air.ini entries:
P-61A air.P_61A_10 1 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
P-61B air.P_61B_15 1 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
P-61A-10: short nose, no turret, no pylons, same upgraded engine as B (R-2800-65 2250hp) 2 crew, no landing light on front gear.
P-61B-15: turret, pylons, upgraded engine (R-2800-65 2250hp) 3 crew, landing light on front gear.
CREDITS for version 2:
1C maddox & Oleg: original meshes and code
101tfs: for the model & (initial) default skins
Crazyflak: FM, weapon hooks, loadout research & classfiles ... with a *big* bunch of credit to Storebror for spotting my "turret" mistake that was holding the project from release. Also reworked default skins and template (with 101tfs help)
Storebror: Spoilers & ailerons interaction code.
Notes on FM & Damage model(FM is a stand-in awaiting a more carefull one, it has however correct dimensions, engines and weigth)
Damage (java) model is from P-38 (thanks to 101tfs for using a close aircraft as starting point for the 3do folder), however as franken, don't expect absolute perfection.
Note on loadouts:the "turret as gunpod" loadouts allow you to use the turret as a gunpod. When in game, switch to gunner position, disable autofire and go back to pilot position. You're ready to use 8 guns

In RL the turret could be used by any of the 3 crew members, and could be switched to "gunpod mod" anytime, but this cannot be done in IL2 (without having to redo a LOT of central code)
Rockets were never fitted on factory, but turned into a common field mod when the lack of airborne targets lead the P-61 to be used as intruder (as I know you won't believe me, some photos are included)
Cockpit :A proper cockpit (pilot position only!) is already in the works and will be added later. For now it uses the A-20 cockpit.
YOU NEED THE P-38M INSTALLED, since we use its black droptanks (I left 1 loadout with silver droptanks for non-black paintschemes)
If you don't have nor want the P-38M, just download the droptanks classfiles and drop them inside the mod
https://www.mediafire.com/?8c888nwsl12aw6c -sorry for the inconvenienceYOU NEED Diff_FM mod installed(you don't need them if you are on DBW)

https://www.mediafire.com/?huc9ocuqdecp9nqLink updated with the version as I zipped it from my working version in DBW 1.71
( in my archive I only have the first version wich seems to be outdated by a later version,
but this I have not on my HD). This linked now should have all fixes included. Gerax.https://www.mediafire.com/?ov9fbyb9yo1n3xoYoy! Skinners! Basic WIP template is out for you to save some tedious work
-my way to say thanks to all skinnersEdit by Czk: Patch to fix taxi issue with opposite brake output: take the folder INSIDE the file and put it inside the P-61 mod, overwriting: https://www.mediafire.com/?6vf5pt5iqw7hjd7Updated! Now new loadouts for P-61A