How to request a Certificate of Analysis (COA) when it is not available online?
If you need a Certificate of Analysis (COA) and cannot locate it on the website, there's a straightforward process to acquire one. Here is how.
Check the website sitemap before making a request to ensure you've searched all available areas where COAs may be listed.
If your initial search is unsuccessful, the next step is to reach out for assistance. You can contact Customer Support via email, phone, or sometimes through a live chat feature.
Simply submit a request. When you contact customer support, you will need to provide the product name, batch number, and your contact information. Explicitly state you are requesting the COA for your specific item.
Remember to follow up, too. If you do not receive a response within a reasonable timeframe, don't hesitate to follow up and be sure to keep a record of your communications.
Follow these steps to get the COA you need even if it is not available online.