in
specific cases is administrative".18 As de Smith19 observes : A distinction
often made between legislative and administrative acts is that between
general and particular. With the help of this test it is possible to distinguish
legislative function from administrative action in a large number of cases,
but then there are cases where the test may break down for it is not easy to
distinguish general from particular".20 The difficulty here is that of
distinguishing what is general from what is particular, as the difference is
only a matter of degree.
In India, the courts have proceeded so far on the basis that a power to
fix prices is administrative rather than legislative in nature.21 22 But in Union
of India v. Cynamide India Ltd.23 price fixation was held to be legislative
action. The power to fix tax rates is treated as legislative.24 Extension of
limits of town area committee is held to be legislative function.25
b. Lack of Publicity- It is not been known by the public, and there is lack of
publicity. The secondary legislation should also be noticeable. Every
legislation which is been made by the administration should be known to
the other members.
27 Ibid
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2. Export & Import Act with only 8 sections in its fold, lays down rules for
export & import. Under the Act, Central Government has been given the
power to make rules necessary to meet the purpose of the Act.
3. Essential Commodities Act, 1955: The Act governs the maintenance and
supply of essential commodities like sugar, rice, wheat etc. Under the Act
Central Government has been given the power to implement rules and
regulations for the purpose of the Act.
4. Indian Medical Council Act: The preamble of the Act says to maintain high
standard and ethics of medical profession. Indian Medical Council makes
rules in this regard.
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Delegated legislation is not an isolated phenomenon. Numerous factors
are responsible for its growth. The traditional theory of laissez faire has
been given up by every state and the old police state has long ceased to
regard its role in the social and economic life of the community as that of a
glorified policeman and now has become a welfare state. Because of such a
radical change in the philosophy as to the role to be played by the State, its
functions have tremendously increased in promoting the welfare of its
citizens from cradle to grave. Consequently, delegated legislation has become
indispensable. As stated by the Committee on Ministers powers the following
factors are responsible for the rapid growth of delegated legislation at large
(ii) Technicality
Sometimes, the subject-matter of legislation is of a technical nature and
requires consultation of experts. Members of Parliament may be best
(iii) Flexibility
Parliament does not function continuously. At the time of passing any
legislative enactment, it is not possible to foresee all the contingencies.
Therefore, power is necessarily required to be given to the Executive to meet
the unforeseen contingencies or to adjust new circumstances arising
frequently. While parliamentary process involves delays, delegated legislation
offers rapid machinery for amendment. Police regulations and certain
economic regulations relating to bank rate, import and exports, foreign
exchange etc. are instances of such situations.
(iv) Experimentation
Ordinary legislative process suffers from the limitation of lack of
viability and experimentation. Delegated legislation enables the executive to
experiment. The method permits rapid utilisation of experience and
implementation of necessary changes in the application of the provisions in
the light of such experience. If the rules and regulations are found to be
satisfactory, they can be implemented successfully. On the other hand if
they are found to be defective, the defects can be cured immediately.30
(v) Emergency
In times of emergency, quick action is required to be taken. An
emergency may rise on account of war, insurrection, floods, epidemics,
economic depression and the like. Legislative process is not equipped to
provide for urgent solution to meet the situation. It is, therefore, necessary
30 Per Fazal Ali, J. in Delhi Laws Act, 1912, Re, AIR 1951 SC 332.
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that executive must have power that may be used instantly. Delegated
Legislation is the only convenient remedy.31
However, one must not lose sight of the fact that delegated legislation
suffers from several defects as well. Constitutional legitimation of unlimited
power of delegation to the executive by the legislature may, on occasion, be
subversive to responsible government and erosive of democratic order.34
The system thus becomes undemocratic giving rise to the danger that
the government may misuse its powers. The result is that there is wide
spread suspicion and apprehension that civil and personal liberties which
are democratic values may be endangered by an unbridled use of the
technique of delegated legislation by the administration. Further-more, if
law-making is taken over by the government it may make its administration
by barrel of the secretariat pen.35 Therefore, if the technique of delegated
legislation is to serve its laudable task, it is necessary to devise control and
safeguards so that the dangers and risks of abuse inherent therein may be
minimised. Moreover, the question of the desirability of subordinate
legislation is far more a matter of politics than of Administrative Law.36 The
question, therefore, is not about the existence of delegated legislation, but of
its control.
Regulation (as opposed to laws made in the form of Regulations and
falling within the definition of Regulation as contained in the General
Clauses Act, 1897), are somewhat inferior to rules in that they are generally
made by a subordinate authority like a Board or other statutory body
functioning under a statute.37 The draftsman would be well-advised to
37 See A.K v. Board of Secondary Education, 71 CWN 396 (1967) where it is stated that a
rule is superior to a regulation.
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preserve a distinction between rules and regulations. The Indian practice is
to confer rule-making powers on the Government itself and where a specified
subordinate authority is singled out for regulating any matter, the subsidiary
legislation is generally in the form of regulations. Such regulations may be
needed only for bind the members of that authority or they may have a wider
significance. Rules, on the other hand, have invariably a much wider
The word 'Regulation' has also been used in Constitution where power
to govern certain territories is conferred by making 'Regulation'. The word
Regulation is defined in section 3(50) of the General clauses Act in the
following words; "Regulation" shall mean a Regulation made by the President
under Article 240 of the Constitution; and shall include a Regulation made
by the President under Article 243 thereof and; and a Regulation made by
the Central Government under the Government of India Act, 1870, or the
Government of India Act, 1915, or the Government of India Act, 1935". This
type of Regulation is in the nature of principal legislation and not an
instance of subordinate legislation39.
44 Ibid
45 Ibid
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done by the people. It is in the above sense that the word is used in section
26 of the Police Act of 1861 which provides for the disposal of unclaimed
property by the police after issuing a proclamation.
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great deal of attention and considerable hostile comment. This apparent
surrender by Parliament of a large part of its legislative functions to the
executive departments of the State was focused in 1929 by Lord Hewart of
Bury in the New Despotism (London). Cecil T.Carr in Delegated Legislation
(Oxford University Press, (1921) and WA. Robson in Justice and
Administrative Law, Macmillan & Company (1928), had already examined
the extent of the growth of the phenomenon, the advantages and
disadvantages of the practice, and the nature of the checks on it. The
publication of Hewart's book had been preceded by the appointment on the
30'h October, 1929, of a Committee (known as the Doroughence Committee
to consider the powers exercised by Ministers of the Crown by way of
delegated legislation and to report -:
VI. "The truth is that if Parliament were not willing to delegate lawmaking
power, Parliament would be unable to pass the kind and quantity of
legislation which modern public opinion requires."47 On the ground
merely of efficient drafting, Lord Thring,48 Parliamentary Counsel to the
Treasury, had advocated in 1877 that procedure and matters of detail
should not be included in an Act, but if possible should be left to be
prescribed, and his successors in the Parliamentary Drafting Office of
the Treasury have maintained this view.49
(c) Administrative details cannot be worked out in time, nor can the
contingencies or local conditions to be provided for be foreseen.
mitigate the inelasticity which often otherwise makes an Act non-workable and are
susceptible of modifications from time to time by the Government Department at any
time of the year as circumstances arise".
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was sentenced to death.
The decision of the Privy Council was interpreted in two different ways.
So, it did not become clear whether full-fledged delegated legislation was
allowed or only conditional legislation was allowed.
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Conditional legislation may be defined as 'a statute that provides
controls but specifies that they are to go into effect only when a given
administrative authority finds the existence of conditions defined in the
These cases show that the delegation of legislative power was upheld
by the Privy Council under the rubric of conditional legislation.
53 72 I.A. 57 (1949)
53 AIR 1949 F.C. 175; for text, see supra.
55 AIR 1957 SC 51.
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power to extend the operation of an Act was delegated legislation and
not conditional legislation and therefore bad and void. In this way, the
Supreme Court has broadened the concept of conditional legislation.
