Justice Peralta Cases
Justice Peralta Cases
Justice Peralta Cases
165411 – 2009)
CRIMINAL LAW CASES DOCTRINE: The mere fact that the sub-agent failed to return the pieces of
jewelry upon demand is not proof of conspiracy, nor is it proof of
GEMMA JACINTO vs. PEOPLE (G.R. No. 162540 – 2009) misappropriation or conversion on the part of the agent.
DOCTRINE: Impossible Crimes can be classified into two kinds:
FACTS: Tabaniag et al received in trust from Victoria Espiritu assorted
1. The offender must be performing an act which would be an offense against jewelries under the express obligation on the part of the accused to sell the
persons or property were it not for the inherent impossibility of its accomplishment same and thereafter to remit the proceeds of the sale and/or return said
jewelries if not sold to said complainant. Tabaniag (agent) sold and entrusted
2. When the offender was performing an act, which would be an offense against the jewelries to Bisquera (sub-agent) who issued checks as payment.
persons or property on account of the employment of adequate or ineffectual Tabaniag gave the checks to Victoria but the checks bounced. Tabaniag was
means. not able to return to Victoria the jewleries and thus, Victoria filed a case
against Tabaniag for estafa through misappropriation or conversion and by
FACTS: Jacinto et. al. were charged with qualified theft for appropriating for conspiring with Bisquera.
themselves a check which was paid to cash that was issued by Baby Aquino
which was meant to be paid to Mega Foam International Inc. Jacinto et. Al. ISSUE: WON Tabaniag is guilty of estafa? NO.
were able to deposit the BDO check to their personal account. The check
however bounced and they informed Ricablanca, an employee of Mega In cases of estafa, the profit or gain must be obtained by the accused
Foam, that the check issued by Aquino bounced. personally, through his own acts, and his mere negligence in permitting
another to take advantage or benefit from the entrusted chattel cannot
Jacinto et. al. asked Ricablanca to inform Aquino to issue a new check and constitute estafa under Article 315, paragraph 1-b, of the Revised Penal Code;
that they will take the proceeds from the check and partition it among unless of course the evidence should disclose that the agent acted in
themselves. Ricablanca informed Mega Foam about the plan of Jacinto et. al. conspiracy or connivance with the one who carried out the actual
and the Company investigated. They found out that Jacinto et. al. Did not turn misappropriation, then the accused would be answerable for the acts of his
over the check. co-conspirators.
ISSUE: WON there was an impossible crime? YES. Although it cannot be denied that Tabaniag received the pieces of jewelry
from Victoria, evidence is wanting in proving that she misappropriated or
In this case, there was an impossible crime. In this case there was an
converted the amount of the pieces of jewelry for her own personal use. The
impossible crime because had the check not bounced, a crime would have mere fact that Tabaniag failed to return the pieces of jewelry, already in the
been committed. The elements of an impossible crime are also present:
hands of Bisquera, upon demand is not proof of conspiracy, nor is it proof of
misappropriation or conversion.
(1) The act would have constituted the crime of qualified theft, a crime
against property.
The inability to return the personal property entrusted for sale was solely due
(2) The accused had evil intent.
to malfeasance of a sub-agent to whom the first agent had actually entrusted
(3) Qualified theft is inherently impossible to perform in this case, since
the property in good faith. Thus, the first agent cannot be held guilty of estafa
the check was worthless. by either misappropriation or conversion. The abuse of confidence that is
(4) The resulting act was not otherwise punishable under the Revised characteristic of this offense is missing under the circumstances.
Penal Code.
PEOPLE vs. WENCESLAO NELMIDA (G.R. No. 184500 – 2012) PEOPLE vs. RICHARD DILLATAN (G.R. No. 212191 – 2019)
DOCTRINES: When various victims expire from separate shots, such acts DOCTRINES: All the felonies committed by reason of or on the occasion of the
constitute separate and distinct crimes. robbery are integrated into one and indivisible felony of robbery with
FACTS: Nelmida and Ajok were accused with the ambush of Mayor Tawan-
tawan of Salvador. Through their lookout, Samuel, Nelimida and Ajok were FACTS: Henry and Violeta Acob, along with their son Homer, were on the way
able to identify Mayor’s car which was about to pass them. When it did, they home one evening from their market stall in Isabela. While riding on their
opened fore and rained bullets thereon resulting in the deaths of 2 security motorcycle, they were tailed by Dillatan and Garcia. When the latter caught
escorts and the injury of seven others. The RTC and CA ruled the the crime up, they held the former at gunpoint and took their money. Garcia then fired
committed was the complex crime of double murder with multiple frustrated his gun at the family, hitting Violeta and Homer with one bullet, and Henry
murder and double attempted murder. with another. Homer died due to the gunshot wound, and Dillatan and Garcia
were subsequently caught and identified by Violeta. The two were charged
ISSUE: WON the crime committed was a complex crime? NO. with the special complex crime of Robbery with Homicide under Article 294
The SC ruled thet Nelmida and Ajok should be convicted not of a complex of the Revised Penal Code.
crime but of separate crimes of two (2) counts of murder and seven (7) counts ISSUE: WON the crime committed was a special complex crime? YES.
