Fifth-Generation (5G) Communication in Urban Environments: A Comprehensive Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Channel Model for Low-Altitude Operations in Indian Cities
<p>Selected layout for city areas.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Geometry of LoS and NLoS scenario.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Geometry of wedge diffraction.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>(<b>a</b>–<b>d</b>) Normalized histogram of shadowing loss at 2.1 GHz for elevation angle 70°.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>CDF of shadowing loss for horizontal and vertical polarization at 2.1 GHz for dense urban environment.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>(<b>a</b>–<b>d</b>) mean of normal distribution for horizontal and vertical polarization at 1.8 GHz, 2.1 GHz, and 5.8 GHz for different environments for a range of elevation angles.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>(<b>a</b>–<b>d</b>) Standard deviation of normal distribution for horizontal and vertical polarization at 1.8 GHz, 2.1 GHz, and 5.8 GHz for different environments for a range of elevation angles.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Proposed model path loss for (<b>a</b>) different environments at frequency 5.8 GHz and altitude 200 m and (<b>b</b>) dense urban environments at different frequencies and polarization at altitude 200 m.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>(<b>a</b>,<b>b</b>) Proposed model path loss for dense urban environment at UAV altitude 100–500 m at frequency 5.8 GHz for vertical and horizontal polarization, respectively.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Proposed model vs other models.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- A statistical model is proposed to predict the link between the UAV (transmitter) and the end users (receivers).
- The proposed model is based on ITU-R statistical parameters for city layout and the uniform theory of diffraction to account for additional path loss.
- The additional path loss is mapped with a normal distribution, and distribution parameters are assessed.
- The model’s formulation depends on the elevation angle, and its parameters are computed for different frequencies and altitudes, considering both vertical and horizontal polarization.
- The proposed model is compared with existing models for validation.
- The impact of variation in frequency and UAV altitude on path loss is discussed.
2. Air to Ground Channel Modelling
3. Modeling of City Environment
Simulation Method
4. New Propagation Model
4.1. Modelling Line of Sight Probability
4.2. Shadowing Loss
4.3. Shadowing Path Loss
5. Proposed Channel Model
5.1. Free Space Path Loss
5.2. Antenna Loss
5.3. Excess Path Loss (Lex)
5.4. Path Loss
5.5. Proposed Model Analysis
6. Proposed Model Validation
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Environment | α | β | Γ |
Suburban | 0.1 | 750 | 8 |
Urban | 0.3 | 500 | 15 |
Dense urban | 0.5 | 300 | 20 |
High-rise urban | 0.5 | 300 | 50 |
