Extended Data Fig. 1: Regional changes in ecosystem productivity linked to negative GPP extreme events between the 2000–2016 and 1982–1998 study periods over the IPCC regions based on the globally largest 100 events. | Nature Climate Change

Extended Data Fig. 1: Regional changes in ecosystem productivity linked to negative GPP extreme events between the 2000–2016 and 1982–1998 study periods over the IPCC regions based on the globally largest 100 events.

From: Increasing impact of warm droughts on northern ecosystem productivity over recent decades

Extended Data Fig. 1

The cumulative GPP anomalies associated with negative GPP extremes were calculated for each study period separately, and then subtracted from one another (2000–2016 minus 1982–1998) to yield the changes in negative GPP extremes (ΔGPP (PgC)). Regions that experienced a consistent increase in ΔGPP in all three datasets are highlighted (pink regions). Associated increased ΔGPP (expressed as negative values; barplots) were derived from the median of the individual datasets (combined bar represents mean of these three medians). The presented error bars were estimated from the minimum and maximum ΔGPP of the individual datasets (error bars of the combined ΔGPP were estimated as the minimum and maximum ΔGPP of the means of the three GPP datasets). Numbers above the barplots correspond to the change in the number of events where a positive (negative) value indicates an increased (decreased) number of events presented as mean of the three datasets (the information in brackets refers to the corresponding absolute number of events in the first period).

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