Neuromorphic computing is a brain-inspired approach to hardware and algorithm design that efficiently realizes artificial neural networks. Neuromorphic designers apply the principles of biointelligence discovered by neuroscientists to design efficient computational systems, often for applications with size, weight and power constraints. With this research field at a critical juncture, it is crucial to chart the course for the development of future large-scale neuromorphic systems. We describe approaches for creating scalable neuromorphic architectures and identify key features. We discuss potential applications that can benefit from scaling and the main challenges that need to be addressed. Furthermore, we examine a comprehensive ecosystem necessary to sustain growth and the new opportunities that lie ahead when scaling neuromorphic systems. Our work distils ideas from several computing sub-fields, providing guidance to researchers and practitioners of neuromorphic computing who aim to push the frontier forward.
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We thank A. Kanaev of the National Science Foundation, who has supported the large-scale neuromorphic computing workshop under NSF project #2231027. Other grants supporting the effort are NSF grant #2317706, #2332744 and DOE ASCR. We appreciate the valuable guidance on scalability from M. Davies (Intel). We also thank members of the Neuromorphic AI Lab—P. Helfer, A. Daram and V. Karia—for helpful suggestions and feedback. L. Aimone provided support in editing. We acknowledge members of the neuromorphic computing community who contributed to decades of research progress in the field. Certain commercial products, suppliers and software are identified in this paper to foster understanding. This identification does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the authors or their institutions, nor does it imply that the materials or equipment identified are necessarily the best available for the purpose.
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D.K. conceptualized the article. D.K., C.S., C.M.V., T.P., C.Me., C.B., R.B., J.B.A., G.O., C.Ma., J.H., C.Y., A.M., S.G.C., M.P., S.B., H.A.G., G.C., C.S.T., A.S., S.F. and S.K. had several rounds of discussions in conceptualization for all sections of the paper and have contributed to the draft manuscript preparation and the main manuscript text. T.P. designed the concept and prepared all of the figures, with feedback from the authors, primarily D.K., C.M.V., C.S., G.C., J.B.A., M.P., C.Ma., H.A.G. and S.G.C. D.K., C.S., C.M.V., T.P., C.Me., R.B., J.B.A., C.Ma., R.B., C.B., C.Y., M.P., H.A.G., G.C., C.S.T., A.S. and S.F. revised the paper critically for important intellectual content. All authors commented on the manuscript and reviewed the final version of the manuscript.
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Nature thanks Simon McIntosh-Smith and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.
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Supplementary materials that provide deeper insights and technical details to support key points of this Review. First, we explore a range of applications for neuromorphic systems across artificial intelligence, neuroscience and other diverse fields. Second, we include explanatory disclaimers that offer further context and specifications related to the neuromorphic chips illustrated in Fig. 1. Finally, we provide a comparative table highlighting the characteristics of emerging non-volatile memory technologies (including RRAM, FeFET, STT-MRAM) against traditional memory technologies (SRAM, DRAM, Flash).
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Kudithipudi, D., Schuman, C., Vineyard, C.M. et al. Neuromorphic computing at scale. Nature 637, 801–812 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08253-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08253-8