Extended Data Fig. 6: Recursive partitioning trees for the univariate effects of annual mean temperature (a), soil moisture (b), aridity index (c), and NDVI (d) on RMFs in grasslands. | Nature Ecology & Evolution

Extended Data Fig. 6: Recursive partitioning trees for the univariate effects of annual mean temperature (a), soil moisture (b), aridity index (c), and NDVI (d) on RMFs in grasslands.

From: The global distribution and environmental drivers of aboveground versus belowground plant biomass

Extended Data Fig. 6

These four variables were chosen on basis of the random forest variable importance metric (Fig. 3c) and, for each model, the remaining three variables were evaluated as potential split points. The number of independent observations contained in each terminal node was constrained to ≥10% of the total data (120 observations). Regression plots show slopes and 95% confidence intervals.

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