Environment | Vertical | Horizontal | ||
Mean(dB) | Standard Deviation (dB) | Mean(dB) | Standard Deviation (dB) | |
Suburban | 16.8603 | 5.0019 | 23.9999 | 5.0019 |
Urban | 19.5104 | 5.0119 | 26.1119 | 5.0119 |
Dense Urban | 21.3564 | 5.0124 | 26.6517 | 5.0124 |
High-Rise urban | 16.5303 | 5.0136 | 21.0535 | 5.0136 |
Suburban | 100 m | 200 m | 300 m | 400 m | 500 m | |
1.8 GHz | p1 | 23.7216 | 24.0883 | 23.8048 | 23.7678 | 23.5960 |
p2 | −29.9015 | −36.7989 | −36.9605 | −31.5423 | −34.1584 | |
p3 | 22.2064 | 22.2152 | 22.2862 | 22.2410 | 21.3403 | |
2.1 GHz | p1 | 25.1339 | 25.2131 | 24.9089 | 24.6789 | 24.4703 |
p2 | −32.2446 | −32.6191 | −31.6761 | −29.4293 | −28.6999 | |
p3 | 29.2789 | 25.1215 | 23.2878 | 22.3367 | 21.3743 | |
5.8 GHz | p1 | 28.8010 | 28.9738 | 28.7539 | 28.6436 | 28.5876 |
p2 | −30.8454 | −29.2240 | −28.5110 | −27.0202 | −26.3835 | |
p3 | 20.9991 | 18.5201 | 17.2056 | 16.7119 | 16.4857 | |
Urban | ||||||
1.8 GHz | p1 | 25.4228 | 26.5718 | 26.3567 | 26.2121 | 26.0853 |
p2 | −2.9948 | −15.0461 | −21.0732 | −26.0114 | −26.2173 | |
p3 | 23.9305 | 19.5814 | 17.3439 | 16.1217 | 15.5793 | |
2.1 GHz | p1 | 25.9287 | 27.0221 | 27.0222 | 26.8835 | 26.7900 |
p2 | −3.3181 | −15.4761 | −17.9286 | −19.9051 | −23.0595 | |
p3 | 22.5635 | 18.3154 | 16.8960 | 15.9480 | 15.3296 | |
5.8 GHz | p1 | 29.6679 | 31.0097 | 31.2253 | 31.1271 | 30.9798 |
p2 | −19.9921 | −3.8644 | −12.0476 | −12.5775 | −13.5733 | |
p3 | 17.2139 | 14.6677 | 13.7547 | 13.1230 | 12.6010 | |
Dense Urban | ||||||
1.8 GHz | p1 | 25.2118 | 28.2947 | 28.7122 | 28.5990 | 28.6188 |
p2 | 10.1286 | −9.2078 | −11.0606 | −19.5715 | −19.9987 | |
p3 | 22.4716 | 19.1733 | 17.9622 | 16.4188 | 16.0471 | |
2.1 GHz | p1 | 25.4447 | 28.9292 | 29.3238 | 29.3915 | 29.3611 |
p2 | 1.5633 | −5.1620 | −14.5809 | −18.3496 | −19.6060 | |
p3 | 19.8798 | 18.6637 | 17.0602 | 16.3199 | 15.8336 | |
5.8 GHz | p1 | 29.7586 | 33.1945 | 33.5504 | 33.5410 | 33.4350 |
p2 | 36.7097 | 16.3986 | 4.3173 | 0.6839 | −4.1420 | |
p3 | 17.5222 | 16.0942 | 14.6104 | 13.8227 | 13.1878 | |
High-Rise Urban | ||||||
1.8 GHz | p1 | 20.3463 | 27.4242 | 28.4428 | 28.7052 | 28.8546 |
p2 | 17.5012 | 4.0327 | 0.3840 | −8.1527 | −7.1619 | |
p3 | 14.0465 | 14.1650 | 13.1850 | 12.2438 | 12.1136 | |
2.1 GHz | p1 | 21.0427 | 27.9894 | 29.0438 | 29.3998 | 29.4792 |
p2 | 22.0963 | 4.9665 | 2.1906 | −2.9504 | −5.6475 | |
p3 | 13.8743 | 13.5637 | 12.7458 | 12.1928 | 11.7493 | |
5.8 GHz | p1 | 24.1529 | 31.0331 | 32.2939 | 32.7668 | 32.9584 |
p2 | −14.2152 | −19.4081 | −22.4160 | −21.4092 | −22.5993 | |
p3 | 6.2512 | 7.7838 | 7.6857 | 7.7134 | 7.5998 |
Suburban | 100 m | 200 m | 300 m | 400 m | 500 m | |
1.8 GHz | p1 | 35.6745 | 38.3942 | 38.8261 | 39.2372 | 39.1544 |
p2 | −18.1666 | −23.6267 | −28.3137 | −20.8376 | −30.5913 | |
p3 | 57.6867 | 54.1762 | 51.9193 | 52.0133 | 50.4158 | |
2.1 GHz | p1 | 31.0113 | 36.4189 | 37.9059 | 38.3037 | 38.4629 |
p2 | 15.1345 | 17.0104 | 19.3257 | 14.9433 | 8.1047 | |
p3 | 32.2843 | 34.7100 | 35.0109 | 34.1919 | 33.3575 | |
5.8 GHz | p1 | 36.2385 | 39.8708 | 40.4364 | 40.7366 | 41.0820 |
