The Kano Model
The Kano Model
The Kano Model
QUALITY TOOL OF THE MONTH 1 MUST BE: These are the basic features
the customer expects. For example, brakes
that work on a new car. The presence of this
feature does not add to the satisfaction level,
because it is expected. However, the absence
of it would cause dissatisfaction.
The Kano Model is an analysis tool
2 PERFORMANCE: These features are likely which helps predict customers’
to increase a customer’s experience. For
example, the more miles per gallon a driver
satisfaction with product and
gets, the more satisfied that driver will be. service features. The basic
premise is that customers’
3 INDIFFERENT: These are the features
whose presence (or absence) does not make
satisfaction with a product’s
a real difference in a customer’s reaction to features depends on the level
the product. For example, which type of of functionality that is provided.
transmission fluid a car uses.
The original model (see left)
4 ATTRACTIVE: These are the unexpected mapped these features across
features that are likely to cause a positive four categories, which indicate
VERY SATISFIED reaction. For example, some new cars have
increased connectivity allowing them to be
how customers perceive a specific
««««« remotely started with a specified interior feature and how it relates to
temperature. The absence of such a feature customer satisfaction.
does not create dissatisfaction, because the