The legislature cannot delegate its powers to make a law; but it can
make a law to delegate a power to determine some fact or state of things
upon which the law intends to make its own action depend. To deny this
would be to stop the wheels of Government. There are many things on which
wise and useful legislation must depend which cannot be known to the law-
making power, and must, therefore, be the subject of inquiry and
determination outside the hall of the Legislature.63
(i) the effect of subordinate legislation is the same as that of the parent
statute if validly made146;
(ii) if the subordinate legislation conflicts with parent Act, then it must
give way to the substantive statute and be so read in its context68;
(1) The Constitution confers law-making power on the Legislature and as such
the said function cannot be delegated by the legislature to the Executive.
The legislature can neither create a parallel legislature nor destroy its
legislative power.
(2) Delegation of legislative power is permissible provided this does not amount
to abdication of legislative function and policy is laid down by the
(3) The legislature cannot delegate essential legislative function. The essential
legislative function consists in the determination of the legislative policy
and making it a binding rule of conduct.
(4) If the legislature has performed its essential function of laying down the
policy of law, there is no constitutional bar against delegation of subsidiary
or ancilliary powers in that behalf to the executive for making the
legislation effective, useful and complete.
(6) The legislative policy can be formulated as broadly and with as little or
much detail as the Legislature thinks fit. It is not necessary that the policy
must be express, it may be implied as well. It may be gathered from history,
preamble, title, scheme, statement or objects and reasons. Guidance may
be found anywhere in the statute.
(7) Power to repeal does not make delegation valid if otherwise it is excessive,
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impermissible or unwarranted.
(9) Whether the legislature has performed the essential legislative function and
laid down the policy and the delegation is permissible or not depends upon
the circumstances of the statute under consideration.
(10) Delegated legislation may take different forms. However, these principles
apply to all forms of delegation viz., conditional legislation, subordinate
legislation, supplementary legislation, sub-delegation etc.
71 Tata Iron and Steel Co. Ltdy. Their Workmen, AIR 1972 SC 1918, 1922.
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The necessity of sub-delegation is sought to be supported, inter alia, on the
following grounds:
Under Section 3 of the Defence of India Act, 1962, the Central Government
was empowered to make rules authorising detention of persons by an
authority not below the rank of a district magistrate. Section 40 authorised
the State Government to delegate its powers to any officer or authority
subordinate to it. The Supreme Court held that the power of detention could
be sub-delegated to any officer not below the rank of a District Magistrate
and the exercise of power to the Additional District Magistrate was illegal.76
But even if there is no provision in the parent Act that the sub-delegation
should be made to an officer or an authority not below a particular rank, the
courts have taken the view that the power can be sub-delegated only to
competent and responsible persons.
(2) Sub delegate cannot act beyond the power conferred on him by the delegate.
(3) If some conditions are imposed by the delegate who must be complied with
by the sub-delegate before the exercise of power, those conditions must be
fulfilled; otherwise exercise of power will be ultra vires.
76 Ajaib Singh v. Gurbachan Singh, AIR 1965 SC 1619: (1965) 2 SCR 845.
77 (1949) 1 KB 349: (1948) 1 All ER 85.
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Provincial Government subject to the condition that before making any
order, concurrence of the former must be obtained by the latter. An order
was passed by the Provincial Government without obtaining concurrence of
the Central Government. The order was held ultra vires as the conditions
was not satisfied.78
85 Sahni Silk Mills Ltd. V. ESI Corpn., (1994) 5 SCC 346 (352).
86 Bombay Municipal Crpn. V. Thondu, AIR 1965 SC 1486: (1965) 2 SCR 929 (932)
87 AIR 1959 SC 308 (327): 1959 Supp (1) SCR 319.
88 AIR 1951 SC 332: 1951 SCR 747.
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does not follow that he can delegate the exercise of his judgment and
discretion to others. The judges are not allowed to surrender their judgment
to others. The judges are not allowed to surrender their judgment to others.
It is they and they alone who are trusted with the decision of a case.89
The rule of law has always recognised power of judiciary to review legislative
and quasi-legislative acts. The validity of a delegated legislation can be
challenged in a court of law. As early as 1877 in Empress v. Burah90, the
High Court of Calcutta High Court was reversed by the Privy Council91,
neither before the High Court nor before the Privy Council it was even
contended that the court had no power of judicial review and, therefore,
cannot decide the validity of the legislation.
89 Murray v. Hoboken, (1856) HOW 272, 284: we do not consider Congress can
withdraw from judicial cognizance any matter which from its nature, is the subject of
a suit at the common law, or in equity, or in admiralty.
90 ILR 3 Cal 64: 1 CLR 161.
91 R v. Burah, (1878) 3 SC 889: 51A 178: 4 Cal 172.
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Sometimes, provisions are made in a statute by which the orders passed by
administrative tribunals or other authorities are made final. This is known
as statutory finality. Such clauses are of two types:
(i) Sometimes no provision is made for filing any appeal, revision or reference to
any higher authority against an order passed by the administrative tribunal
or authority; and
With regard to the first type of finality, there can be no objection, as no one
has an inherent right to appeal. It is merely a statutory right and if the
statute does not confer that right on any party and treats the decision of the
lower authority as final, no appeal can be filed against that decision.92
The practice of sub-delegation has been heavily criticized by jurists. It
is well established that the maxim delegatus non potest delegare (a
delegate cannot further delegate) applies in the field of delegated legislation
also and sub-delegation of power is not permissible unless the said power is
conferred either expressly or by necessary implication. de Smith says, there
is strong presumption against construing a grant of delegated legislative
power as empowering the delegate to sub-delegate the whole or any
substantial part of the law-making power entrusted to it. Bachawat, J. in
the leading case of Barium Chemicals Ltd. v. Company Law Board states:
92 For detailed discussion, as to right of appeal, Thakker, Code of Civil Procedure (2002,
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The naming of a delegate to do an act involving a discretion indicates that
the delegate was selected because of his peculiar skill and the confidence
reposed in him, and there is a presumption that he is required to do the act
himself and cannot re-delegate his authority.
As laid down in Delhi Laws Act case restraints on delegation are that
legislature should not delegate its essential legislative function which means
laying of policy and enacting it into a binding rule of conduct. This means
that the legislature should lay down standards or policy in the delegating Act
and the delegate may be left free to execute the policy. Thus, in Delhi Laws
Act case, the doctrine of excessive delegation was propounded.
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doctrine, borrowed from U.S.A.,93 means that an Indian legislature cannot
delegate unlimited legislative power to an administrative authority. The
advantage of the doctrine is that the courts can declare too broad delegation
of legislative power as excessive and hence invalid.94
(1) Legislature can delegate legislative power provided this does not
amount to abdication of essential legislative function; and
(2) Legislature can delegate legislative power provided that it lays down
the policy. Courts have determined the validity of delegation of
legislative power on basis of these principles. The first principle has
been applied by the courts only in few cases. In most of cases the
validity of the delegation of legislative power has been examined on
basis of legislative policy.
It is submitted that the view taken in this case is not in line with the
approach of the Court because the legislative policy had been laid down in
the preamble and title of the Act moreover, the clear mention of certain
diseases in the list could have furnished the standard and criteria for the
selection of other diseases. Such a provision is held void in a ' number of
cases.101 Recently the Supreme Court has observed in a case that it is not
necessary that the legislature should dot all i's and cross all the t's of its
However, the majority led by Justice Khanna did not agree to this
abdication test and relied on the already well established test of policy and
guidelines. Khanna, J. (for himself, Alagiriswami and Bhagwati, JJ)
reiterated that legislature must lay down a policy, principle or standard for
the guidance of delegate. The rule against excessive delegation of legislative
authority flows from the sovereignty of people. The rule contemplates that it
is not permissible to substitute, in the matter of legislative policy, the view of
individual officers or other authorities, however competent they may be, for
that of the popular will as expressed by the representatives of the people.
