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1.0.0 • Public • Published


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easyroutes is an easy, uncomplicated package that helps you maintain named routes and construct them with parameters, a search string and/or a hash with a straightfoward API.

It can be used in combination with any JavaScript router (e.g. React Router).

Getting started

These instructions will get you read to start defining your routes.



With NPM: npm install --save @yiotis/easyroutes

With Yarn: yarn add @yiotis/easyroutes


Instantiate a routes map

Let's imagine that we need to define routes for a module named posts, resembling the posts of a blog. We start by creating an easyroutes instance. Which we can then export, to reuse later.

const postsRoutes = new EasyRoutes({
  newPost: '/post/new',
  post: '/post/:id',

export default postRoutes;

Defining new routes

Once you have an easyroutes instance, you can then import it from any other module and add more routes to it. Simply invoke it providing an object of routes.

import postRoutes from './postRoutes';

  deletedPosts: '/deleted-posts',
  user: {
    posts: '/user/:id/posts', // use :parameter to define a parameter

This will merge the new routes into the router. Keep in mind that trying to overwrite an old route will result in an exception.

Interpolating a route

To output a route you simply need to invoke your easyroutes instance with the key to your route.

const deletedPostsRoute = postRoutes('deletedPosts'); // will output '/deleted-posts'

To interpolate a route with parameters you need to pass an object with the key as the parameter name and a value.

// will output '/user/xkai3jasivn/posts'
const userPostsRoute = postRoutes('user.posts', {
  id: 'xkai3jasivn',

If you don't define values for all parameters, easyroutes will throw an exception.

Adding a search string and/or a hash

Sometimes you might need a search string and/or a hash added to your route. In this case you can build a route passing in an object of options as follows.

// will output '/user/xkai3jasivn/posts?q=old#heading
const userPostsRoute = postRoutes('user.posts', {
  params: {
    id: 'xkai3jasivn',
  search: {
    q: 'old',
  hash: '#heading',

The search could also have been a string so the previous example could be rewritten as:

// will output '/user/xkai3jasivn/posts?q=old#heading
const userPostsRoute = postRoutes('user.posts', {
  params: {
    id: 'xkai3jasivn',
  search: '?q=old',
  hash: '#heading',


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Project is licensed under MIT. Check the License file for more.

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