Ecological Impacts of Coastal Protection on the Vegetation of Sandy Coasts at the German Baltic Sea Coast
<p>Cross-sectional overview of the stages of dune development and the most common terminology at the German Baltic Sea Coast. Adapted with permission from [<a href="#B8-coasts-04-00022" class="html-bibr">8</a>]. 2024, Sarah Mamerow.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>On the left side, sampling sites Ahrenshoop and Graal-Mueritz at the Baltic Sea, Germany. In Ahrenshoop, a nourishment took place in winter 2021/2022. In Graal Mueritz, wooden groynes are installed in some parts of the beach. Another part of the beach is without any coastal protection (=control site). On the right side is a cross-sectional overview of the placement of the nourished material at the coast in Ahrenshoop. Adapted with permission from [<a href="#B8-coasts-04-00022" class="html-bibr">8</a>]. 2024, Sarah Mamerow.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Nutrient concentrations (nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, and phosphate) of the sediment at the beach and dune in µmol per L. Shown are sediment samples from Ahrenshoop (AH) before, one month, three months, six months, and one year after nourishment. For comparison, the species richness of two dunes in Graal Mueritz (GM, control, and groyne sites) is pictured. Values presented by Box plots are median (middle bar), and the lower and upper hinges correspond to the first and third quartiles (the 25th and 75th percentiles) from 5 replicates. The Box plots also include whiskers (representing 5–95% of variability) and outliers (points). Different letters indicate significant differences between sampling times (Dunn’s Test, <span class="html-italic">p</span> ˂ 0.05).</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Number of higher plants and lichens, Shannon Index H, and soil coverage for each habitat (primary, secondary white, and secondary grey dune) in Ahrenshoop (AH) before, 6 months, and 18 months after the nourishment. For comparison, the species richness of two dunes in Graal-Mueritz (GM, control site, and groyne site) is pictured. Values presented by Box plots are medians (middle bar), and the lower and upper hinges correspond to the first and third quartiles (the 25th and 75th percentiles) from 5 replicates. The Box plots also include whiskers (representing 5–95% of variability) and outliers (points). Different letters indicate significant differences between sampling times (Dunn’s Test, <span class="html-italic">p</span> ˂ 0.05).</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Multidimensional scaling (MDS) of the vegetation coverage on the white and grey secondary dunes at the three experimental sites and times: the nourishment site before, 6 months after, and 18 months after nourishment, with one site protected by groynes and another one without any coastal protection (control site).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Site
2.2. Performed Samplings
3. Results
3.1. Nutrient Concentration in the Sediment
3.2. Botanical Mappings
4. Discussion
4.1. Nutrient Availability
4.2. Single Species Analysis
4.3. Vegetation Composition and Biodiversity
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Site | Station | Description | Longitude (Degrees East) | Latitude (Degrees North) |
Ahrenshoop (sand nourishment) | 1 | Beach | 12.412062 | 54.379118 |
1 | Dune | 12.412390 | 54.378995 | |
2 | Beach | 12.423305 | 54.384627 | |
