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InP colloidal quantum dots for visible and near-infrared photonics



Owing to their tunable band gap, high absorption coefficient, narrow emission linewidths and unrestricted composition, InP-based colloidal quantum dots (QDs) have become industrially relevant for visible and near-infrared photonic technologies. Although their development has so far been strongly driven by their suitability for green and red light-emitting diodes, the spectrum of applications for this class of materials is much broader. This Review covers the multidisciplinary field of InP-based QDs from its genesis in the mid-1990s to date, drawing on relevant knowledge from other classes of QDs and from III–V semiconductors as a whole. We discuss the optoelectronic properties of InP QDs, their fabrication, their defects and passivation strategies and the design of InP-based QD heterostructures. Finally, we outline the technological status of these QDs for various photonic applications.

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Fig. 1: Optoelectronic properties of InP.
Fig. 2: Synthesis and structure of InP quantum dots.
Fig. 3: Documented structural defects in InP quantum dots and possible repair mechanisms.
Fig. 4: InP-based core–shell quantum dots.
Fig. 5: InP-based quantum dots in light-emitting diodes.
Fig. 6: Near-infrared applications of InP quantum dots.
Fig. 7: Coherent and quantum light sources using InP quantum dots.

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The authors thank L. van der Poll (former student in their group) for the photograph shown in Fig. 2b. This publication is part of the project Quantum Dots for Advanced Lightning Applications (QUALITy) with Project No. 17188 of the Open Technology Programme, which is (partly) financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO).

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Almeida, G., Ubbink, R.F., Stam, M. et al. InP colloidal quantum dots for visible and near-infrared photonics. Nat Rev Mater 8, 742–758 (2023).

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