We do not wish in this case, to search for the precise principles decided
in the Delhi Laws Act case, nor to consider whether N. K. Papiah v. Excise
Commissioner115 beats the final retreat from the earlier position. For the
purpose? of this case we are content to accept the policy and guidelines
theory.116 In view of these pronouncements, the doctrine of excessive
delegation must be regarded well established in India. Accordingly, it is
necessary that while delegating legislative power, the legislature should lay
down legislative policy, standards or guidelines for the delegate to follow. In
Kujabmu117 the Supreme Court has stated doctrine of excessive delegation in
the following words :
121 Ibid; See also Jackson, R.M. Judicial Review of Legislative Policy, (1955) 18 Mad. L.
Rev. 571
122 AIR 2000 SC 2870.
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instrument regulating procedure, the term regulation to describe the
substantive administrative rule- making and the term order to be confined
to instruments exercising executive and quasi- judicial decisions.
1. Normal Delegation
There are two types of normal delegation :
A. Positive delegation.where the limits are clearly defined in the
Parent Act, it is called positive delegation.
B. Negative delegation.where the delegated power does not
include power to do certain things, it is known as negative delegation e.g.
power to legislate on matters of policy or power to impose tax.
2. Exceptional Delegation.
Exceptional delegation is also known as Henry VIII clause. Instances of
exceptional delegation may be as follows :
123 Delhi Laws Act, 1912, Re, AIR 1951 SC 332; Hamdard DawakhanaM. Union of India,
AIR 1960 SC 554; Brij Sunder v. First Add/. District Judge, AIR 1939 SC 572,
Ramesh Birch v. Union of India, AIR 1990 SC 560.
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executive, the legislature cannot create a parallel legislature. Delegation of
legislative power cannot amount to abdication of essential legislative
There are various forms of delegated legislation. The reason for this is
that there is no uniform pattern of delegation in the delegating legislations.
Although there are various forms of delegation, the parameter for
determining the question of validity is the same, that is, the legislature must
lay down the policy of the Act. It is therefore that the doctrine of excessive
delegation has been invoked in a large number of cases to determine the
validity of provisions delegating legislative power. Some of these cases are
discussed here to illustrate the working of the principle. The cases have been
classified from the point of view of the nature of the power conferred under
following broad categories :
These categories are not mutually exclusive as they are governed by the
same over all consideration of the principle of excessive delegation. The
truth, however, remains that due to the compulsions of modern
administration, the Courts have allowed extensive delegations of legislative
power specially in the area of taxation and welfare legislation.
This point will be clear from the following discussion of the cases in
which the validity of delegated legislation has been challenged on the ground
of excessive delegation.
I. Amplification of policy
It is trite to say that to some extent, delegated legislation involves
abandonment of its function by the legislature and enhancement of powers
of administration. Many a time, the legislature passes Acts in skeleton" form
Page | 68
containing only the barest of general principles and leaves to the executive
the task of not only filling in details but even that of amplifying policies.
The legislature often uses broad-worded provisions, giving wide powers to the
delegate to make such rules as appear to it to be necessary or expedient
for carrying out the purposes of the Act without laying down any standards
to guide the discretion of the delegate and the delegate is in substance given
blank cheque to do whatever it likes in the delegated area of authority. In
reality, under the skeleton type of legislation, the flesh and bloodnot to
mention the soulof the scheme of legislative regulation are left entirely to
administrative discretion. The viresthe limitsof the authority delegated
have become so broad as to cover almost all administrative rule- making
within the particular area of legislation.
However, there are a large number of other cases depicting the same
type of judicial approach. In Bhatnagar & Co. v. Union of india128 129 was
involved the validity of section 3 (1)
125 Ibid.
126 Ibid.
1271982 AIR 1126
128 AIR 1982 SC 1126.
129 AIR 1957 SC 478.
Page | 70
(a) of the Imports and Exports Control Act, 1947 which conferred wide
powers on the Government to revoke import or export licence. The facts in
this case were that the licence to import soda was revoked on the ground of
trafficking in it. The statute is skeletal and gives no indication as to what
considerations and policies are to be taken in view by the Government in
revoking import licence. The Supreme Court held the delegation valid
because it found the ghost of policy in the preceding statute, the Defence of
India Act, 1939, the provisions of which the impugned Act purported to
continue. For the control of import and export, the policies are developed in
the area by the executive from time to time and for this purpose the Act in
question gives no guidelines. Thus broad powers are left in this area to the
For example, section 21 of Excess Profits Act, 1940 provides that the
provisions of the section of Income Tax Act, 1922 mentioned therein shall
apply with such modifications as may be made by rules.
133 Allen, Law in.the making p. 51 (7th Ed.); Law and Orders, p. 172 (3rd Ed.)
134 Text, supra.
135 AIR 1956 SC 909.
Page | 72
In Delhi Laws Act case136 it was held that power may be conferred on
the executive to extend an enactment already in force in one area to other
areas with modification as the executive considers fit. But the power to
modify the underlying policy of Act is an essential legislative function and
therefore delegation of power to modify an Act without any limitation is not
valid. In Rai Narain Singh v. Chairman, Patna Administration
Committee,137 the government picked a section out of an Act, modified it
and applied it to another area. The Court held that the extension of only one
section amounted to change in the legislative policy underlying the Act and
hence it was invalid.
If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Act, the
President may by order do anything not inconsistent with such provisions
which appears to him to be necessary or expedient for the purpose of
removing difficulty.
No apter description of Rule 9 (1) can be given than to call it the Henry
VIII Clause. It confers absolute and arbitrary power upon the corporation. It
does not even state who on behalf of the corporation is to exercise that
power.........There are no guidelines whatever laid down to indicate in what
circumstances the power given by Rule 9 (i) is to be exercised by the
corporation. No opportunity whatever of a hearing is at all to be afforded to
the permanent employee whose service is being terminated in exercise of this
The Committee on Ministers Powers has also given a clarion call that it
would be dangerous in practice to permit the executive to change an Act of
Parliament. It made the following recommendations:152
But where the Court does not find any policy for guidance in the statute
the provision is held invalid. Thus, in Hamdard Dawakhana v. Union of
India,157 section 3 of the Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable
Advertisement) Act, 1954 was challenged. This provision prohibited an
advertisement suggesting that a medicine could be used for curug any
veneral disease or any other disease specified in the rules. The Court held
that no standards or principles had been laid down in this Act for specifying
any other disease in the rules and hence the power delegated to make rules
was invalid.
Such a broad clause was held valid as the Court found the policy of the
Act stated in the preamble, viz., to facilitate the formation and working of co-
operative societies.
V. Taxation
Taxing power is an inherent power of any State. In a democratic system,
taxation is exclusively the function of legislature. The fundamental canon of
democracy is no taxation without representation. Taxation is, therefore, a
strong weapon in the hand of legislatures to control the executive. However,
delegation has permeated even the tax area. When legislature passes the
statute to levy a tax, it leaves some elements of taxing power to the executive.
The doctrine of excessive delegation is applied by the Court to determine the
validity of the delegation of taxing power. The permissible limits of a valid
delegation of taxing power can be comprehended by analysing the individual
cases decided by the Supreme Court.
Following the same principle the Supreme Court in Darshan Lai Mehra
v. Union of India173 held, Section 172 (2), U. P. Nagar Mahapalika
Adhiniyam, 1959 as constitutional. This section had authorised the
municipalities to impose taxes mentioned in the Act for the purpose of the
Act." Court declared that the words for the purpose of the Act lay down
sufficient policy for the municipalities to impose tax and therefore so long as
the tax has reasonable relation to the purpose of the Act the same cannot be
held excessive delegation.
