About this mod
Extensive firearms changes + new realistic ammo
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Portuguese
- French
Bolmin, Bob Ross and LMS for RDOffline
Bolmin for No Auto Ammo Pickup mod
SgtJoe (for the help with the ammoboxes)
Space Timer for the firearm showcase
--> VIDEO <--
- Reorganized all the firearm gunsmith menus for smoother navigation, similar to ex: --> VIDEO <-- Switch between menus by pressing Q/E (or the controller buttons)
- Fixed some components that couldn't be purchased (Evans rifle is slightly bugged)
- Added new sight for the LeMat (it's attached to the barrel)
- Mission knife bug fixes
- Due to some mission breaking bugs related to NPC health I decided to return damage values to earlier versions
- HealthStamina mod is no longer required, you can use the vanilla version if you want. It's recommend that you use Anatomical Damages but it's no longer a hard requirement either.
- Removed some outfit honor requirements from the shops.
- Update for PDO compatibility file
- Other bug fixes
- Compatibility for my Firearm Cosmetics mod (should also fix the grip problems). You can cycle through the grip menu as such: --> VIDEO <--
- Misc fixes
- New revolvers: Colt Walker / Model100 / S&W Model 10
- New cartridges: .38 Special for the S&W model 10/ .44 conical for the Colt Walker (with new UI headstamps)
- New grip materials for revolver & pistols: Antler / Bone / Ivory (not perfect at the moment) and Burled (from RDO). New unique grips are also coming soon in a separate mod.
- New accuracy which is completely based on the power of the cartridge & weight of the firearm model. Make sure to allow your aim to recover before firing again. Use the reticle bloom for reference until you get used to it.
- Limited two handed firearms to only one slot (offhand on the left shoulder) so you can only carry one rifle/repeater/shotgun plus the bow
- Added the 44 Henry cartridge to the Schofield
- Tweaked fire rate of pistols and repeaters (ex: faster lever action for the Henry rifle)
- Tweaked the sway based on weight (heavier firearms --> more sway)
- Further tweaking of various power rates and skin penetrations rates
- Reduced overall fire rate of NPCs
- Increased the arrow damages
- Added missing cartridge UI headstamps for the Bird shot and 20ga Slug
- Animal skinning is now either perfect or poor
- Fixed birds not being killed (make sure you have the updated requirments)
- Catalog bug fixes and redid some of the available purchases in all regions
- Other bug fixes