Extended Data Fig. 8: Global simulated N2O emission anomaly due to climate effect and global annual land surface temperature anomaly during 1901–2016. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 8: Global simulated N2O emission anomaly due to climate effect and global annual land surface temperature anomaly during 1901–2016.

From: A comprehensive quantification of global nitrous oxide sources and sinks

Extended Data Fig. 8

Global N2O emission anomalies are the ensemble of six process-based land biosphere models in NMIP. The temperature data were obtained from the CRU-NCEP v8 climate dataset (https://vesg.ipsl.upmc.fr). a, The correlation between average global annual land surface temperature and simulated N2O emissions (that is, the result of SE6 experiment in NMIP16) considering annual changes in climate but keeping all other factors (that is, nitrogen fertilizer, manure, NDEP, increased CO2 and land cover change) at the level of 1860. b, The correlation between average global annual land surface temperature and simulated N2O emissions (that is, the result of SE1 experiment in NMIP16) considering annual changes in all factors during 1860–2016.

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