All these decisions show that very wide delegations of taxing power are
permissible to the municipal bodies in view of their representative and
responsive character. It may, however, be stated that even in U.S.A. the
Courts have made an exception in favour of municipalities on the question of
validity of delegated legislation.177
But at the same time, administrative law had not been accepted as a
developed and recognised branch of law. Taylor, therefore, observed:
Page | 85
Until August 1914 a sensible law abiding Englishman could pass
through life and hardly notice the existence of the State, beyond the post
office and the policeman.181
It was during the two World Wars, that there was a tremendous increase in
delegated legislation. Massive inroads were made into comparatively per-
sonal matters of citizens, e.g. housing, education, employment, pension,
health, planning, production, preservation and distribution of essential.
181 English History (1914-1945) 1; see also, Report of Committee on Ministers Powers
(1932) 3; See, for detailed discussion. commodities, social security, etc. In the 20th
century, Parliament was obliged to delegate extensive law-making power in favour of
the government. A hue and cry was raised against the growth of such delegated
legislation. The matter was, therefore, referred to the Committee on Ministers Powers
(Donoughmore Committee) in 1929. The Committee submitted its report in 1932.
182 Report of Committee on Ministers Powers (1932) 62.
183 Ibid, 51.
184 1917 AC 260.
Page | 86
outside authority. The limits of delegated legislation in the British
Constitution, if there are to be any, therefore remain a question of policy
and not a justiciable issue to be decided by the courts of law. The doctrine
of excessive delegation has no application in Britain.
II. U.S.A.
- Delegation in Theory
185 Willis, Constitutional Law (1938), 135. Washington thought that consolidation of go-
vernmental powers in one body created a 'real despotism' : Washington's Farewell Ad-
Page | 87
powers, but it is implied from the division of powers into three categories,
the legislative, executive and judicial.186 "It is considered to be an
essential principle underlying the Constitution" observed the Supreme
Court in Field v. Clarke,187 "that powers entrusted to one department
should be exercised exclusively by that department without encroaching
upon the powers of another." 188 And it was pointed out in that case:
"that Congress cannot delegate legislative power to the President is a
principle universally recognised as vital to the integrity and maintenance of
the system of government ordained by the Constitution. 189
dress. John Adams said that tyranny could be checked only by "balancing one of the
powers against the other two " : Works, (vol. I, p. 186).
186 Springer v. Philiphine Islands, 277 U.S. 189, 201; Youngs Town Sheet and Tube Co. v:
Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579, 589.
187 143 U.S. 649 (1892)
188 Ibid.
189 Schwartz, American Administrative Law, p. 30.
190 (1892) 143 US 649.
191 Ibid, at p. 692 (Per Harlan, J.), See also Springer v. Pnillipine Islands (1928) 277 US
189 ; Puckley v. Valeo, (1976) 424 US 1.
Page | 88
Besides the doctrine of separation of powers, the U.S. Supreme Court has
also invoked the doctrine of delegatus non potest delegare against
delegation by the Congress. The doctrine means that a delegate cannot
further delegate its powers. As the Congress gets power from the people,
and is a delegate of the people in that sense, it cannot further delegate its
legislative power to the executive or to any other agency. Legislatures stand
in this relation to the people whom they represent. Hence, it is a cardinal
principle of representative government, that legislature cannot delegate the
power to make laws to any other body or authority.192
Delegation in practice
In theory, it was not possible for the Congress to delegate its
legislative power to the executive. However, strict adherence to the non-
delegation doctrine was not practicable. Due to increase in governmental
functions, it was impossible for the Congress to enact all the statutes with
all particular details. The Supreme Court recognised this reality and tried
to create a balance between the two conflicting forces : doctrine of
192 Locke's Appeal, (1873) p. 491 (497) cited by Schwartz : Administrative Law, 1984,
pp. 35-36.
193 S. Samuel M.D. Harrison Malayalam v. Union of India, (2004) 1 SCC 256.
194 Pramod K. Pankaj v. Stale of Bihar, (2004) 3 SCC 723,
Page | 89
separation of powers barring delegation and the inevitability of delegation
due to the exigencies of the modern government.195 The most that can be
asked under the separation of powers doctrine is that the Congress lay
down the general policy and standards that animate the law, leaving the
agency to refine those standards, fill in the blanks, or apply the standards
to particular cases.196
195 Indian Law Institute : Cases and Materials on Administrative Law in India. 1966 Vol.
1 pp. 188-89.
196 Rehniquist, J. in Industrial Deptt. v. American Petroleum Institute, (1980) 448 U.S.
607 (675).
197 Panama Refining Co. v. Ryan, 293 US 338, 434 (1935).
198 Ibid.
Page | 90
Congress has declared no policy, has established no standard, has laid
down no rule. Accordingly the delegation in favour of the President
was impermissible and the Act was unconstitutional.
Since Schechter Case,200 201 however, the Supreme Court had taken a
liberal view and in a number of cases delegation of legislative power has
been upheld.
- After the two cases mentioned above, however, the Supreme Court
took a liberal view and in many cases, upheld delegation of legislative
Critics opine that Mistretta rang death knell of the doctrine of non-
The Supreme Court, however, held the delegation valid observing that a
certain degree of discretion to the Agency could be allowed. Referring to
Mistretta, the court stated that to require the EPA to set quality standards
at the level that is requisite,that is not lower or higher than is
necessaryto protect the public health with an adequate margin of safety,
fits comfortably within the scope of discretion permitted by our precedent.
Scalia J. rightly commented that wholesale delegations thus became the rule
rather than, as they once were, the exception.
Conclusion - There are not many cases of the United States Supreme Court
declaring congressional legislation unconstitutional because of excessive
delegation. The exigencies of modern government have persuaded the courts
to take liberal view of delegation. In a large number of cases, very broad
delegations have been upheld and very vague phrases have been held as
laying down standards. The position is so much so that one commentator
has remarked :
That before the Constitution of India came Into force in 1950, Indian
Legislatures were the creatures of law passed by the British Parliament and
thus they were characterised as non-sovereign law-making bodies.2 The
question of the validity of delegation of legislative power by an Indian
Legislature was raised for the first time in the Burah case decided in 1878
Page | 96
power is not permissible.215
(iii) Section 2 of the Part C States (Laws) Act, 1950, were in issue in
Delhi Laws Act Case, Re.219
- There were a few Part C States. Delhi was one of them. Part C States
were under the direct administration of the Central Government as
they had no legislature of their own. Parliament had to legislate for
these States. It was, therefore, that Parliament passed a law, the Part
C States (Laws) Act, 1950.
(1) The executive cannot be authorised to repeal a law in force and thus,
the provision which authorised the Central Government to repeal a law
already in force in the Part C States was bad; and
(c) The limitation upon delegation of legislative power is that the legislature
cannot part with its essential legislative power that has been expressly
vested in it by the Constitution. Essential legislative power means laying
down policy of law and enacting that policy into a binding rule of
The theme of Re Delhi Laws Act case is that essential legislative function
cannot be delegated whereas non-essential can be delegated.
221 Ibid.
222 Indian Law Institute, Cases and materials on Administrative Law in India, 1966, p.
223 1954 S.C. 465, 468.
Page | 100
The Supreme Court in Rajnarain Singh v. Chairman, Patna
Administration Committee224 analysed in detail the Delhi Laws Act case
with reference top specific powers delegated therein. The court in that case
had the following problems'.
(1) Where the executive authority was permitted, at its discretion, to apply
'without modification (save inc dental changes such as name and place),
the whole of any Central Act already in existence in Any part of India
under the legislative sway of the Centre to the new area
(2) Where the executive authority was allowed to select and apply a
Provincial Act in similar circumstances :
- This was also upheld, but this time by a majority of five to two.
(3) Where the executive authority was permitted to select future Central
laws and apply them in a similar way :
(4) Where the authorisation was to select future Provincial laws and apply
them as above.
(5) Where the authorisation was to repeal laws already in force in the area
and either substitute nothing in their places or substitute other laws,
Central or Provincial, with or without modification :
(7) Where the authorisation was to apply future laws under the same
The view of the various members of the bench were not as clear cut
here as in the first five cases.