2 | Dune | 12.423598 | 54.384430 | |
3 | Beach | 12.430064 | 54.387775 | |
3 | Dune | 12.430459 | 54.387484 | |
4 | Beach | 12.436747 | 54.391684 | |
4 | Dune | 12.437031 | 54.391506 | |
5 | Beach | 12.443353 | 54.397647 | |
5 | Dune | 12.443826 | 54.397472 | |
Graal Mueritz (groynes) | 1 | Beach | 12.272940 | 54.270792 |
1 | Dune | 12.273260 | 54.270476 | |
2 | Beach | 12.272162 | 54.270477 | |
2 | Dune | 12.272439 | 54.270236 | |
3 | Beach | 12.271260 | 54.270152 | |
3 | Dune | 12.271525 | 54.269905 | |
4 | Beach | 12.270729 | 54.269949 | |
4 | Dune | 12.271000 | 54.269687 | |
5 | Beach | 12.269996 | 54.269632 | |
5 | Dune | 12.270210 | 54.269451 | |
Graal Mueritz (control) | 1 | Beach | 12.286490 | 54.275244 |
1 | Dune | 12.286903 | 54.274995 | |
2 | Beach | 12.285852 | 54.274992 | |
2 | Dune | 12.286066 | 54.274792 | |
3 | Beach | 12.285117 | 54.274749 | |
3 | Dune | 12.285370 | 54.274512 | |
4 | Beach | 12.284139 | 54.274428 | |
4 | Dune | 12.284340 | 54.274221 | |
5 | Beach | 12.283473 | 54.274172 | |
5 | Dune | 12.283702 | 54.273967 |
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Date | Sediment Samplings: |
7 April 2021 | Graal Mueritz |
21 July 2021 (before the nourishment) | Ahrenshoop |
14 March 2022 (one month after the nourishment) | Ahrenshoop |
19 May 2022 (3 months after the nourishment) | Ahrenshoop |
11 August 2022 (6 months after the nourishment) | Ahrenshoop |
25 May 2022 (more than one year after the nourishment) | Ahrenshoop |
Date | Botanical Mappings: |
22 July 2021 | Graal Mueritz (incl. lichen) |
16 August 2021 (before the nourishment) | Ahrenshoop (incl. lichen) |
2 July 2021 (the year after the nourishment) | Ahrenshoop |
11 July 2023 (two years after the nourishment) | Ahrenshoop |
Frequency | Degree of Presence after Braun-Blanquet [26] | Transformed Cover Grade after Ellenberg [21]/% |
Very seldom | r (=1 ind.) | 0.1 |
+ (=2–5 ind.) | 0.2 | |
Seldom | 1 (<5% cover, but <50 ind.) | 2.5 |
2m (<5% cover, but >50 ind.) | 5 | |
Common | 2a (=5–15% cover) | 10 |
2b (=16–25% cover) | 20 | |
Frequent | 3 (=26–50% cover) | 37.5 |
Mass | 4 (=51–75% cover) | 62.5 |
5 (>75% cover) | 87.5 |
(a) | Ahrenshoop | Graal Mueritz | |||||||||||||
Before | 6 Months | 18 Months | Groynes | Control | |||||||||||
Higher Plant Species and Mosses: | P | W | G | P | W | G | P | W | G | P | W | G | P | W | G |
Acer pseudoplatanus (L.) | |||||||||||||||
Ammophila arenaria (L.) LINK | |||||||||||||||
Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) HOFFM. | |||||||||||||||
Artemisia maritima L. | |||||||||||||||
Atriplex littoralis (L.) | |||||||||||||||
Brachythecium albicans (HEDW.) SCHIMP. | |||||||||||||||
Bromus erectus HUDS. | |||||||||||||||
Bromus hordeaceus L. | |||||||||||||||
Cakile maritima SCOP. | |||||||||||||||
Carex arenaria (L.) | |||||||||||||||
Cerastium holosteoides FR. | |||||||||||||||
Ceratodon pupureus (HEDW.) BRID. | |||||||||||||||
Corynephorus canescens (L.) P.BEAUV | |||||||||||||||
Crambe maritima L. | |||||||||||||||
Dicranum scoparium HEDW. | |||||||||||||||
Elaeagnus sp. L. | |||||||||||||||
Elymus athericus (Link) KERGUÉLEN | |||||||||||||||
Eryngium maritimum L. | |||||||||||||||
Festuca pratensis HUDS. | |||||||||||||||
Galium aparine L. | |||||||||||||||
Galium mollugo L. | |||||||||||||||
Hieracium umbellatum L. | |||||||||||||||
Hippophae rhamnoides L. | |||||||||||||||
Honckenya peploides (L.) EHRH. | |||||||||||||||
Hypochaeris radicata L. | |||||||||||||||
