Extended Data Fig. 2: Chern-number component Cz of photonic crystals. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 2: Chern-number component Cz of photonic crystals.

From: Topological Chern vectors in three-dimensional photonic crystals

Extended Data Fig. 2

ac, Chern-number component Cz calculated in the 2D BZ plane at a fixed kz along the purple dashed line in Fig. 1b. The magnetic field B = 0 T, 0.20 T, and 0.45 T, corresponds to the band diagrams in Fig. 1d, e, and f, respectively. dh, Chern-number component Cz calculated in the 2D BZ plane at a fixed kz along the purple dashed line in Fig. 3b. The magnetic field B = 0 T, 0.20 T, 0.35 T, 0.42 T, and 0.50 T, corresponds to the simulated and measured surface intensities in Fig. 3e.

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