- Their Lordships after looking to the above problems and relying on the
majority view given in the Delhi Laws Act case held that an executive
authority can be authorised to modify either existing or future laws but
not in any essential feature.
Page | 102
Judicial Control over Delegated Legislation
225 Committee on Subordinate Legislation (First Lok Sabha), 1954 (3rd Report) p. 16;
See also Jain, M.P.,Principles of Administrative Law, 1986, p. 60; Wheare, K.C.,
Controlling Delegated Legislation; A BritishExperiment, (1949) 11 Jour. Pol. 748.
226 Vasantlal Maganbhai v. State of Bombay, AIR 1961 SC 4 at p. 12.
Page | 103
transferring essential legislative functions to administrative
II. Subba Rao, J.,229 as he then was has rightly observed : There is
danger inherent in such a process of delegation. An overburdened
legislature or one controlled by the powerful executive may unduly
overstep the limits of delegation. It may not lay down policy at all, it
may declare its policy in vague and general terms; it may not lay
down any standard for the guidance of the executive, it may confer
an arbitrary power on the executive to change or modify the policy
laid down by it without reserving for itself any control over
subordinate legislation. This self effacement of legislative power in
favour of another agency either in whole or in part is beyond the
permissible limits of delegation. It is for a Court to hold on a fair,
generous and liberal construction of an impugned statute whether
the legislature exceeded such limits.230
(ii) At the stage of exercise of the delegated power by the executive. The
requirement here is that some safeguards must be provided in the case
of misuse or abuse of power by the executive. In this chapter, we will
227 Per Bose, J. in Delhi Laws Act case, AIR 1951 SC 332.
228 Avirtdar Singh v. State of Punjab, AIR 1979 SC 321.
229 Devi Das v. State of Punjab, AIR 1967 SC 1895.
230 Ibid, at p. 1901.
Page | 104
consider certain controls and safeguards against the possible abuse of
legislature by the executive authorities.
In Delhi Laws Act case, the Supreme Court declared the later
part of clause 2 bad because it conferred power on the administrative
agency to repeal a law which, according to the Court, is an essential
legislative power.
- In Kunj Behari Lai Butel v. State of H.P.250 the Apex Court held that
the administrative authority (in this case state) cannot bring within the
net of the rules what has been excluded by Act itself. In this case H.P.
Ceiling on Land Holdings Act, 1972 had delegated to the State
Government the power to make rules for the purpose for carrying out
the purposes of this Act. The Act by Section 5 trade exempted The
247 Wade, Administrative Law, 1988, p. 863; Halsburys Laws of England, 4th Edn. Vol.
I, para 21; Garner, Administrative Law, 1985, pp. 66-67.
248 Asstt. Collector of Central Excise v. Ramakrishna, AIR 1989 SC 1829; District
Collectoi Chittor v. Chittor District Ground Nut Traders Association, AIR 1989 SC
689; Supreme Court Employees Welfare Association v. Union of India, AIR 1990 SC
249 (2000) 5 SCC 452.
250 (2000) 3 SCC 40.
Page | 111
Estates and land subservient thereto from the operation of the Act.
However, rules framed by the State Government had put embargo on
the transfer of land subservient to estates. Accordingly, the rules were
held ultra vires the Parent Act being inconsistent and repugnant to it.
251 Vasin v. Town Area Committee, AIR 1952 SC 115, Tahir Hussain v. District Board
Muzaffarnagar, AIR 1954 SC 630; Ganapati Singh v. State of Ajmer, AIR 1955 SC
252 AIR 1971 SC 1844.
253 AIR 1952 All. 795.
Page | 112
passengers and property. However, the delegate made rules forbidding
the establishment of private ferries within the distance of two miles
from the boundaries of another ferry. The Court held the rules ultra
vires as they were outside the - scope of delegated power.
Similarly, Krishna Iyer, J.270 says, a law has to be adjudged for its
Constitutionality by the generality of cases it covers, not by the frecks and
exceptions, it martyrs. The legislature and its delegate are the sole
repositories of the power to decide what policy should be pursued and
there is no scope for interference by the Court unless the particular
provision impugned before it can be said to suffer from any legal infirmity,
- The Supreme Court held that the rules so framed in violation of the
statutory provision were invalid being ultra vires the procedure
established by the Parent Act.
VIII. Unreasonableness
(a) England.The principle in England is that the bye-laws made by
Municipal Corporations are ultra vires on the ground of unreasonableness.
This rule is based on the presumption that the legislation never intended to
give power to make unreasonable rules and they are therefore ultra vires. As
de Smith288 observes, there is no reason or principle why a manifestly
statutory instrument should not be held to be ultra vires on that ground
alone ..
If, for instance, they (bye-laws) were found to be partial and unequal in
their operation as between different classes, if they were manifestly unjust; if
they disclosed bad faith; if they involved such oppressive or gratuitous
interference with rights of those subject to them as could find no justification
in the minds of reasonable men, the Court might well say, Parliament never
intended to give authority to make such rules, they are unreasonable and
ultra vires, In this way, the elements of unreasonableness are :
(i) Basis
In India, the doctrine of unreasonableness of delegated legislation has
been based on a firm ground, viz., Article 14 of the Constitution.296
According to the interpretation of Supreme Court, Article 14 which
guarantees equality before law can now be used to invalidate any law and
action which is arbitrary or unreasonable.
IX. Pragmatism
Judicial approach is not a pedantic and idealistic but a pragmatic
approach which must determine the standard of reasonableness. A
responsible administrative authority entrusted with the power of delegated
legislation must ordinarily be presumed to know what is necessary,
X. Oppressiveness
Where a rule is manifestly unjust, caparicious, inequitable or partial in
operation it can be invalidated on the ground of unreasonableness. In
Indravadan v. State of Gujarat,310 Rule 6 (4) (i) read with 6 (4) (iii) {c)
provided that a Civil Judge (Senior Division) after completing 48 years of age
will not be eligible for consideration for promotion to the post of Assistant
Judge. The Supreme Court held the said provision as arbitrary and
Concluding Remarks
- Generally speaking, any ground on which judicial review maybe
justified can logically be classified as a branch of ultra vires
doctrine315; here we have dealt with straight forward cases where ultra
vires was the solitary or principal justification for judicial review.
312 Ibid.
313 Wade, Administrative Law, 1988, p. 41.
314 Bar Council of India v. Surjeet Singh, A.I.R. 1980 SC 1612; Marathawad University v.
Sheshrao, A.I.R. 1989 SC 1582.
315 Garner, Administrative Law, 125 (3rd Ed.); See also M.G. Pandke v. Municipal
Council,-Hinganghat, A.I.R. 1993 SC 142. In this case the doctrine of occupied field
has been propounded to determine the validity of delegated legislation. The Court
has held that as the legislative field qua retirement age is already occupied by
statutorily recognised code, Municipal Council could not make bye-laws contrary
thereto for the purpose.
Page | 127
the legislature.
316 HarakChandv. Unionof India, AIR 1970 SC 1453; Mohammad Faruk v State of
Madhya Pradesh, AIR 1970 SC 93; Shamaraov. Union Territory of Pondicherry, AIR
1967SC 1480; Devi Das Copal Krishan v. State of Punjab AIR 197 SC 1985; Hamdard
Dawakhana v. Unionof India, AIR 1960 SC 554; Raj Narain v. Patna Administration
Committee, AIR 1954 SC 569.
Page | 128
presumption of validity of the statute, the delegated legislation may be
assailed on amongst other the following grounds, namely.