p2 | −19.4166 | −6.3016 | −13.2586 | −14.0001 | −8.0419 | |
p3 | 32.9455 | 35.0245 | 33.8670 | 33.5594 | 34.004 | |
Urban | ||||||
1.8 GHz | p1 | 30.7810 | 30.9439 | 37.3921 | 37.6546 | 37.9306 |
p2 | 17.4879 | 17.4879 | 10.6488 | 1.9634 | −2.0582 | |
p3 | 34.8856 | 35.3342 | 35.9805 | 34.6766 | 34.1562 | |
2.1 GHz | p1 | 31.0113 | 36.4189 | 37.9059 | 38.3037 | 38.4629 |
p2 | 15.1345 | 17.0104 | 19.3257 | 14.9433 | 34.1919 | |
p3 | 32.2843 | 34.7100 | 35.0109 | 8.1047 | 33.3575 | |
5.8 GHz | p1 | 34.0326 | 39.2117 | 40.5478 | 41.0711 | 41.3309 |
p2 | 35.0653 | 39.9744 | 25.1888 | 26.9476 | 27.1345 | |
p3 | 24.0709 | 26.5295 | 26.0679 | 25.9490 | 25.8098 | |
Dense Urban | ||||||
1.8 GHz | p1 | 28.0617 | 35.4410 | 38.0706 | 38.9074 | 39.5604 |
p2 | 23.2720 | 20.3020 | 26.1260 | 14.1716 | 13.6524 | |
p3 | 27.9972 | 31.4166 | 33.1805 | 32.4072 | 32.5977 | |
2.1 GHz | p1 | 25.4447 | 28.9292 | 29.3238 | 29.3915 | 29.3611 |
p2 | 1.5633 | −5.1620 | −14.5809 | −18.3496 | −19.6060 | |
p3 | 19.8798 | 18.6637 | 17.0602 | 16.3199 | 15.8336 | |
5.8 GHz | p1 | 32.2079 | 39.3991 | 41.5958 | 42.5604 | 42.8968 |
p2 | 53.9679 | 55.2319 | 48.7093 | 48.0354 | 40.7040 | |
p3 | 21.2534 | 24.7038 | 25.1447 | 25.2794 | 24.7796 | |
High-Rise Urban | ||||||
1.8 GHz | p1 | 21.3318 | 32.2853 | 35.5201 | 36.7368 | 37.5098 |
p2 | 23.1789 | 29.8386 | 37.4605 | 26.3565 | 27.7044 | |
p3 | 15.8443 | 21.6186 | 23.4886 | 23.1616 | 23.4518 | |
2.1 GHz | p1 | 22.0077 | 32.7059 | 35.9666 | 37.4077 | 38.0281 |
p2 | 27.8509 | 30.2808 | 39.9798 | 36.0752 | 32.6578 | |
p3 | 15.5492 | 20.4536 | 22.5132 | 22.9589 | 22.8287 | |
5.8 GHz | p1 | 24.9204 | 34.9199 | 38.0406 | 39.4709 | 40.2425 |
p2 | −12.0049 | −2.3964 | 2.7190 | 7.4398 | 7.3907 | |
p3 | 7.05918 | 12.0028 | 13.7630 | 14.6158 | 14.9451 |
Environment | s1 | s2 |
Suburban | 0.00112 | 4.944 |
Urban | 0.00136 | 4.936 |
Dense urban | 0.00141 | 4.931 |
High-rise urban | 0.001591 | 4.927 |
Model Parameter | Value |
Frequency | 5.8 GHz |
hUAV | 200 m |
hr | 2 m |
Go | 2.15 |
θ3 | 67 |
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Patel, A.K.; Joshi, R.D. Fifth-Generation (5G) Communication in Urban Environments: A Comprehensive Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Channel Model for Low-Altitude Operations in Indian Cities. Telecom 2025, 6, 9.
Patel AK, Joshi RD. Fifth-Generation (5G) Communication in Urban Environments: A Comprehensive Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Channel Model for Low-Altitude Operations in Indian Cities. Telecom. 2025; 6(1):9.
Chicago/Turabian StylePatel, Ankita K., and Radhika D. Joshi. 2025. "Fifth-Generation (5G) Communication in Urban Environments: A Comprehensive Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Channel Model for Low-Altitude Operations in Indian Cities" Telecom 6, no. 1: 9.
APA StylePatel, A. K., & Joshi, R. D. (2025). Fifth-Generation (5G) Communication in Urban Environments: A Comprehensive Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Channel Model for Low-Altitude Operations in Indian Cities. Telecom, 6(1), 9.