of attempted murder as the killing and wounding of the victims in this case
were not the result of a single act but of several acts of the appellants, thus, On the occasion of the robbery, aside from Homer being killed, the Spouses
making Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code inapplicable. Acob also sustained injuries by reason of the gunshots fired by Garcia. It bears
to reiterate at this point that the component crimes in a special complex
The Court already recognized the doctrines; that when various victims expire crime have no attempted or frustrated stages because the intention of the
from separate shots, such acts constitute separate and distinct crimes, offender/s is to ·commit the principal crime which is to rob but in the process
(People vs. Hon. Pineda) and each act by each gunman pulling the trigger of of committing the said crime, another crime is committed.
their respective firearms, aiming each particular moment at different persons
constitute distinct and individual acts which cannot give rise to a complex "Homicide," in the special complex crime of robbery with homicide, is
crime. (People vs. Valdez) understood in its generic sense and forms part of the essential element of
robbery, which is the use of violence or the use of force upon anything.
NOTE: Article 48 would apply if there was conspiracy, but there is none in this
case. Where a conspiracy animates several persons with a single purpose Thus, as in the present case where, aside from the killing of Homer, the
their individual acts in pursuance of that purpose are looked upon as a single Spouses Acob, on the occasion of the same robbery, also sustained injuries,
act, the act of execution, giving rise to a complex offense. The Lawas doctrine regardless of the severity, the crime committed is still robbery with homicide
is premised on the impossibility of determining who killed whom. Each as the injuries sustained by the Spouses Acob are subsumed under the
accused could not be held liable for separate crimes because of lack of clear generic term "homicide" and, thus, become part and parcel of the special
evidence showing the number of persons actually killed by each of them. complex crime of robbery with homicide.
(People vs. Lawas)
EFFECTS OF PROBATION It must be alleged and proved that the presence of the three witnesses to
1. Application of probation prevents an appeal the physical inventory and photograph of the illegal drug seized was not
2. If an appeal is filed, it is considered to be filed out of time because obtained due to reason/s such as:
the application of probation makes the judgment final. (1) attendance was impossible because the place of arrest was a remote
Upon application for probation, offender is deemed to have admitted Earnest effort to secure the attendance of the necessary
the crime, and is thus not allowed to file an appeal. witnesses must be proven.
Judgment is final when convict has (2) safety was threatened by an immediate retaliatory action of the
(1) Not appealed from the judgment accused for and in .his/her behalf;
(2) Waived the right to appeal (3) the elected official themselves were involved in the punishable acts
(3) Served his sentence and, sought to be apprehended;
(4) Applied for probation. (4) earnest efforts prove futile through no fault of the arresting officers,
Legal basis for Criminal Law: Section 4, P.D. 968 who face the threat of being charged with arbitrary detention; or
Legal basis for Remedial Law: Section 7, Rule 120 (5) time constraints and urgency of the anti-drug operations, which
often rely on tips of confidential assets
GR NO. 231989 | PEOPLE v. ROMY LIM y MIRANDA |2018 | J. Peralta
The justifications for the absence of witnesses are unacceptable as there was
FACTS: Police officers conducted a buy bust operation, and caught Lim and Gorres
no genuine and sufficient attempt to comply with the law.
in their house for possession and sale of shabu. No witnesses arrived to witness
inventory-taking. Aside from the absence of signatures of the witnesses (NO elected
In order to weed out early on from the courts' already congested docket any
public official, DOJ representatives, and media) in the Inventory Receipt, the
orchestrated or poorly built up drug-related cases, the following should
prosecution was able to prove the chain of custody of the seized items.
henceforth be enforced as a mandatory policy:
ISSUE: Whether there was proper inventory taking 1. In the sworn statements/affidavits, the apprehending officers must
state their compliance with the requirements of R.A. No. 9165.
HELD: NO. To establish a chain of custody sufficient to make evidence
2. In case of non-observance of the provision, the apprehending officers
admissible, in a criminal case, the prosecution must offer sufficient evidence must state the justification or explanation as well as the steps they
from which the trier of fact could reasonably believe that an item still is what have taken in order to preserve the integrity and evidentiary value of
the government claims it to be. the seized items.
Aside from the importance of the links in the chain of custody, it must be 3. If there is no justification or explanation, the investigating fiscal must
noted that the immediate physical inventory and photograph of the not immediately file the case before the court. Instead, he or she
confiscated items is made at the place of arrest. must refer the case for further preliminary investigation in order to
determine the (non) existence of probable cause.
However, this may be excused in instances when the safety and security of 4. If the investigating fiscal filed the case despite such absence, the
the apprehending officers and the witnesses required by law or of the items court may exercise its discretion to either refuse to issue a warrant
seized are threatened by immediate or extreme danger such as retaliatory of arrest or dismiss the case outright for lack of probable cause.
action of those who have the resources and capability to mount a counter-
assault. The present case is not one of those. WHEREFORE, accused-appellant Romy Lim y Miranda is ACQUITTED on
There is the absence of an elected public official and representatives of the reasonable doubt, and is ORDERED IMMEDIATELY RELEASED from
DOJ and the media to witness the physical inventory and photograph of the detention, unless he is being lawfully held for another cause.
seized items. In fact, their signatures do not appear in the Inventory Receipt.