Extended Data Figure 9: Functional analysis of the fitness of nucleoporin mutants using ODELAY. | Nature

Extended Data Figure 9: Functional analysis of the fitness of nucleoporin mutants using ODELAY.

From: Integrative structure and functional anatomy of a nuclear pore complex

Extended Data Figure 9

a, The fitness defect phenotype was quantified and plotted (mean Z-score; n?=?6 experiments, containing at least 200–300 individuals per point; see Methods for details) for each nucleoporin truncation or C-terminal protein-A tagged mutant in order of decreasing fitness (increasing number of units), as observed by ODELAY assay14 (Methods). Strains for which truncations in a haploid background were found to lead to lethality after tetrad dissection (Nic96 and Nup192) were assigned the maximum level of defect and plotted on top of the rest (diploid), on the basis of the fitness phenotype observed for the indicated Nic96 and Nup192 mutants in a diploid background (in which a wild-type copy of the nucleoporin is also present and expressed). Six divisions were assigned based on decreasing levels of fitness9,13; white (wild type) to dark purple (severe defect). AU, arbitrary unit; error bar?=?standard deviation. b, Mapping of the colour code described in a into the NPC components. Horizontal lines represent the amino acid residue length of each protein and truncated version; amino acid residue positions are shown on top of the lines.

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