(i) That it is ultra vires the statute, or in opposition to the policy and
purpose of the statute;
i. They should be intra vires the objects, purposes and the policy of
the enactment.
ii. They should sub serve, or carry out the statutorily stated purposes.
iii. They must not falsify the legislative intendment, and must not
travel beyond the scope of the statute.
iv. They must not be inconsistent with the provisions of the Act;
should conform to the standards, follow the guidelines laid out by
the Legislature, and should strictly carry out the policy of the
317 Daya v. Joint Chief Controller of Imports and Exports, AIR 1962 SC 1796; Hamdard
Dawakhana v. Union of India, supra; Darshan Singh v. State of Punjab, AIR 1954 SC
83; Adarsh Industrial Corporation v. Marketing Committee, AIR 1962 Punjab 426;
Venkatanarayna v. State of A.P., AIR 1960 A.P. 171.
318 Venkateswara v. Government ofA.P., AIR 1966 SC 629; D.S. Mills v. Union of India,
AIR 1959 SC626; Sivarajanv. Unim of lndia, AIR 1959SC556; Shahabuddin Khanv.
Page | 129
v. They must not transgress the area carved out by the statute, and
should not violate its scope and purpose.
viii. When challenged on the ground of the substantive ultra vires, the
court can examine their contents without, of course, looking into
the policy and wisdom of their subject-matter, except indirectly, to
ensure conformity with the legislative intendment.
ix. It can see if the statutory instrument in its pith and substance
falls within the scope of the delegated power, and within the import
of the language and policy of the statute read as one piece. It does
not strike a statutory instrument, merely because, it does not
mention the particular section of the relevant particular statute if it
is justified otherwise.
x. The non-recital of the relevant section, and the fact that it has been
made under the delegated authority does not make it invalid.323
State of U.P., AIR1960 All. 373; Munsha Singh Dhaman Singh v. State of Punjab, AIR
1960 Punj. 217.
319 Chief Commissioner of Ajmer v. R.S. Ddni, AIR 1957 SC 304.
320 Manepalli Venkatanarayanav. State of A.P., AIR 1960 AP171;Ram Prasad v. State,
AIR 1952 All. 843.
321 Mohammad Hussain v. State of A.P., AIR 1962 97, Adarsh Industrial Corporation v.
Market Committee, AIR 1962 Punj. 526.
322 T.B. Ibrahim v. Regional Transport Authority, AIR 1953 SC 79.
323 Brajendra Kumar v. Union of India, AIR 1961 Cal. 317.
Page | 130
purported to be made under any other provision does not render
the delegated legislation inoperative.
Subject to their basis of validity and given the competence of the rule-
making authority, the rules cannot be found inoperative. Any excessive
exercise of discretion by the authority ex facie does not render them
The Central Government can make rules for carrying out the
purposes of the Act, subject to the condition of the previous
324 Afzal Ullah v. State of U.P., AIR 1964 SC 264; Balakotiah v. Union oflndia, AIR 1958
SC 232.
325 Raj Narain v. Patna Administration Committee (supra pp. 247,250-251).
Page | 131
person could export coir fibre, yam or coir products without a
licence, and a person who in any three preceding years exported
not less than 55 tons of coir products (excluding coir ropes)
would be entitled to a licence; and, if at all, he could be
registered as an exporter "if during the period of twelve months
immediately preceding the date of application, a minimum
quantity of 25 tons of coir yam had been ranked in a factory
owned by the applicant and registered under the Factories Act,
- It was held that the exercise of the rule-making power was not
marked by excessive discretion on the part of the rule-making
The court has no jurisdiction to question the wisdom of the rule making
authority. The rules cannot be attacked on the general plea of
- The purpose for which the provision is made, the nature of the
legislation, the legislative intention, the degree of inconvenience or
injustice to persons resulting as the provision is read in one way or
the other, the relation of the particular provision to other provisions
dealing with the same subject, the language of the provision and
other relevant considerations e.g. general practice, have all to be
taken into account in arriving at the conclusion whether a
particular provision is mandatory or directory :
ALLEGATIONS - It was alleged that the proposal and the draft rules were
not published in the prescribed manner in a local paper published in Hindi
as required statutorily, and instead they were published in a local Urdu
daily. It was urged that the publication in a local paper published in Urdu
was not in accordance with the mandatory provision that the publication
" in a local paper published in Hindi"; and therefore, the tax was not
levied according to law, no matter other conditions were complied with.
HELD - The Court held that the appellant's arguments could not be
accepted; and ruled that what was mandatory was publication of the rules
etc. The provision that the publication would be in a paper published in
Hindi was only directory.
328 Raja Buland Sugar Co. v. Rampur Municipality, AIR 1965 SC 895. See also Sitapur
Municipality v. Prayag Narain, AIR 1970 SC 58.
Page | 134
"The question whether a particular provision of a statute which on the face of it
appears mandatory in as much as it uses the word "shall"as in the present
caseor is merely directory cannot be resolved by laying down any general
rule; and depends upon the facts of each case, and for that purpose the object
of the statute in making the provision is the determining factor So long as
publication is made in substantial compliance with the manner provided
therein it would serve the purpose of the mandatory part of the section which
provides for publication."
329 Berar Swedeshi Vanaspati v. Municipal Committee, Skcgaon, AIR 1962 SC 425; Beni
Prasad v. Jabalpur Improvement Trust, AIR 1978 MP191.
330 Trust Mai Lachmi Sialkot Biradri v. Amritsar Improvement Trust, AIR 1963 SC 976.
331 Bamoari Lai v. State of Bihar, AIR 1961 SC 849.
332 Banwarilal Agarwalla vs The State of Bihar, 1961 AIR 849, 1962 SCR (1) 33
Page | 135
ALLEGATIONS - It was contended that the impugned regulation was
made without such prior reference to any Mining Board.
HELD - The Court sustained the regulation, and held it valid. On the
question whether a statutory provision was mandatory or directory in
character Das Gupta J. observed as follows :
" general rule can be laid down for deciding whether any
particular provision in a statute is mandatory meaning, thereby, that
non- observance thereof involves the consequence of invalidity, or only
directory, the non-observance of which does not entail the consequence
of invalidityBut in each case the court has to decide the legislative
intent to decide this we have to consider not only the actual words
used, but the scheme of the statute, the intended benefit to public of
what is enjoined by the provisions and the material danger to the public
by the contravention of the same."
- Applying these tests it has been held that the provisions for
consultation "with such other authority as it may deem desirable"
before an authority made a general order in respect of placing of the
bus stands was directory.333 The condition of laying also seems to
be directory.334
- The burden to prove that the conditions precedent are not satisfied
falls on the person who asserts their non-satisfication. On the other
hand, in the absence of such recital the rule-making authority
should establish that they are in fact satisfied by making
depositions in an affidavit or by other means :
336 See also Raja Buland Sugar Co. v. Rampur Municipality (supra pp. 294-295.)
337 Swadeshi Cotton MiUs Ltd. v. State Industrial Tribunal, AIR 1961 SC 1381.
Page | 137
only after all aspects of the matter were fully considered by the State
Government, and it had satisfied itself that it was necessary and
expedient to issue the same for the purpose of securing, The Court
accepted the affidavit.
HELD It was held that the alleged condition precedent to the making
of the orders was in fact satisfied. Answering the objection for the non
recital, the Court held that the defect was not fatal to the validity of
the orders. Wanchoo J. in the course of his Judgment of the Court
declared the law as follows :
"It is true that power may have to be exercised subject to certain
conditions precedent, but that does not assimilate the action of the
subordinate executive authority to something like a legislative procedure
which must be followed before a bill becomes a law where certain
conditions precedent have to be satisfied before a subordinate authority
can pass an order (be it executive, or of the character of subordinate
legislation), it is not necessary that the satisfaction of those conditions
must be recited in the order itself, unless the statute requires it, though
it is most desirable that it should be so, for in that case the presumption
that the conditions were satisfied would immediately arise, and burden
would be thrown on the person challenging the fact of satisfaction to
show that what is recited is not correct."
- The subordinate legislation thus does not carry the same degree of
immunity which is available with respect to a statute. It may be
questioned on any of the grounds on which plenary legislation is
questioned. In addition it may also be questioned on the ground
that it does not conform to the statute under which it is made.
