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The Power of Workflow Scripts

April 5, 2019    nextcloud workflow

Nextcloud has the ability to define some conditions under which external scripts are executed. The app which makes this possible is called “Workflow Script”. I always knew that this powerful tool exists, yet I never really had a use case for it. This changed last week.


I heavily rely on text files for note taking. I organize them in folders, for example I have a “Projects” folders with sub-folders for each project I work on currently. Within this folders I store all notes, protocols, etc. Each of this project folders contain a “Next”-file which contain the next steps in the project. With a growing number of projects, it become harder and harder to keep an overview over all the separated “Next”-files. Wouldn’t it be nice to have one overview file which contain all the next steps and updates itself automatically when I change one of the individual files?


Last week I decided to sit down and write a small bash script which does exactly this:

# call: ./ -f  -o 


# Collect Next Steps from the Projects and add it to the overview file
collectNextSteps () {
    PROJECT=$(basename "$1")
    echo $'\n\n'"## $PROJECT" >> $OVERVIEW
    if [ -f "$1"/"Next" ]; then
        tail -n +3 "$1"/"Next" >> $OVERVIEW

while getopts f:o: option
case "${option}"
    f) FILE=${OPTARG};;
    o) OWNER=${OPTARG};;

# exit when no valid file was given or owner doesn't match the expected user
if [ -z "$FILE" ] || [ "$OWNER" != "$USER" ]; then
    exit 1

# we only update the overview file if the modified "Next" was really in a projects folder
if [[ $FILE == *"Notes/nextcloud/Projects/"*"/Next" ]]; then
    # Write headline of Overview file
    echo $'Overview\n========' > $OVERVIEW

    # collect all the next steps and write them to the overview file
    find "$PROJECTS" -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d | while read f; do collectNextSteps "$f"; done

    # add a footer to the overview file
    echo $'\n\n' >> $OVERVIEW
    echo "Updated: " $(date)$'\n\n' >> $OVERVIEW

    # Rescan overview file
    php /var/www/nextcloud/occ files:scan --path="$OVERVIEW_RELATIVE" &> /dev/null

And integrated it into my Nextcloud:

As you can see, I hand over two parameters: The path to the file which was just written, updated or deleted (-f) and the owner of the file (-o) The script then iterates over all folders in the “Projects” folder, check if there is a “Next”-file and writes the content to the Projects/ file. After the file was written I initiate a files scan in order to update Nextcloud’s file cache.

That’s it. From now on I just have to go to the and see directly all the next steps of all projects I’m working on.

What’s next?

At the moment I manipulate the files directly on the server. This works nicely in my case but it has some limitation, for example in case of a different primary storage it might not be possible to manipulate the files directly on the file system. I discussed the problem with the maintainer of the “Workflow Script”-App. One possible solution could be to generate a temporary app token and handing it over to the script so that files can be manipulated with regular WebDAV calls to the Nextcloud server. I will give it a try during the next days.

I also have already some more scripts in mind. For example, I have a “Archive”-folder to archive finished projects. Currently I think about a script which identifies finished projects by a tag or some keywords and moves them automatically to the archive folder.

Björn Schießle
Active in the Free Software movement for over 25 years.
Long-term volunteer at FSFE and member of the General Assembly.
Co-founder and PreSales-Lead of Nextcloud.
