Extended Data Figure 4: Putative glycan binding site of the HKU1 S1 NTD. | Nature

Extended Data Figure 4: Putative glycan binding site of the HKU1 S1 NTD.

From: Pre-fusion structure of a human coronavirus spike protein

Extended Data Figure 4

a, HKU1 trimeric S and b, an isolated monomer. Putative host glycan-binding and protein-receptor-binding sites are indicated. c, The bovine coronavirus (BCoV) S1 NTD structure from Peng et al.8 (teal) is superposed onto the HKU1 S NTD (pink). Residue side-chains involved in the putative glycan-binding site (dashed circle) are shown as sticks, with oxygen atoms coloured red and nitrogen atoms coloured blue. Note that N198 (BCoV) and N188 (HKU1) are predicted N-linked glycosylation sites.

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