Page | 138
ordinarily cannot be available against a statutory instrument e.g.
338 Indian Express (Bombay) Ltd. v. Union of India, AIR 1986 SC 515 (542); Ram
Chandra Kachardas Porwal v. State of Maharashtra, AIR 1981 SC 1127; Tulsipur
Sugar Co. Ltd. v. Notified Area Commissioner, AIR 1980 SC 88.
Page | 139
inflationary conditions raised production cost, and thereby, caused
loss of capacity of the industry to absorb the increased duty levied
under the successive notifications. The Government had not taken into
consideration the capacity of the newspaper industry to bear the duty
load, and therefore, the levy was unreasonable. It was urged that the
duty was violative of the freedom to continue to run the industry under
Article 19(l)(g)/(6), and in particular, Article 19(l)(a)/(2) of the
Page | 140
powers rule;
(ii) contravention of a clause of the Bill of Rights; and,
339 Bennett Coleman Co. Ltd. v. Union of India, A.I.R. 1973 S.C. 106; Dwarka Parsad
Laxminarain v. State of U.P., A.I.R. 1954 S.C. 224.
340 Indian F,xpress Newspapers (Bombay) Ltd. v. Union of India, AIR 1986 SC 515 (544);
Narendra Kumar v. Union of India, A.I.R. 1960 S.C. 430; Hamam Singhv. Regional Trt
Authority, A.I.R. 1954 S.C. 190; Dwarka Prasad Laxmi Narain v. State of U.P., A.I.R.
1954 S.C. 224
Page | 141
substantive or procedural. The statutory rules cannot be
invalidated on a plea of unreasonableness in the manner of the bye-
laws of a local authority :
HELD - The Bombay High Court held that a provision for not to be heard at
all might violate a substantial right, but the right to be represented through
a lawyer was a matter of procedure. The denial of this latter right could not
be objected to in the absence of a statutory right in this respect.
The challenge at the second level on the ground of an improper exercise
of the rule-making power is made relatively difficult, if not impossible by
declaring that the rules when made have the effect "as if enacted in the Act."
The effect of this attempt at immunity from judicial review of the rules
declared to have such effect has occasionally been considered. The Income-
tax, Act, 1922, declared in Section 59(5) as under :
341 Mulchand v. Mukand, A.I.R. 1952 Bom. 296: See also K.J. Thomas v. Commissioner of Income-
tax!, A.I.R. 1968 Ker. 6.
Page | 142
British House of Lords. It held that Rule 2 of the Income-tax Rules
could not be attacked as being inconsistent with the provisions of
the Act, or as being void for having been made in exercise of a
power under excessive delegation.
343 Ravulu Subba Rao v. Commissioner of Income-tax, A.I.R. 1956 S.C. 604-An
application for registration of a firm was rejected by the Income-tax Officer on the
ground that it was not signed by all the partners themselves, as one of them had
gone on a piligrimage and before leaving had authorised another partner to sign it on
his behalf under a power of attorney; and the authorised partner had signed for
himself and on behalf of the absentee partner. The order of rejection was based on R.
2 of the Income-tax Rules which required that the application should be signed by
the partners personally. The Court held that the rule had to be complied with, and
any inquiry into its vires was not possible.
344 Institute of Patent Agent v. Lockwoods, 1894 S.C. 347 Under the Patents, Designs
Trade Mark Act the Board of Trade was empowered to pass such general rules as it
thought expedient for the purposes of the Act. Such rules were "
hereinafter prescribed," to be of the same effect as if they were contained in the Act,
and were required to be judicially noticed. The Board of Trade made certain rules for
registration of patent agents which were, a required under the clause "subject as
hereinafter prescribed to be laid before Parliament. The rules prescribed that all
registered patent agents would pay an annual subscription, and prescribed a penalty
for any one who called himself a patent agent but was not registered or had refused
to pay the subscription and also for the removal of his name from the register. In an
action for a declaration and injunction on the grounds that the rules were ultra vires
the statute, the House of Lords held that the rules should be deemed to have been
enacted in the Act. This precluded any inquiry into their vires."
Page | 143
the "as if enacted" clause is already softened in the Yaffes case in
England. In relation to a "scheme" declared to be something "as if
enacted in this Act" the House of Lords observed that it was not -
per se embodied in the Act. If found inconsistent with the statutory
provision, it was void ab initio having been framed without
authority. Closely following this weakening of the Lockwood's
authority, it has now been held in this country that a rule declared
to have the effect "as if enacted in the Act" is always open to the
challenge on the ground that it is unauthorised.345
- The clause does not preclude judicial review on other grounds. The
rules protected by this clause cannot be attacked only on the
ground of statutory excessive delegation. They can be challenged as
being ultra vires the statute, and on such other grounds on which
a legislation can generally be invalidated. It is given its fullest scope
in Section 2(4) of the English Emergency Act, 1920. It is provided
therein that the regulations framed under the Act should be taken
to be free from the requirements of the Statutory Instruments Act,
1946. The provision is as follows :
'The regulations so made shall have effect as if enacted in this Act, but
may be added to, altered, or removed by resolutions of both Houses of
Parliament, or regulations made in like manner, and subject to the like
provision : as the original regulations, and regulations made under this
section shall not be deemed to be statutory rules"
345 Stateof Kerala v. K.G. Abdin, AIR 1965SC Itrulel4A framed under the Madras
General Sales Tax Act, 1939; Chief Commissioner v.R.S.Dani, A.I.R. 1957 S.C. 304.
Page | 144
this Act shall be called in question in any court."
346 Chinla Lingam v. Government of India, A.I.R. 1971 SC 474 (476); Ouruswami v. State
of Mysore, A.I.R. 1954 S.C. 592.
347 Chinta Lingam v. Government of India, A.I.R. 1971 S.C. 474. v. State of Assam v.
Keshab,(l953) S.C.R.865.
348 State of Assam v. Keshab, (1953) S.C.R. 865.
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There are many factors responsible for its increase: Parliament and
State Legislature are too busy to deal with the increasing mass of
legislations, which are necessary to regulate daily affairs. Modern legislation
requires technicality and expertise knowledge of problems of various fields,
our legislators, who are politicians are not expected to have such knowledge.
Subordinate legislations are more flexible, quickly and easily amendable and
revocable than ordinary legislation, in case of failure or defect in its
application. When contingencies arise which were not forseeable at the time
of making it, subordinate legislation can pass an act quickly to handle them.
Quick, effective and confidential decisions are not possible in body of
legislatives. So, executives are delegated with power to make rules to deal
with such situations. These are the main factors, besides many others, for
the fast increase in delegated legislation today.
T h e l e g islation which is been done by the state organs other than the
legislature is called as delegated legislation, entrusted upon the legislature.
In other words delegated legislation means the legislation made by the
subordinate agency with the help of legislative power. The separation of
powers states that the legislative powers can be exercised only by the
legislature in the state. Other than the legislature no other organ of the
government can control or interfere the power of legislatures to make laws.
The liberty and freedom of the individuals cannot be protected in a free
Page | 146
3. Essential legislative functions means laying the policy of the Act and
enacting that policy into a binding rule of conduct. In other words the
legislature must lay down legislative policy and purpose sufficient to
provide a guideline for the administrative rule making.
(1) The Constitution confers law-making power on the Legislature and as such
the said function cannot be delegated by the legislature to the Executive.
The legislature can neither create a parallel legislature nor destroy its
legislative power.
(2) Delegation of legislative power is permissible provided this does not amount
to abdication of legislative function and policy is laid down by the
Page | 147
(3) The legislature cannot delegate essential legislative function. The essential
legislative function consists in the determination of the legislative policy
and making it a binding rule of conduct.
(4) If the legislature has performed its essential function of laying down the
policy of law, there is no constitutional bar against delegation of subsidiary
or ancilliary powers in that behalf to the executive for making the
legislation effective, useful and complete.