Ilex aquifolium L. | |||||||||||||||
Jasione montana (L.) | |||||||||||||||
Juncus tenuis WILLD. | |||||||||||||||
Leymus arenarius (L.) HOCHST. | |||||||||||||||
Lathyrus japonicus subsp. maritimus (L.) P.W.BALL | |||||||||||||||
Melampyrum pratense L. | |||||||||||||||
Nardus stricta L. | |||||||||||||||
Pinus sylvestris L. | |||||||||||||||
Poa nemoralis L. | |||||||||||||||
Populus tremula L. | |||||||||||||||
Pucinellia distans (JACQ.) PARL. | |||||||||||||||
Quercus robur L. | |||||||||||||||
Rosa canina L. | |||||||||||||||
Rosa rugosa THUNB. | |||||||||||||||
Rubus sp. L. | |||||||||||||||
Salix caprea L. | |||||||||||||||
Salix repens L. | |||||||||||||||
Sedum acre L. | |||||||||||||||
Senecio vulgaris L. | |||||||||||||||
Sonchus arvensis L. | |||||||||||||||
Spergularia marina (L.) | |||||||||||||||
Taraxacum sp. F.H.WIGG | |||||||||||||||
Tripleurospermum maritimum (L.) | |||||||||||||||
Viola tricolor L. | |||||||||||||||
(b) | Ahrenshoop | Graal Mueritz | |||||||||||||
Before | 6 Months | 18 Months | Groynes | Control | |||||||||||
Lichen and Lichenicolous Fungi: | P | W | G | P | W | G | P | W | G | P | W | G | P | W | G |
Amandinea punctata (Hoffm.) COPPINS & SCHEID. | l | A | |||||||||||||
Cladonia chloropaea (Sommerf.) SPRENG. | s | ||||||||||||||
Cladonia fimbriata (L.) FR. | s | s | |||||||||||||
Cladonia furcata (Huds.) SCHRAD. | s | ||||||||||||||
Cladonia gracilis (L.) WILLD. | s | ||||||||||||||
Cladonia portentosa (Dufour) COEM. | s | ||||||||||||||
Cladonia rei SCHAER. | s | s | |||||||||||||
Cladonia scabriuscula (Delise) NYL. | s | ||||||||||||||
Cliostomum griffithii (Sm.) COPPINS | A | l | |||||||||||||
* Corticifraga fuckelii (Rehm) D.HAWKS. & R.SANT. | P | ||||||||||||||
Evermia prunastri (L.) ACH. | s | ||||||||||||||
Hypogymnia physodes (L.) NYL. | l, s | ||||||||||||||
Lecania cyrtella (Ach.) TH.FR. | l | l | A | A, l | |||||||||||
Lecanora chlarotera NYL. | l | ||||||||||||||
Lecidella elaeochroma (Ach.) M.CHOISY | A, l | l | A | ||||||||||||
Parmelia sulcata TAYLOR | l, m | ||||||||||||||
Peltigera canina (L.) WILLD. | s | ||||||||||||||
Peltigera didactyla (With.) J.R.LAUNDON | s | ||||||||||||||
Peltigera rufescens (Weiss) HUMB. | s | s | |||||||||||||
* Phoma peltigerae (P.Karst) D.HAWKSW. | P | ||||||||||||||
Physcia adscendens H.OLIVIER | l | l | A, l | l | |||||||||||
Physcia tenella (Scop.) DC. | l, R | R | R | A, l | l | A, l | l | ||||||||
Polyozosia persimilis (Th.Fr.) S.Y.KONDR, LÕKÖS & FARKAS | l | l | A, l | l | A, l | l | |||||||||
Xanthoria parietina (L.) TH.FR. | l | l | l | A, l | l | A, l | l | ||||||||
* Xanthoriicola physciae (Kalchbr.) D.HAWKSW. | X | X |
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Glueck, D.; Schiefelbein, U.; Schubert, H. Ecological Impacts of Coastal Protection on the Vegetation of Sandy Coasts at the German Baltic Sea Coast. Coasts 2024, 4, 437-453.
Glueck D, Schiefelbein U, Schubert H. Ecological Impacts of Coastal Protection on the Vegetation of Sandy Coasts at the German Baltic Sea Coast. Coasts. 2024; 4(2):437-453.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGlueck, Daniela, Ulf Schiefelbein, and Hendrik Schubert. 2024. "Ecological Impacts of Coastal Protection on the Vegetation of Sandy Coasts at the German Baltic Sea Coast" Coasts 4, no. 2: 437-453.
APA StyleGlueck, D., Schiefelbein, U., & Schubert, H. (2024). Ecological Impacts of Coastal Protection on the Vegetation of Sandy Coasts at the German Baltic Sea Coast. Coasts, 4(2), 437-453.