Extended Data Fig. 4: Phase transition by rotation of magnetic fields. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 4: Phase transition by rotation of magnetic fields.

From: Topological Chern vectors in three-dimensional photonic crystals

Extended Data Fig. 4

The photonic crystal designed in Fig. 1 is considered in the simulation as a typical example. a, Magnetic field rotatable in the x-z plane. b, Phase diagram of the photonic crystal by tuning the radius difference between two coupling holes R = r2r1 and the angle between the x-axis and the magnetic field α (B = 0.45 T). Grey regions: Weyl semimetal phases hosting two WPs. c, Bulk BZ. The blue and red dots are the two ideal WPs with opposite topological charges, when α = π/6. The red and blue arrows indicate the moving directions of the WPs with the enhancement of the α. df, Band diagrams of the photonic crystal with R = −0.7 mm and α of 0, π/6, and π/2, respectively. The green rectangle in d represents a complete 3D trivial bandgap from 19.1 to 19.7 GHz. The blue dot in e denotes a WP. The red rectangle in f represents a complete 3D topological bandgap from 19.3 to 19.7 GHz.

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