(6) The legislative policy can be formulated as broadly and with as little or
much detail as the Legislature thinks fit. It is not necessary that the policy
must be express, it may be implied as well. It may be gathered from history,
preamble, title, scheme, statement or objects and reasons. Guidance may
be found anywhere in the statute.
(7) Power to repeal does not make delegation valid if otherwise it is excessive,
impermissible or unwarranted.
(9) Whether the legislature has performed the essential legislative function and
laid down the policy and the delegation is permissible or not depends upon
the circumstances of the statute under consideration.
(10) Delegated legislation may take different forms. However, these principles
Page | 148
apply to all forms of delegation viz., conditional legislation, subordinate
legislation, supplementary legislation, sub-delegation etc.
349 Tata Iron and Steel Co. Ltdy. Their Workmen, AIR 1972 SC 1918, 1922.
Page | 149
2. Wade, H.W.R. & Forsyth, C.F.; Administrative Law, 9th Ed., Oxford
University Press, New Delhi, 2006.
Page | 150
10. Wade, H.W.R. & Forsyth, C.F.; (2007) Administrative Law, 9th Ed.,
Oxford University Press, NewDelhi, 2006.5. Kesari, U.P. (2005)Ad
ministrative Law , 15th Editi on Central Law Publications ,Allahabad
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Delegating law-making powers to the executive
350 (2017)4SCC498
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Question 2 what is the Henry VIII clause whether any autonomous
university have such clause in their Act or not ?
As it is well settled fact that JNVU is autonomous body and Jai Narain
vyas university act having Henry VIII clause for removal of difficulties.
Clause envisages that university may remove any difficulty that may arise in
(c) provide for all or any matters specified in clause (c), (g) and (h) of section
21 and associate with or admit any college or institution within the
municipal limits of the city of Jodhpur to the privileges of the University
under section 5;
(d)provide for all or any matters specified in section 23;
(e) maintain or approve and recognise hostels and halls;
(f) exercise the powers of the University to establish the University Fund
Page | 166
and prescribe the moneys to be credited to the said Fund and the
matters to which the said fund shall be applied and appropriated,
prepare a statement of financial estimates of the University for the
current year, direct the investment and placing of the fund in proper
custody and authorise the Special Officer or any other officer or person
to operate upon the said fund with such powers of credit and withdrawal
therefrom as may be specified.
3. All orders or directions made by the Vice-Chancellor under this Order
shall be deemed to have been validly made, and all actions taken in
pursuance of such directions or orders shall be deemed to have been
lawfully taken, notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith in the
Statutes and Ordinances finally.
Page | 167
QUESTION - 3- Whether due to shift to welfare state, there has
been increase in the administrative functions of the country. After
independence there was a lot of confusion regarding delegation of
legislative power to the executive or not ?
A lot of decisions from privy councils to Supreme Court deal with the
same. This discipline can be read into three times - pre independence, Post
independence and post constitution. In pre constitution era when Privy
Council was the highest court of appeal from India till 1949 question of
constitutionality of delegation of legislative power came before it in case of
Queen v Burah353. The act in dispute gave certain powers to Lt Governor
namely - the power to bring the act in effect, determine what laws were to be
applicable and power to extend the application of the act (Sec. 9). The act
was enacted to remove garo hills from the jurisdiction of civil and criminal
courts and extend all or any provisions of the Act in Khasi, Jaintia and Naga
Hills in Garo Hills. . The question was whether giving Lt Governor power to
extend the application of the law is delegation of power? Privy Council
(1) Was section 7 of the Delhi Laws Act, 1912, or any of the
This act delegated to the provincial Govt. the power to extend to Delhi
area with such restrictions and modification any law in force in any part of
British India. This was held valid by the majority.
This act delegated the power to the Govt to extend to the province with
such modification and restriction as it may deem fit. This was also held valid
by the court.
Page | 170
"Power to extend enactments to certain Part C States. - The Central
Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, extend to any Part C
State (other than Coorg and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands) or to any part
of such State, with such restrictions and modifications as it thinks fit, any
enactment which is in force in a part A State at the date of the notification and
provision may be made in any enactment so extended for the repeal or
amendment of any corresponding law (other than a Central Act) which is for
the time being applicable to that Part C State.
The Supreme Court took the following view and the 7 opinions
were based on the same:
Based on these views, the Supreme court gave 7 different views. There
was unity of outlook on two points: firstly, keeping the exigencies of modern
govt in view, Parliament and state legislatures have to delegate the power in
order to deal with multiple problems prevailing in India, as it is impossible to
expect them to come with complete and comprehensive legislation on all
subjects sought to be legislated on. Secondly, since the legislature derives its
power from the Constitution, excessive freedom like in the case of British
constitution cannot be granted and limitations are required.
Page | 172
Fazl Ali, J conclusions regarding the case was:
(1) The legislature must normally discharge its primary legislative function
itself and not through others.
(2) is ancillary to and necessary for the full and effective exercise of its
power of legislation.
(3) It cannot abdicate its legislative functions, and does not become a
parallel legislature.
This case was decided in 1951 and since then things have changed
drastically. It is now judicially conceded that power of delegation is
Page | 173
constituent element of legislative power; and the power resides in the
legislature.359 This is near to what the attorney general had contended that
The position is that the legislative function in its true and intrinsic
sense cannot be delegated. Therefore what can be delegated are only the non
essential functions. Only functions ancillary to the essential functions of the
legislature. According to the opinion of J Mukhreaja - if the policy laid down
in an Act is in broad terms, the formulation of the details of the policy can
generally to be passed to the executive. Mahajan J commented that
essential matters cannot be delegated by the legislature. Kania CJ opined
that legislature cannot delegate to lay down policy underlying a rule of
The questions stated in this case is already stated above. Most of the
judges answered these questions in affirmative. Only Kania C.J and
Mahajan J gave answers in negative way. They observed that only
legislature has the authority to modify and alter the law in any substantive
sense. Fazel Ali J, power to change necessary things is incidental to apply
the law. If modifications are done within the framework and does not change
the identity or structure no objection could be taken. Mukhreaja J observed
that modification does not mean change of policy but it is confined to
alterations which keeps the policy intact and introduces changes appropriate
to suit the local conditions. Bose J also was of the same opinion. In this way
majority felt that the executive authority could be authorised to modify but
Fazl Ali, Das J and Sastri JJ held all the sections to be perfectly
valid. The majority based its opinion on the maxim expression unis est
exclusion alterious, and ruled that an express provision permitting delegation
contained in article 357 would mean uncontrolled legislation was not
permitted under the constitution. Essential functions could not be delegated
under any condition. The minority based its view of the theory of legislative
omnipotence of the British Parliament, and its reflection in the Australian,
the Canadian and the Indian Constitutional systems, which include power to
delegate legislative function, subject to the condition of non-abdiction.
According to me, the variance between the views of the minority and majority
was not materially different. To say that legislature should not abdicate its
power is similar as to say that the legislature should not delegate its
essential powers.
After In Re Delhi Laws Act, the question which arose was related to the
limits of delegation and the grounds for the same.
The first case was Gwalior Rayon Silk Manufacturing Co. v
Assistant Commissioner of Sales Tax10 wherein S 8(2)(b) of Central Sales
Tax Act. 1956 authorised levying of sales tax on interstate sales @ 10% or at
the rate applicable to sale or purchase of goods in that state whichever is
higher. This was challenged as excessive delegation on the grounds that no
policy was laid down in the parent act. The Act was upheld to be valid. J
Khanna gave the Standard Test - when legislature confers powers on an
authority to make delegated legislation it must lay down policy, principle or
strandard for the guideline for the authority concerned. J Matthew gave the
Abdication Test - As long as the legislature can repeal the parent act
conferring power on the delegate, the legislature does not abdicate its
Page | 175
powers. The majority refused to accept this test.
366 I P Massey, Admisitrative law, p 103 (7th Edn., Eastern Book Company)
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